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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Missing features tends to happen when you have a product that's three times cheaper than the competition.
  2. Be interesting to see what PS+ would look like if it was selling for one third of the cost Sony are charging now, ie. the Nintendo Online price. My guess is no free games, and just the (great) online component. Until the services are similar in price you can't compare them.
  3. Well, not always as proven in this instance by one person at least.
  4. If Nintendo cared about online gaming, they would be up to the standard of Playstation and Xbox. They've long been the pioneers of the industry, are copied by competitors most generations and are constantly pushing innovation, so of course if they really put their minds to it they could be up to scratch. Onine isn't some mystery beyond the realm of understanding. The point is, they don't care. At least not that much. Whether they should or not is up for debate obviously, but they don't see it as a top priority and never have. People need to accept that.
  5. Turns out you can use your My Nintendo Gold Points to pay for part (or all) of the Online plan. Makes it even cheaper now. stolen from ResetEra I think digital purchases net you more gold points than retail ones, but I could be wrong.
  6. Wow. Also, I love the UI, NES covers are great
  7. Not as simple as saying just turn them off. @Aneres11 obviously wanted to go for the Platinum, he just found his enjoyment of the game suffered because of it.
  8. I remember the hysteria about how long Nintendo were taking to reveal what the NX was. That was forgotten about 5 seconds after the debut trailer launched. People just like to complain these days, it helps when there's a big social network giving megaphones to everyone. I can't speak for @Kaxxx but I really don't think he was saying "the gaming community are being unrealistic expecting basic things like a messaging feature". I think he was speaking more broadly. Also do people really use messaging on consoles these days? What with Whatsapp, and texting, twitter, facebook etc. It's the same as wanting a web browser, I never understood that either when people have access to web browsers everywhere. I'm not saying I don't think it should be there, it absolutely should, but I just don't think it's that big a deal. Maybe I'm wrong.
  9. The comment from @Kaxxx has nothing to do with messaging on a Switch. I meant generally speaking, the gamer community absolutely, 100% has unrealistic expectations. Broadly speaking, a lot of gamers want everything for nothing. ie. how £18 a year is apparently 'too expensive' for a Netflix like service of ever-expanding NES games. Or video games can't be more than £45, but they also can't have DLC, or microtransactions, or lootboxes, or season passes. You can't go two days without the community being outraged about something, or demanding this that or the other not just from publishers, but from devs themselves. There's expecting fair treatment and appropriate content for the price, and there's going too far and I think a lot of gamers, do the latter.
  10. Achievements in games are weird. On the one hand I really want Nintendo to implement them on Switch but on the other I definitely think they can lower people's enjoyment of a game, like you just experienced @Aneres11. I know they've made me sick of a game when chasing a Platinum, especially since on PS4 trophies mean pretty much nothing but a tick on a list. Take Zelda, I put 120 hours into pre-DLC BOTW, I left it on an amazing high note and had my fill. I did pretty much everything except for the Korok seeds and upgrading every piece of armour. Had they offered a Platinum like achievement for doing that I would have felt compelled to do them, for no good reason really and it would have definitely made my last few hours with the game a chore. I can certainly see why Nintendo don't do system-level achievements. (but ask me on another day and I'll wish they did) As for Spider-Man, I'm enjoying the missions, it's just the openworld that I find pretty boring. It was pretty sad when I got to my fifth tower and realised oh, twirling the analog sticks for a couple of seconds is all I'm going to have to do for all of them...
  11. Exactly. Especially if they throw in SNES games (with online) like they said they would...
  12. It's not "making it sound smaller", that's how much it costs, 1 quid 50 pence a month. It's not a particularly great service, but it's so cheap, whatever. And if the special offers include discounts on eShop games like PS+ does then it'll be even cheaper.
  13. "expensive" lol. Personally I'm paying 1 quid 50 a month for a Netflix style NES library, £18 a year for that suits me fine, especially when they add SNES games. The online, cloud saves and discounts is just a bonus.
  14. They're getting more troll every Direct!
  15. I'm enjoying this game a lot but at the same time some parts of it feel so incredibly dated. Like we've gone back to how openworld games used to be ten or fifteen years ago. Why are all the Fisk hideouts identical in design and gameplay? Why are the "towers" so ridiculously easy to get to/activate and why even bother to make them needing activation. Some of the collectibles like the backpacks are literally go here, press triangle, and others like the cat things are just boring and piss easy to find. NPCs at street level may as well not be there. You can't go into buildings etc etc I do like how they slowly reveal the various collectibles over time though, that's great and much better than inundating you with them at the start of the game. The combat is cool and fluid too and obv the traversal is fun. I also enjoyed the research stations a lot, though I did find it funny that literally every single one showed an imminent danger that had to be resolved within minutes or else.... Really weird game, I am enjoying it a lot and plan on Platinuming it, but it really isn't anything special and it's certainly not a game that'll stand out or I'll remember in ten years time.
  16. Out of the blue. Looks really nice, wish it wasn't turn based combat though but that's just me.
  17. The only downside is the graphics looked pretty rough, but that seems to be a recurring theme with Nintendo games, they tend to get better closer to release, so hopefully it should be fine. Yoshi looks much better than what we saw last year.
  18. Well obviously it'll be erased, that goes without saying. And if they did a cooling off period where it's kept for 6 months or whatever then people would just buy a 1 month subscription twice a year for a fiver.
  19. D'oh I forgot Pokemon, and Daemon x Machina (which looks pretty cool).
  20. It's really annoying, there are almost no surprises anymore, for any of the consoles. I try and avoid leaks as much as possible but it's not easy. At least Luigi's Mansion 3 was out of the blue, for me at least.
  21. Looks like it's back to one big mansion this time
  22. I thought of Tearaway too watching that trailer
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