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Everything posted by Guy

  1. "Bucacke" 10characterlimit.
  2. Dem Dems will be getting my vote today, fuck the rest of them. When Conservatives fuck it all up at least we can tell the people who voted for them "We told you so!" with a big smug grin on our faces as we pull the beneficial rich and prosperous along in their shining gold chariots in place of horses.
  3. Guy

    Halo: Reach

    MLG stands for 'MAZING LOSER GUYS right?
  4. Guy

    Halo: Reach

    I'll do that, cheers. Should help against the bastards. I've been useless with the BR since Halo 2. Back then it was my weapon of choice, nowadays I avoid it like the plague. Regarding the plasma grenade launcher, aw yeah. We call that the "cum gun" because of it's... well... I don't have to explain it. Hearing the noise it makes nearby and seeing that unwelcome glow is unsettling to say the least.
  5. Guy

    Halo: Reach

    Let me begin by saying jetpacks are amazing, guards are annoying, scouts are amazing in certain situations and the hunter can go fuck himself in his invisible ass. Sword Base is a fantastic map and the other one (The name eludes me.) is alright too, some modes just destroy my smile on it. Especially the one where you have to collect the neutral flags and bring them back to your base. The game is really growing on me despite my best efforts to not suck at it. I was initially very annoyed at the changes like the 1mm range beatdown, combined with the awkwardness of the shield. They've further gimped the Battle Rifle too. Is it a running joke at Bungie to make it worse with every release? Grenades are suped up now too, jesus. It used to be a well placed grenade and shoot... now it's just a grenade remotely close to the opponent and boom. In all honesty I was pretty much bitching constantly about the imbalances at first, but as I grow used to them it isn't such a big deal. I guess it just needed a few days of adjustment. I'm curious to see what the other maps and playlists will bring but I gotta admit I'm day one with this thing at the moment. My numero uno complaint is the Pistol is way too strong. Needs to be less accurate from right across the map or a non-spawn weapon. Way too deadly for someone like me with the "wobbly aim". This is once again just me bitching because I suck. Agreed with Dan Dare up above. This pisses all over Modern Warfare 2. If any of you have yet to play it check out Headhunters in Free-For-All. It's fantastic fun. Easily my favourite game mode after 1 flag CTF on Sword Base.
  6. My day so far has been boring. Nobody knows what to do today, so we decided to do nothing. Nothing but Halo Reach, Wario Ware D.I.Y and anime for Scoop this weekend. Potential for stuff to happen tomorrow, but it's all hinging on the weather. Despite having no real reason to, I feel pretty down today. Bleh. Could be worse though. I passed a preacher in town. I could be him.
  7. What would Stinson do?
  8. Guy

    Halo: Reach

    I got one from a friend on NeoGaf who was able to cheat them out of a Microsoft online service or something. I hear they're willing to trade codes for stuff on there like Pokemon. I'm feeling kind so I'll post the method, but I doubt it works anymore. Halo Reach BETA KEY Trick I love the Guards most at the moment, although the Jetpack is immensely fun. I think I'll eventually start using the jetpack ones more as flying is cooler than punching the ground and shielding. Of the new maps the vertical one is the least fun, the outdoor being the most. Playing as Elites has so far been annoying as hell, all they do is roll like morons.
  9. Guy

    Halo: Reach

    Yeah, I spent a few hours playing this last night and it's fairly hard to say anything other than Reach is a lot of fun. I can see my weekend being split fairly evenly between this and Wario Ware DIY if I get it today. Feels very different to Halo though. It's an entirely new experience. Sadly all the elite kids are on there early at the moment and keep whupping my ass.
  10. Guy

    5.0.342.9 beta from the looks of things. Hope this helps.

  11. Wow, didn't realise people here were so sensitive to what other people thought.
  12. Never seen a post from you in my time here but if Ashley deems you worthy of a birthday thread I will join him in his well-wishing. Happy birthday.
  13. This is so overblown it's unreal. I like how the news is reporting on the incident and glazing over what the woman and Gordo were speaking about. Maybe she was a bigot.
  14. If you previously fashioned a Beloved Things Katamari out of fear of fire and being faced with this decision I guess it counts. If you have constructed such a beast I certainly want to see a picture of it.
  15. So here's the scene... YOUR FUCKING ROOM IS ON FUCKING FIRE. THERE'S NO FUCKING TIME TO FUCKING WASTE. YOU CAN ONLY GRAB ONE FUCKING THING YOU FUCKING OWN. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU FUCKING GRAB? FUCKING FUCKING FUCK. I have a Thomas the Tank Engine plaster of paris figurine I made and painted with my dad when I was a little kid. You know 'em - red rubber moulds that you'd pour the mixture in and would inevitably break at fragile points upon extraction the next morning after what seemed like forever in wait. This figure is basically a chipped up chunk of white painted a dying blue with wobbly lines of red and yellow detailing in all the wrong places. The face is a blob of grey, dark black sorrowful eyes witness to every event in my room for as long as it has kept watch up on the top shelf. To look at this piece is actually quite haunting, but I'd be saving it before I attempted to grab anything else. And as for you lot?
  16. I almost always eat crisps with a sandwich, cramming them into my mouth with every mouthful of bread and filling. It's essentially the same process, but looks about 30% more primitive.
  17. Amazing, lmao. A friend of mine worked in CEX and used to steal so much from the warehouse. Their security was apparently dire. Not condoning stealing, but they are pirates themselves so I guess it's okay. Today consisted of me waking up early to take a trek into town to buy the new Evangelion film on Blu Ray which looks lovely. I actually took a three hour nap earlier which was nice, but now I feel like crap. One of my favourite dinners later, can't wait. Oh yeah, new FMA today too. Always a nice bonus.
  18. I'd love to buy a print of that Donkey Kong one to hang on my wall. Please make it happen.
  19. Finally watched Kick-Ass. It was highly entertaining/10.
  20. Why am I posting in here when I have only been awake for a few minutes and therefore have no day yet to report on?
  21. These are all great. I actually put off deciding last night because I was so amused by everything you guys were coming up with, but I gotta go with this one. Also, haven't you guys seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lately? That's Raphael in the bathtub! He's clearly trying to down himself out of sorrow for being confused with his retarded orange brother. Anyway, thanks for all the entries. This was very tough. Fused King, you're up.
  22. Ahhh, Tazos. A Tazo was in every Grab Bag of Walkers and sometimes in regular packets and Doritos. I seemed to have the most luck with Doritos as a kid in finding them and all sorts of myths about SURE FIRE WAYS TO GET ONE IN YOUR PACK circulated. They also put three Tazos in a Walkers variety multipack which led to lots of opened outer packaging at supermarkets and my Mother being placed under strict orders to "Check it hasn't been opened and they're in there!" before buying. No idea what the crisps you're thinking of are, Jayseven. Bet I loved them when I was younger though. Any more description on 'em? Anyone remember Spaghetti Sauce flavoured Monster Munch? I miss those terribly. Same with the original old Walkers MAX that came in the large yellow and red bag. Why do they take away my beloved snacks?
  23. This is tempting me. Is it okay that it's tempting me?
  24. Planning to finally go check out Kick-Ass later and fall in line with everyone else praising the hell out of it. I also ate a sausage sandwich which was pretty damn great. So hyped for the Evangelion 1.11 Blu Ray hitting shops tomorrow. Hope my local HMV has copies of their exclusive instore otherwise it's questin' time into London for a looksie around up there. My local town has been gutted of DVD/entertainment stores after Woolies and Zavvi closed down. Might pick up Avatar too if I can find a decent price instore. Have DVD versions of films replaced digital copies in Blu Rays? It's about time they did.
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