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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Tunic looks fantastic to be fair. Pretty sure it was at last year's E3 but didn't realise it was an Xbox exclusive
  2. Love Ubisoft, Division 2 looks great
  3. Ori and Forza Horizon look absolutely stunning
  4. Please be good Microsoft. I'm actually kind of tempted to get an Xbox One X for Anthem next year, so hopefully they bring the games...
  5. Criminal because not only is it perfect for Switch... the two characters are already coloured exactly like the joy cons!
  6. The game's look and branding has definitely gotten a lot more colourful since last year's reveal
  7. My main fear right now is that EA are telling Bioware to rush development and have it out Q1 2019 to meet their fiscal year projections. End result is a skeleton of a game at launch, that gets better over time. Things like the devs saying "no PvP at launch" "no romance options at launch but if people ask for it we can add it later" lead me to think that.
  8. Maybe we'll see more of it on Xbox's stage like we did last year. Hopefully a better demo. Reading up on it and hearing impressions from the likes of Game Informer and IGN, they're very positive about it. I just think it didn't demo particularly well. The constant cuts didn't help either. I trust the A team at Bioware to give us a fantastic world and a great story.
  9. The terrible Respawn bit, the pointless on stage Madden stuff, EA killing Command and Conquer a second time, Anthem having a really poorly presented "unveiling", EA continuing to be utterly tone deaf. Just awful. I actually thought their show last year was a decent enough presentation. This was all over the place. But at least we know that Madden champion (does anyone actually care) went to the finals instead of his graduation.
  10. Hopefully something that can be switched off. It seems like a really JRPG thing to do. Oh well. IGN Live have a feature/interview on Anthem in 10 minutes
  11. The whole thing just seemed really unpolished. Also, has Respawn's CEO always been that weird and creepy?
  12. Anything that reminds me of that garbage Revenge of the Sith film isn't a great start. Just saying that full title out loud sounds terrible, like five completely disconnected words.
  13. Cheers for those links, I'll have a watch of a few of them. Really excited for this and I thought it looked great (though I hate the whole 'numbers flying out of baddies you're shotting' thing). My only fear is how it'll treat single players. I'm really not a mulitplayer gamer. Hopefully there'll be a way of matchmaking with randomers if mulitplayer is mandatory.
  14. Yep Jedi Fallen Order is terrible. So clunky.
  15. This show is an utter disaster. The Respawn "announcement" was laughable. Please let Anthem be good, at least. Oh and the two Originals looked good.
  16. It looks a little bland and generic tbh, maybe the weird dream sequences make up for it but otherwise seems like a AA title.
  17. Have you not seen the Drunken Thread?
  18. Eh? You find it arrogant that a game you personally don't like gets praised from a lot of people? Oh and saying that the vast majority of people who liked Odyssey are "easily pleased" isn't arrogant? Your posts either contradict themselves, or simply make no sense.
  19. How does Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Arms, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2 and Kirby Star Allies in the space of 12 months = "immensely relaxed in quality and quantity"? Those are not only a ton of big AAA games for such a short amount of time, but all of them reviewed well/extremely well. Zelda won GOTY in the vast majority of outlets, and Mario was nominated for it pretty much everywhere. All of this... and then your answer is... shaft early adopters by revealing a better model a year after release? You think that'll earn them "respect or honour"? Weird post.
  20. You think Star Fox, Mario Maker, Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta and Zelda are all coming out in 2018?? I really think Nintendo mean it when they say only 2018 games will be shown. They explicitly said 2019 games shown "at a later date".
  21. Oh to live in a world where Nintendo has infinite man power and can churn out Game of the Year Zelda and 3D Mario games on a yearly basis. New Switch model? A year after launch? Why? It's selling like crazy.
  22. I thought their pre-show last year when they announced a bunch of games that one knew about because so few people were watching, wasn't received well in general? Personally won't bother tuning in to any of those, but I guess that's just me. Fair enough about giving the hardcore fans something to look forward to though.
  23. That'd make for a strong showing! No Yoshi though?
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