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Everything posted by Guy

  1. I think that's common among artists, and nobody is exempt from feeling that way at some time or another. It's really easy to become discouraged when you see someone else producing work at a higher standard or suffer writer's block or hit some kind of creative barrier. I think the important thing to consider in those circumstances is there will always be many people better than you and that's okay. Have confidence in your ideas, abilities and PLEASE TURN MOTIVATIONAL TAPE OVER TO SIDE B. Click. ...above all don't ever allow fear of not progressing stop you from enjoying getting there. One of the nicest things to observe and experience is an artist developing the standard of their work and it rarely happens quickly. Sometimes it can be insanely motivational to take a look at the early work of someone you admire and realise they came a very long way to get where they are and so will you. Example: go to any webcomic site or a user's Deviantart and click back to their first piece. Then hit next, then next again and watch them get better over time. It's brilliant. Then maybe go back to your earlier work and compare it to your most recent? I'm not really one to give advice. I move along creatively with the pace and enthusiasm of a fat slug, but I do know if you want something badly and persevere you'll get there. With some talent it might happen faster, but if you keep moving forward you'll get there someday.
  2. Happy birthday. All I really know about you is your avatar is likely capable of beating up my avatar and that both demands and receives my respect. Have a good'un!
  3. Yeah! A friend of mine in college, Byron Cloth, he wrote to Nintendo a year before Nintendo released Ruby and Sapphire in Japan and they were so impressed by his devotion to the franchise (He had all the gym badges from Kanto tattooed onto his knuckles.) they later invited him out to Nintendo America to play test an early release of the English language version of the game. They were further impressed by Byron when he burst into tears and shook uncontrollably in a seizure of joy upon arrival. They actually named a Diamond and Pearl gym leader after him, he claims, but I reckon it's a coincidence.
  4. Flights are grounded until at LEAST 7pm today according to Sky News. Hopefully this situation can be resolved soon so the people who have things booked and homes waiting can get to where they need to be. If anyone could actually get up there to see the cloud I bet it's a sight to behold from the air though. Can't help but think the damn Smoke Monster from Lost has escaped the Island and is slowly covering the world, mechanically clinking and flashing.
  5. Guy

    Thank you.


    That's okay mate. It might just be Chrome being Chrome. It isn't a massive deal.

  6. You haven't been a Nintendo fan long, have you.
  7. I had my usual Saturday cooked breakfast this morning, sans a few items. Which items you ask? Let's have a little fun. Eggs and mushrooms are the X-Files season 8 and 9 equivalent of cooked breakfast items. The toast is the foundation - season 1, the sausage and bacon are the brilliant seasons 2 and 3 respectively, beans/tinned tomatoes are an enjoyable season 4 and beans/tinned tomatoes an additional but not the best season 5. Season 6 is the indispensable complimentary tomato or brown sauce and then finally 7 is the slightly fattening fried bread people either love or hate. The X-Files: Fight the Future is the fresh glass of fruit juice or the cup of tea. The X-Files: I Want to Believe is black pudding. Bleugh! If I think X-Files season 1-6 are great and the first movie is excellent what did I have for my breakfast? Show your working. Aside come up with the above, what else did I do today? I spent the bulk of this sunny afternoon in a garden centre where masses of people, mostly crippled elderly, were laying down their pensions on MOTHER NATURE. I just don't see why people buy plants when they can just as easily steal them... from the very same crippled elderly who buy them, probably because they themselves are too fragile to endure stealing them? Is it a cycle? I'm too dumb to work that out. Later I plan to go with some friends to visit another friend who recently surprised us all in creating, working in collaboration with a girlfriend who also functioned as an incubator, a third human being who has unsurprisingly grown from a twinkle in my friend's eye to a dent in his wallet. She is named after a character in Futurama who isn't Amy. Is it weird to be nervous about meeting a baby?
  8. Being wet already, it was fortunately easy to disguise the fact he'd just pissed himself.
  9. I think snails are seriously cute. Is that weird?
  10. I'm also finding HMV stores to be better at stocking titles than dedicated gaming stores. For example Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World didn't even come in stock at either of the GAME stores in my town, but HMV had several copies and sold out. There was actually still a copy there the other week when I checked.
  11. This is exactly my feeling. I think the artwork hinted at and demonstrated a side to the Disney world we all want to see but they'll never fully allow. It was hard not to get excited at what those illustrations implied the game would be like. Wasn't the initial hype for the game all based around those moody, dark pieces of concept art? E3 should certainly shed more light (or hopefully less if they light the screenshots more atmospherically) on the game and whether or not I'll be bothering with it.
  12. Are any NEnime fans attending any screenings at the British Film Institute Anime Weekend across 21st to 23rd May? What about Excel's London MCM Expo the weekend after? Both are taking place in tentatively sunny London. BFI Anime Weekend London MCM Expo The BFI weekend is booking now at £9.00 a pop (and less for students). They're showing films like Neon Genesis Evangelion 1 and 2, the Professor Layton movie and a bunch of others I have absolutely no knowledge about. It's a good chance to see these films as I can't imagine they'll be reaching our shores for a while yet. MCM Expo is a sweaty convention for anime, movie/tv and gaming fans. I've been a few times before and always enjoyed as both an anime/gaming fan and a fan of tragically poor cosplay. The anime section in my local has died with a recent rearrangement of the store too. They used to be a pretty good stockist compared to Zavvi which has closed down but it's like as soon as the competition vanished so did the stock.
  13. Yeah, I can give and take a dig when necessary. I only actually cut myself once after reading yours and Dazzybee's seering Gleensults last night - a new record! Glee is a great example of a fanbase exceeding a property and hearing nothing but praise for it. I spent the entirety of the first set of episodes enjoying the show but assuming it would be cancelled. I think fanbases are capable of ruining anything when they get behind it in enough numbers and support it unobjectively. Glee was ripe for this and now has a Chinese army of teens and adulteens who would probably die for it. I think a lot of purists get annoyed when a cover of a song like Don't Stop Believing obliterates the original in popularity as well. That doesn't help. I'm just really stuck on an attitude majorly against Nintendo's current position and have generated a lot of pent up dislike toward them as a company in recent years. I used to be the ultimate Nintendo fanboy and now I find myself the polar opposite. I will try and offer more constructive criticism in future as I said before, nobody really likes a negative nancy and besides... I'm likely to be in the minority here and nobody likes to stand on their own in the playground. Then again you could argue that in every aspect of life there will be people who dislike things you do and not be particularly shy about telling you that. I think debate is often more stimulating than discussion, especially on forums. Could be I don't belong in this area of the forum. Time will tell.
  14. It's out of your hands as to when you can return though as isn't this being pinned down to an act of God? Are you being put up out there and looked after? I've read stories about holidaymakers roaming the streets as they've been thrown out of their hotels as their booked time is over... yet the people who are supposed to come in can't get there for the same reason they can't leave. It's a bit of a mess. I say try and enjoy the extended wait.
  15. Guy

    Aw man, that is beyond brilliant. Thanks so much, Fresh. I owe you one.

  16. Guy

    Yeah, there seems to be a bit of a fanboy bias in the Nintendo boards. I used to be like that, utterly devoted to the dream, until I realised the other consoles are much better suited to my current gaming interests. I can't see myself being able to tolerate them too much without stirring up trouble - something I'd like to avoid being a newcomer. They've already called me on my Nintendo negativity, so best to back off a while.

  17. I enjoyed this when I played it. Fun battles paired with a pretty engaging and unique storyline. I think this would have worked great as a short anime series or movie, same with Kingdom Hearts. Soundtrack is also worth a look. Someday is amazing and the fact they produced English AND Japanese versions of the same songs is noteworthy. I actually like a lot of the English music in the game better than the Japanese.
  18. Sorry, I don't mean to come off as overly negative. I'll try and make more constructive/positive posts around the gaming boards. I think a few years of feeling dumped by Nintendo has twisted me into a bitter old man. Awww, low blow on the Glee guys. I'm sure you both like things you know are rubbish too.
  19. Back to the Future Parts l and ll are 10/10 movies, dude! Only by Part lll are ratings allowed to dip below top marks and only then to a very high 9.
  20. Meet a cute girl and immediately Google her name when you get home on the off-chance she might have made a bad boyfriend choice or needed some money a few years ago.
  21. I'd ring that Bell hard and loud into the night. Now back to family friendly discussion... I like the idea that a Pokemon EmEmOhArrPeeGee would let you ride your larger Pokemon around when you fly or surf. Who doesn't want to soar through the skies burning an occasional village on the back of a Charizard? Regarding the games this thread is actually meant to discuss, I think it's going to take more than a graphical overhaul to make people care anymore. I only picked up Heart Gold and Soul Silver for the nostalgia and I got bored of that after 50 or so hours of slow battlin'.
  22. That doesn't fly in court either. But if you're going down I say have a little fun first.
  23. If I had a choice between Bell, the end of ReZourceman's comedy and the Pokemon MMORPG... I would totally ring the Bell.
  24. Nobody who has seen the original Evil Dead would ever get into a sexual position with a living, RAPE-CAPABLE tree.
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