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Everything posted by Guy

  1. 7 is the Raggy Dolls, I'm sure of it. But my guess may be made as imperfectly as they were.
  2. I'll give you a hint to keep this moving: He'd have been your very, very bestest friend. A monster of a friend, perhaps.
  3. Rubicon Mango is God fluid.
  4. You can come dream with me any night, Dog-amoto.
  5. I'm giving you both a point because that was one of the harder ones imo. Nice job. Just lemme edit the post to reflect who got what and the points.
  6. Fuck yes, you guys are awesome. Loads of correct answers! So who gets number eight?
  7. I hope these aren't too hard. As a clue all of these are taken from the openings to their respective shows. ROUND TWO! FIGHT! 1. Platty shoots and he scores, recognising this thumbnail from the Thundercats opening just before Panthro does his very fabulous kick. 2. Goafer knows that Amy was the smartest girl at school, and he deserves a point for that. Galaxy High! Galaxy High! Galaxy High! 3. Happenstance knows the logo Skeeter Valentine wears on his shirt. Doug is correct. Have a point. HONK HONK. 4. 5. Dog-amoto clearly had a supremely macho childhood like me for being able to identify that thumbnail from the most manly cartoon ever aired, The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin. 6. Goafer scores his second, correctly identifying the weird alien who snatches Scrooge's money in the Duck Tales opening. 7. MCJ Metroid leaps in and correctly recognises Acme Looniversity from Tiny Toon Adventures. Very nice! 8. Both Platty and Goafer each receive a point for recognising this awful quality shot of the thrown away Super Ted before the Spotty Man brings him to life! 9. Goafer's on fire! Point after point! I'm beginning to suspect this man of founding RetroJunk.com. Duckula is the correct answer! 10. MoogleViper knows his Cartoon Network shows. Dexter's Lab is correct! Help yourself to some omlette du fromage. SCORES Goafer - 4 Platty - 2 MCJ Metroid - 1 MoogleViper - 1 Happenstance - 1 Dog-amoto - 1
  8. Guy


    My friend used to collect the annuals religiously. One of the reasons I liked staying around his house as a kid was so I could read them. Also he had every Goosebumps book.
  9. I really want to go somewhere, it's just all my amigos are reluctant to do much. Maybe gonna aim for something around Halloween. Short break someplace spooky, perhaps.
  10. I might go along to this. I'm honestly interested. NEone else definitely going?
  11. My actual webcomic is dead at the moment, pending revival. At the moment I churn out the most terrible content as an intentionally awful blog comic on http://www.guyhodge.com - it's mostly because my real life friends get a kick out of it. As you are also now a real life friend, you may too!

  12. ... well, for a swan-song post I could do a lot worse than the following, I guess. The New Batch is alright if you want to watch a decent sequel that degenerates halfway into a live action cartoon. Animatronics technology had gone crazy by then and it really shows, Gizmo is especially cuter and the range of ideas shoehorned in both stuns and entertains. The original is one of the greatest movies ever made, however. It has so much heart, something Gremlins 2 has none of. I like how they mistakenly use the Rick Baker Gizmo design on all the cover art of the latest releases of the original DVD and the delicious Blu Ray. Oh wait, I hate that. I hate that so much. Particularly when our sausage-y friends across The Channel landed a near perfect replica of the original poster sans the ruinous Stripe burst out. What you WANT isn't always what you get:
  13. Guy


    The Internet is a brilliant resource for creative types. Comics especially. I want to be a self employed comic artist pretty much running shop for myself. That's the dream, and it's a long as hell way off... but it isn't impossible. I figure the best way to approach that is through the web. There are other things I've tinkered with doing over time, but it ultimately ends with me going back to the comic route. In all honesty, I couldn't really aspire toward anything more financially precarious.
  14. My goto high heels joke already got made in here. I tried thinking of another joke but I've got nothing so I guess I'll just post as intended without the flotsam. I'm 6ft or so, I guess. Maybe just under.
  15. What's wrong with Transfo- oh yeah.
  16. I'm fine with whatever. This way at least I get to see loads of different movies I wouldn't usually watch. I think I'll check out Primer tomorrow, since I need to go to sleep soon. Await impressions!
  17. I'd love to post some. Would it be okay for me to do it tomorrow evening after work? I have to get to bed soon or my Mother's nightly offer to read me a bedtime story will expire. If you guys want to keep the ball rolling, someone else is welcome to do it and I'll jump in with a round at a later date.
  18. Seconded! Week three maybe? Or are you gonna choose Daft? It is your thread.
  19. I'm inclined to remind, and rhyme at the same time, that here's nothing on any ground in the world dirtier than the contents of any kebab
  20. I need to rewatch The Fountain again anyway, so this works for me.
  21. You needed a few nudges and winks in there.
  22. I'm totally down with this. Awesome idea, Daft.
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