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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Well said gents. I can't quite believe the negative reactions I'm reading. TPC gave fans the best of both worlds. A soft reboot to cater to Go players and casuals (like me) and a core game in 12-18 months. TPC know full well this isn't the type of game the hardcore fans want, but they clearly need more time to get it right. It's ok that something isn't for you. It really is. Plenty other games to play and this will have zero impact on the next Gen game.
  2. I have to say, the Let's Go games look fantastic, they seem to have done a great job. Even as someone who's only ever played X and Go, I'm definitely in! And the Pokeball accessory is pretty nifty too. Edit: Pokemon Quest looks cool too, though reading the reactions to it on Twitter was soul destroying.
  3. To be fair it was always pretty weird. I mean who jumps like this
  4. Totally agree. I picture most of the OTT people on Nintendo hype threads there as 12 year olds, it helps.
  5. Interesting, thanks for catching me up. Pure guesswork speaking but I suspect it'll probably be a reboot. That said I can also easily imagine a new Gen coming next year, in addition to this game, mostly because it'll be a lot more ambitious and needs more time. I've only ever played X, but might be keen to jump back in if it's quite different to the usual formula
  6. Isn't it pretty much expected that it'll be those Let's Go Pikachu/Eevie type games? Sorry I haven't been keeping up.
  7. Looks pretty good, and certainly seems to play like classic Mega Man. Not sold on the art style but at least it isn't anywhere near as ugly as Mighty n9.
  8. This looks fantastic
  9. I agree with you 100% and the over-reliance on procedural generated content is getting a bit much these days. I hear those words in a game description and I cringe. That said I think it definitely has its place for some games like Enter the Gungeon or Darkest Dungeon where the entire gameplay loop is designed around repeating dungeon runs over and over and throwing the unknown at you each time. But in other games it's completely pointless. Steamworld Dig was procedurally generated, then they realised people are likely only going through the game once, so they made the sequel fully designed.
  10. Tried it at EGX, it was ok but the combat was painful. Not satisfying at all
  11. No, it's not going to get mass appeal if people do what they're currently doing with their VR units, which is trying them out, being wowed by the experience, then putting it away in its box to gather dust. That sort of gimmicky luxury item doesn't gain mass appeal until there's something worthwhile to actually do on it. But whatever, we're not going to convince the other it seems.
  12. I disagree. I think they could release a super lightweight, 4K VR standalone unit with no wires, with the best eye tracking and controllers etc, and it would still sell at the same rate as it currently is. The PSVR or Oculus are perfectly capable of doing what they set out to do, doesn't mean anything if they don't have the software to go with it.
  13. I think people's main complaint about VR is that there's nothing of lasting interest to play on it. Not that the technology isn't visually indistinguishable from reality. It's a novelty, with (more or less) a bunch of tech demos and short experiences. Sure a higher res screen will help but that isn't enough to make it sell like crazy. The Gameboy sold because the games were great and the battery life manageable thanks to the low-tech. DS sold crazy amounts because it had great games too, the screen res was terrible but no one minded. Wii wasn't even HD but it sold 100 million, all because of software etc The Vita is amazing tech but no one bought it. Nintendo have based their entire business on maximising potential from low tech hardware.
  14. I think this misses the point completely. VR gaming isn't a big thing not because people want more tech. The games are what's lacking not the tech! it needs a Super Mario Bros, Mario 64, Wii Sports type thing.
  15. The Captain Toad theme tune instantly brings a smile to my face
  16. I'm surprised to hear you compare this to Michael Bay films. I actually thought there was far less action than the average blockbuster and a lot more heart. Compared to say Infinity War which was literally just action setpiece after action setpiece, with very little else going for it.
  17. Yep have to agree with the above, not epic of mind-blowing but really enjoyable. Also, unlike Rogue One which had a (mostly) horrible cast of characters, the cast list in Solo are all great.
  18. Found this on ResetEra, developers quizzed at the recent EGX Rezzed expo in London. Not exactly a surprise, but still interesting...
  19. Really looking forward to E3, but mostly because I'm hyped to see more Ubisoft stuff, Anthem and whatever Nintendo's got in store for us. Not really interested in any of Sony's big four at this stage, then again we haven't seen anything but CG trailers of three of them, so who knows. Couldn't agree more. Everyone was raving about how amazing the Devolver "presentation" was, I found it cringe-worthy after about two minutes, and barely funny at that.
  20. I was in love with the game until you got past that point. The last 5 hours or so felt a little all over the place, and most of it felt like padding. Also the combat took a nose dive for me, because of what you mention above.
  21. Mob mentality is a big thing too, people jumping on a bandwagon because of a few loudmouths. I agree it's the internet in general but gamers seem to actively look for things to complain about in big AAA releases these days. It's just so pathetic. Really sad time to live in, much as I enjoy social media, it has a lot to answer for.
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