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Everything posted by Guy

  1. I rack my brain for hours sometimes and the goods don't come. Are you guys creative geniuses or do you hijack ideas from other forums?
  2. I'm the worst. I just let it build up forever and stuff. I just wanted to see how you guys fared with this particular task.
  3. Thanks are great how they are. Give people more and it'll make getting one less special. It's like how there are Krispy Kremes everywhere now. Boring. --- On-topic: That sounds irritating dude, hope that sorts itself out quickly.
  4. Nice! Keep the wisdom coming, dude. I feel like Luke training with an extremely cool Yoda.
  5. Night clubs are okay, not really my scene but I find entertainment in them whenever I'm dragged along to one. Good eye candy, horrible skinting prices and the most awful Facebook photos the morning after are usually what I get out of the ordeal. I hate not being able to chat to people when I go out. It drives me insane. That's really my only gripe with clubbing. Other than that we're golden. End of the rainbow golden.
  6. You have to go Cool Runnings on that shit. Rise above it. Also I'm not gay. If I was gay life would probably be easier. I have often mused about this.
  7. Kit Kat Chunky Caramel. It's like a massive Trio.
  8. T-this honestly never occurred to me. Of course! It's all so clear now. Thank you, Tyson. You've saved me. Do you have any other great advice? I think you could be the one to make it all okay.
  9. I'm happy to take one for the team for the sake of conversation. Like most of my posts here it was pretty much a joke, marred by slight bitter, painful truth. As for the Glee avatar and signature, I do like Glee, but it's there for an entirely different reason.
  10. Wait, who made this thread? This was a post in a thread, not a thread. Way to make me look like a pathetic loser, guys. Seriously, just top notch work.
  11. Dude, that is fucking badass. I had a go at painting some Warhammer again recently. Damn hobby is a money black hole, but the display pieces that result are stunning. Seeing this makes me want to get back into painting again, augh. Curse you. Curse you and all the Halflings.
  12. Guy


    I have a friend who worships UFC, so I'm often invited around to watch events. I don't really know a lot about the sport or fighters, but I do enjoy watching a good brawl and UFC has those in spades. Excellently sporadic blink and you'll miss the blood fun. I can't offer you discussion, but I can offer you support in your fandom.
  13. Since we're bitching, I'll bitch about my complete ineptitude when it comes to meeting and wooing girls. It might be my double eyebrows or my cauliflower tongue, I can't pinpoint it exactly. I think it's mostly due to utterly lacking confidence in myself masked by terrible humour. Whine, whine, whine. Okay, I'm done feeling down. Now I feel awesome again.
  14. This is a best thread contender. Definitely. Many LOLs have been had by myself browsing through it. A few LOLs and a couple of crafty bloke strokes.
  15. Breaking Bad and Sopranos for me.
  16. Guy


    Come on now guys, no need to let this escalate into a FUCKING AWESOME FORUM BATTLE. GO! GO! GO! GO! OOOOHHHH! OOOOOHHH! Quick, battle hard before a teacher (admin) comes along.
  17. Your treachery will not be soon forgotten. You just opened Pandora's Box.
  18. I'm not sure if I posted in here before with pretty much exactly what I'm about to say, I'm too lazy to check. I'm not even sure if this contradicts what I may have previously said but here goes... I don't bother so much with limited editions anymore because the slightest inclusion of a figure is likely to send me back down the social destroypath of action figure collecting again. I'm desperately fighting off the urge to begin anew. The slightest tip of the scales will end my fantastic progress and fill my room (again) with dusty pieces of plastic.
  19. The first like, twenty seconds of the call were just me going WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA down the line as some old woman tried to tell me her Blu-ray player was on fire.
  20. Thank you for alerting me to this. I love Maddox. He is just better than I am.
  21. What follows are two of the greatest videogame remixes ever. Prepare yourselves. Go on, treat your ears.
  22. Today at work I was like, sitting there waiting for a call to come and then a call came. It was a big coincidence, what with me working in a call centre and all.
  23. Guy


    Ginger hair prejudice is a big joke, right? I wasn't aware anyone was ever serious when they ragged on a rusty.
  24. It's... it's so serene.
  25. O'Malley is doing another signing at Gosh! in London tomorrow evening. Rinky dinky.
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