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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. This tweet is a month old, but I've only just seen it so thought I'd post...
  2. Sorry to clarify, the screen in one, the joy con in the other
  3. Games seem to sell on Switch, people just keep buying for this thing! Amazing achievement getting one of the best looking FPSs of this gen working on something that fits in your pocket.
  4. Looks like they've prioritised a (mostly) locked 30fps, geometry and most effects work ... over resolution and texture detail.
  5. Ronnie


    Todd Howard puts more heat on Sony... https://www.gameinformer.com/2018/06/29/bethesdas-todd-howard-suggests-sony-preventing-fallout-76-crossplay
  6. 30 hours to get into it!! How long is this game?? I don't mind no objective markers, those have just become so common and boring in modern gaming so it's nice to see an old fashioned Metroidvania without them. That said I do agree benches are too far apart and the backtracking is seriously tedious at times. Some bosses too are rage inducing.
  7. This game really is quite special. Surprised not to see this thread more active. Art style, animation, music, combat, platforming, exploration, upgrades, level design, polish even things like lore and pacing, all absolutely top notch.
  8. Still don't see what he did wrong there. I find that original tweet so typical of the hypersensitive outrage culture that sadly exists these days. I thought Reggie's response was well thought out.
  9. Compared to his usual answers, it's far from vague. He actually answered the question and said something is being worked on "at the highest levels of the company". Normally he just uses his stock "I have no answer for you right now".
  10. I've read his comments a couple of times and I still can't see where he has "failed the community" by repeating multiple times how important accessibility is. Does anyone really expect Mr PR speak to say "yes we're going to release a controller like that too"?
  11. Yeah I think it's time Camelot were put to work on something else, it must be pretty exhausting working on the same type of game over and over, especially after Ultra Smash was their last game. Look at the love Ubisoft Milan put into Mario Rabbids, they could make an incredible sports game.
  12. Most of the time it's fine, my issue was I was dying at the boss of the second main area over and over, and each time I'd go all the way back to her, fight my ghost then have to leave that area to fight other baddies to get to 100%, then go back to the boss. Rinse and repeat 5 or 6 times. But yeah normally it's not so bad.
  13. Please, please, please tell me you unlock a charm that has you keep your soul meter capacity at maximum after dying. Right now it's incredibly tedious having to go back, fight your ghost, then leave that area to hunt for more small baddies to refill your soul mater to 100%
  14. There are tons of better games on the eShop than Owlboy, it really isn't anything special at all. Celeste is a much better purchase, for one
  15. Definitely has for a while now, they brought it in a year or two after release. But yeah not a fan of the UI either, even with folders, just so bloated and busy
  16. Hasn't Hasn't PS4 had folders for a couple of years now?
  17. Question regarding the first area. Edit: never mind, made it to the next area
  18. Started this last night. What a gloriously beautiful game. Got a bit frustrated getting lost but the map and compass help. Currently in the first real section, beaten two bosses (I believe). How often do people go up to the surface to spend their geo? I feel like hoarding probably isn't a great idea in this game. There seems to be a bit of an input lag which is annoying me, but otherwise what a lovely looking game.
  19. Finished this last night. Fantastic overall, once the story finally got interesting about half way through I started to enjoy it a lot more, especially as I was getting better at combat by then. Combat and narrative obviously the game's strong points and both were expertly put together. Conversely, no puzzle solving (apart from the laughably simple and repetitive circular ones), repetitive side quest structure, invisible walls, tedious climbing, and dodgy physics (BOTW has spoiled me in this regard) knock it down a peg. I also still found the openworld itself boring to explore and not much of it stands out. It was just a means to get to the next quest marker/machine encounter really. Cauldrons were ok but just just more of the same really, just in a linear path. Still, very much loved it. Looking forward to Horizon 2 on PS5!
  20. Yeah digital sales are never counted for Nintendo's games in any sales chart
  21. 1. Zelda The Wind Waker - Beautiful, timeless art style, bursting with charm 2. Zelda Breath of the Wild - Made me feel like a child again, incredible sense of exploration and adventure 3. Super Mario 3D World - Love obstacle course style Mario games, fantastic platforming 4. Darkest Dungeon - Dark, maddening, brutal and absolutely brilliant 5. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - My first ever AC game, I missed about two days in 12 months 6. Shovel Knight - Took the best parts of classic NES games and put it's own spin on it. Just brilliant 7. Pilotwings (SNES) - I play this at least once a year. Love Mode 7 graphics, especially in this 8. Mass Effect 3 - Epic 9. Super Mario World - Even though I had an NES, this game blew my mind as a kid. Still fun today 10. Tearaway Unfolded - Full of charm, loved the visuals Honourable mentions: Inside, Super Mario Galaxy, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Mega Man 3, Zelda: Majora's Mask, God of War (PS4), Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Bubble Bobble (NES)
  22. Nice little interview from Eurogamer with 'don't cry Ubisoft man' Davide Soliano https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-06-19-what-ubisoft-crying-man-did-next Seems to suggest towards the end that his team are going to make a sequel. No surprise really but very welcome news.
  23. This is such a cool idea... https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/6/21/17489520/nintendo-switch-flip-grip-accessory-vertical-arcade-games Here's the Kickstarter:
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