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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Don't think there's much info left tbh, realistically just the remaining 10 NES games at launch. Probably a Direct in September but can't imagine they'll spend much time on the online service.
  2. Comes down to different tastes. I haven't played any PS+ games in over a year but am way more likely to play NES/SNES games (with online multiplayer added I might add). Maybe if Nintendo charged £50 like Playstation does instead of £18 they might give us more modern games, but they obviously prefer a cheaper, more basic approach. I guess we'll have to see what the service will be like before judging. I hope the delay in launching means that it'll be more robust than in the past.
  3. The competition charge two to three times more, £40 and £50 a year. Nintendo are charging £18. Fail to see why Nintendo shouldn't charge for it.
  4. That's exactly what happened it seems from reports. They were working on two games, one that got into a lot of development trouble and might be cancelled, and the other is the Starfox Grand Prix game that could get revealed any day now.
  5. Give this man a medal. I loved Odyssey but had a much better time with 3D World. Give me obstacle course Mario any day.
  6. Yeah I always assumed he just wasn't very good at writing reviews.
  7. I hadn't bought Bomb Chicken yet so picked it up, thanks for the heads up @RedShell Give Darkest Dungeon a go at some point though. It's in my top 5 favourite games ever. I may have sung its praises once or twice.
  8. I almost want to get it just for that lovely box
  9. Did Colin talk about the Filip thing or is this from a previous podcast he did? Personally I'm a fan of Colin so when he talks I tend to listen, that said I think he gets a lot of things wrong and doesn't know nearly as much as he thinks he knows. #Colinwaswrong Can't agree that IGN have some of the worst reviews out there though, I think they do a good job on the whole, and tend to give a game to someone who has experience in that genre. They strike a good balance of diving into the game but not going too far dissecting every little system in it.
  10. Yeah I loved Child of Light when I played it on Vita. I wish a couple more RPGs out there were of a similar (shorter) length. Not played Valiant Hearts yet but I've been meaning to. Nice to see more Ubisoft support.
  11. Wow. That was quite something. The amount of content in this game is unbelievable, but more importantly, the amount of love that's being put into it... incredible. It really is a celebration of video games. I was hoping Shovel Knight would be a character, so seeing him as an assist trophy is a shame, but how can you complain about anything after a Direct like that! Looking forward to seeing the secret mode when we get closer to release, really hoping for a story mode and not that board game thing on Wii U.
  12. The gaming community at its finest. Pathetic. I know they're probably kids and the COD hardcore but the point stands I think. The community has a habit of not only going OTT, but also holding that OTT grudge for a long time. It's so tedious and immature.
  13. You're right. Hopefully now that he's made his point, he'll stop pushing it over and over for clicks and column inches.
  14. That weasel Schreier keen to keep the witch hunt going it seems...
  15. Hopefully the witch hunt against him won't run and run. He made a big mistake, he's paid for it with his job, and reputation. That tweet is from four years ago, so let's not ridicule and drag him through the mud even more than he already has been.
  16. Yeah I'm sure you're right but it's still not a great look.
  17. I wish I hadn't read the replies to that tweet. Full of embarrassing comments that sum up the immaturity of the gaming community as a whole.
  18. I hope he ended up marrying that Stellar Cartographer from a later episode. Loved her/that ep.
  19. Thinking about this some more I can't quite believe how stupid Filip's actions were. Did he honestly think he would get away with it in 2018? In an age where the gamer community is looking to point fingers at everything and anyone! So dumb, but frankly maybe not that surprising after all for anyone who's seen him struggle to talk intelligently on NVC.
  20. Peer ran the show for a little while in the interim (which meant it was great, I'm always sad when he isn't on NVC on any given week) but they still needed a "Nintendo guy" to push all their content through. McCaffrey is Xbox (and does an excellent job) and... I was going to say Allanah/Marty were Playstation but they've left now so I'm not sure who runs their coverage now.
  21. To be fair to him he's admitted on a couple of occasions that he didn't own a Wii U, but you're right. I don't like to discuss sackings or whatever, but if he does go, I'm sure IGN can find someone better. Someone who can actually add to the conversation. Even non-Nintendo stuff he doesn't really add anything. Also this might be a stretch but I've always wondered whether Peer has truly been happy with him since he joined, he tends to look quite glum on NVC since Jose left. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
  22. It's one man, and it'll be dealt with I'm sure. ResetEra is of course tarring the entire site with the same brush, but that's unfair.
  23. Wow I hadn't heard about that until now Filip was growing on me as well, as a host at least. That said, I can't say I'm surprised, he's still an empty chair on NVC offering very little intelligent thought of his own so in that regard I can't say I'm surprised he's plagiarised another review. Not a good look for IGN who usually do a great job reviews wise.
  24. I'd say they're legitimate gripes. Nintendo has hundreds of characters to choose from so people, myself included, rightfully get annoyed when we get yet another FE character, regardless of their moveset. Sakurai has admitted he loves Fire Emblem and that's probably the reason for so many character.
  25. I know the community loves hearing about every little detail in the game but sometimes I wish Nintendo would keep some surprises to themselves. I felt like I'd played Smash 4 by the time it came out after all the demos/Directs/character trailers. But yeah, broadly speaking some single player stuff would be nice to hear about.
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