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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Well at least now I know it's a common problem. Wonder if any the site's resident techminds can offer any advice?
  2. Hi Retro_Link. I signed up for another matter but I've been lurking for a while. Wanted to say I'm a Teefury regular and I loved your design when it came up recently. Congratulations. I'd have bought it if A) I wasn't broke and B) Their shipping to the UK wasn't awful. I wish they had an option to ship out to the UK once a fortnight and all shirts bought could be sent at once at a reduced cost. Would make me much more inclined to buy. Ever tried submitting to Threadless?
  3. This game is the only reason I haven't sold my Wii yet. Sure hope it'll be as good as it looks. Oh and that fat, purple Luma looks brilliant.
  4. I'm a fully converted Apple fanboy, but looking at the price... These are very expensive. I don't think I'll be buying one when I can go grab a Windows OS laptop of almost identical spec for half of the price. I could buy a sweet iMac for these ridiculous prices... and prolly would. Freaking Apple Tax.
  5. Howdy, new user. Nice forum. I've signed up specifically because the above quoted issue never seems to have been addressed and I am also in the same SS. Google Chrome/OSX boat. Any clarity on this issue yet? I'd like to stay using N-Europe as a news resource and not have to switch browser if possible. (Note I couldn't quote his image because the rules stop me posting URLs until I've made 15 or more posts)
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