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Everything posted by Guy

  1. I don't get the Star Wars prequel hate. If you saw the prequels as a kid like you saw the originals you'd all be wanking over those too. They're not even that bad, at least the later two. Fun is the word that comes to mind.
  2. Should be seeing this tomorrow evening if fate doesn't fuck me over. I have my train booked, my free ticket to the early screening printed... all I'm waiting for now is something to go terribly wrong.
  3. Man, this thread has resulted in win regardless of the interpretation. In the words of Shinji Ikari at the end of Neon Genesis Evangelion TV; thank you, all.
  4. Guy


    I have the messiest, worst hair ever. This is common fact. I quit wrestling with style years ago and now submit on a daily basis to THE CRAZY WAVES. Any product used just evokes revolt and frizzing. A disastrous outcome for all to see.
  5. Better than I expected it to be. Loads of neat kills and funny moments. Definitely recommend seeing it in the cinema with friends for maximum enjoyment. That said it's still nothing remarkable. I'd gladly watch these characters in a sequel, so I guess we can consider this movie a mission accomplished with me.
  6. Ask me this in a few years. A great few years.
  7. My family are all outside gazing up at the sky oohing and aahing. All I need to do is lock the back door and squatters rights will be mine... in a few years. Actually, I've never seen a shooting star before. I'll go risk pneumonia and check it out. Cheers for the heads up! None of you had better come squat in my house when I'm out there.
  8. I always admire people who wear fancy underwear. I personally wear the cheapest, most awful stuff you can imagine. Primark's finest is the best my tackle can aspire to brush against. I like to wear fairly simple, plain trainers too. Cheaper the better. Sports Direct throw some great bargains my way. Anything durable works. Usually the combination of a colour and white. Something skatery without people expecting me to punctuate my sentences with dude and bro. I'd honestly wear the same outfit every day if people promised not to call me a jippo in a cockney accent. Cartoon characters have got it right. Ten different sets of the same clothes just waiting to be repeatedly worn.
  9. Let me contribute something: Epic in EVERY sense of the word. Shame it controls like crap.
  10. Does anyone in here ever like... dream they're Sully and off on some womanizing, treasure hunting old man adventure?
  11. HMMVVVVVVVVVVV's online service is pretty good. Decent deals compared to their highstreet financial rape shacks. I've never had a problem with their prices or deliveries. I may just be biased because they put the Gremlins Collection on sale every Christmas for £3.00, however.
  12. I'll inherit his beautiful admiration and do with it what must be done. You guys can count on me. -Loads shotgun.-
  13. If I was slightly more trendy looking I'd wear cans. Unfortunately I am about as trendy as the Beano and therefore doomed to listen to my music through earbuds. I'm a music coward anyway. I turn my nonsense shit down when anyone comes close by. Cans would mean I'd have to listen to my Japanese anime wailing and beautiful Celine Dion recordings at inaudible volume levels. With buds the shame is at least somewhat obscured.
  14. I spoke to a guy called Mr. Rimmer on the phone today. I was afraid learning his first name would shatter a beautiful delusion so I didn't ask. Unfortunately he gave it to me and it was neither Arnold nor Ace. (He was actually a lovely person)
  15. Haha. You know commando is the way to commandgo. I'm not entirely sure what was just implied in this thread...
  16. I tried to book tickets to this earlier and the site made me list 10 of my manly accomplishments from the past day in order to successfully process the booking. I lied comprehensively. I just hope they don't ask me to wrestle another grizzly bear as proof. --- Seriously now, I think everyone should see this. It doesn't matter how bad it is, what matters is it exists and we acknowledge this ensemble accomplishment. As John Rambo once said of those that oppose him: Fuck 'em.
  17. Unbranded shirt, unbranded jeans, nerdy t-shirt. Sorted.
  18. Game is up. £7.99. Go! Go! Go!
  19. I work in the same office space as Playstation Network support. I asked them what was happening with this and they informed me that new releases in the UK usually go live about 3pm Wednesdays. That would explain the painful delay.
  20. If this is up when I get home tonight, it is so getting downloaded.
  21. I like referring to myself in third person. Actually, Scoop will do that more from now on.
  22. I'm really enjoying the Tales of Symphonia OVA episodes. Different enough to the games to seem fresh while remaining faithful. What I'm not digging are these insane waits between episodes. The quality justifies the wait, however. Lovely animation and music.
  23. The original movie ends terribly. Such a poor resolution to what I felt was an excellent series. Brotherhood is just as good, however, if not better. It was a much more complete storyline. Shame really, Shamballa had a pretty excellent premise with the alternative world and the Nazis and stuff. I just can't forgive Edward for dicking Winry over so badly in it. What a douche! Also the CGI armour suits was laughable.
  24. Simpsons Arcade Game defeats all. I love that game way too much.
  25. They're never gonna let this franchise rest. Not that I'm complaining.
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