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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Just finished watching the latest NVC. Sufficed to say Zac is not only 100x the host Filip was, but he's just a generally perfect fit for the role.
  2. I think we'd all just rather have Super Mario Bros 4 tbf
  3. Blizzard, Bethesda, Rockstar, From Software...
  4. I'd rather NSMBU+Luigi U, give me Nintendo-made Mario levels any day over the, let's face it, terrible 99% of Mario Maker. Sure we'll get both anyway.
  5. Good news for Diablo fans but I can't help wish that Blizzard would port Hearthstone over instead. I think a card battle game like that would be great on Switch.
  6. "What's the point in that" ... probably to win a truckload of awards, critical acclaim by the majority, commercial success and sell a ton of consoles. "If we know it's not the formula for a perfect Zelda" ? I know that Breath of the Wild is one of my favourite Zelda games ever. No game is perfect. After 16 games I think it's about time they mix up the formula. There's never going to be a perfect Zelda. The games are so subjective everyone has a different idea what makes a good one. @Kav above wanted the same overworld but for them to prioritise combat. I take the opposite approach, give me a new land to explore and combat far down the priority list. Everyone wants different things so they're never going to make the "perfect" game. The series was definitely getting stale. You could see it in all the reviews for Skyward Sword. You can only iterate so often before it loses that magic.
  7. or Kass, a town or a shrine? I think most climbs or waterfalls lead you to one of the above and if they don't, well, the wilderness isn't supposed to have something cool every thirty steps I was fine with how densely populated the world was. I think it made the moments when you did run into something all the more fun and interesting.
  8. We've had 16 Zelda games structured that way, so I think it's ok for this game to try a different approach and give us a fresh experience. Do I want every Zelda game from now on to be structured like BOTW, no, but I was absolutely able to appreciate it for its own merits, what it does, rather than what it doesn't do. I'd certainly like a return to more structured story elements and key quest items at some point, maybe the next game, but I fell in love with what Nintendo gave us here. It wasn't just any openworld game, it was much more than that.
  9. Wow, that does indeed looking stunning. They've got one more sale here, but hopefully the gameplay holds up.
  10. Hollow Knight, Metroid Prime 4, Star Fox Grand Prix, there we go, there's your three, plus the next 5+ years of software.
  11. Wow that's some serious time investment! I think I finished the game and all the shrines in 120 or so hours (and took my time doing it!). Glad you seem to be enjoying it. I have to say thoigh Goron City was a huge disappointment for me. Compared to the other three major towns, Zora and Getudo especially, it felt a bit hastily designed and boring.
  12. No need to apologise, zero offence taken. I have thicker skin than that! I used the wrong wording and didn't take it in a bad way at all.
  13. It's hard to take that comment seriously coming from the man who told me that no one on here wants me around. We're not 12 years old (I assume), no need to cheer H-O-T on when he gives me a (rare) jab like we're in the school playground. Anyway... I completely agree
  14. Again I agree with much of your post. I think he did apologise to the guy he copied off of, unless I'm mistaken, and that's the only person he owes an "apology" to. The rest is just owning up to his mistake, which as we can all agree he didn't really. Re the above quote. Yep you're right he should have realised the consequences of his actions. It points to a lack of intelligence I've brought up a few times when discussing him. Here's my point of view, what's worse, a guy who plagiarises a review or people who abuse him and his family directly on social media. I think we can all agree it's the latter. THAT, mob mentality, is what should be vilified when talking about this issue. Not brushing it under the rug and saying "well he should have known" it would happen. Not saying you were I'm just talking generally.
  15. Nah, he just said what we were all thinking. You are being oddly defensive of this guy in this topic, it's weird. Good of you to speak for everyone without actually asking opinions. Another typical Sheikah post, tinged with aggression and hostility below the surface. Piping up just to shit stir. Standard.
  16. I agree with a lot of what you say and I'm in no way saying he comes across great in that video. He absolutely should have CLEARLY owned up and admitted his mistake. He didn't. I do have some compassion though, I can't imagine what it would be like to be the subject of OTT hatred and ridicule online, nor have my family harassed by those same idiots (whether it's 1% or 99% it makes no difference). He made a mistake(s). We all make mistakes. All of us. Like I said he should have owned up to it properly, but to play devil's advocate he's obviously in a bit of a fucked up place right now and probably isn't thinking straight. As for him monetising that video. Yes it's a little weird but to me, if it's ok for Kotaku to make money off another man's misery, then I think it's ok to have a newly (and suddenly) unemployed person living in SF to make a few quid of his own content. Not saying you brought that up, I was speaking generally in reply to other comments above. Look I don't have any great like of Filip. Most of my posts on here talk about how I think he does a terrible job, I just hate the way the internet turns on people in this way. More than I hate people who plagiarise a product review.
  17. You really love to shit stir. Someone has a jab at someone and you stoke the fires by patting him on the back ? Wtf? Not the first time you've done that either.
  18. "Not wanting to give his video clicks" - sigh. He hasn't killed anyone, or robbed a bank, or stole candy from a baby. I'm sure ResetEra is in full lynch mob mode. I just dislike him, ever since his appearance on Kinda Funny. To be honest it was his twisting the knife into Filip that tipped me over the edge with him. I know he does good investigative work usually but I personally don't believe this is one of those times. It reeks of tabloid journalism.
  19. Burn him!! Where would we be without Schreier's noble, important, journalism looking into a broken man's past trying to dig up more skeletons. A true hero that man.
  20. Not an easy watch. Have to say I loved him calling out Kotaku and that weasel Jason Schreier. Him feeding on Filip's misery for a few extra clicks was despicable, but not unexpected. Also agree about the lynch mob that's become all too prevalent in the age of social media. One of the (sadly) many times I've been embarrassed to be part of the gamer community, who take every single fault in the industry, be it miniscule or big, as a personal attack against them, and react as such. Pathetic, particularly the part where they went after Filip's family. A "fucking prick" ? That's your response to the above, clearly very emotional, video statement of his? He stole quotes from another review and passed them off as his own, yes it was stupid, terrible thing to do and his reputation is now ruined if not forever for a very long time. I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on.
  21. I didn't. I was stating the prices of both services as an example of how their feature set is incomparable.
  22. To you. I conversely haven't touched any of the PS+ games in over a year. I'll be cancelling my overpriced subscription there (£50 RRP, really??) but I'm more than happy paying £18 for a Netflix style Nintendo catalogue.
  23. It's not an argument either way. My point is you can't compare the content of both when they aren't priced equally. Personally I wouldn't pay more for more. I don't use online much, so the current plan suits me fine. I'd pay £18 a year just to have 20+ NES/SNES games tbh.
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