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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. This thread has gotten weird, fast
  2. I know it's unlikely with Smash and Pokemon coming this year but I'm hoping for another good single player adventure game around Christmas time, in addition to Yoshi and Fire Emblem I mean.
  3. Nice thread! They've explicitly said they're only showing 2018 games, and that 2019 games will be shown "at a later date", so I think it'd be a good idea to cool a fair amount of hype (yeah right). I think first party wise we're in for: - Smash - Yoshi - Fire Emblem - Pokemon (Let's Go) Maybe Odyssey DLC, maybe Retro's game but I think the above + some third party stuff will be it for Nintendo, and maybe a reveal or two during their Treehouse stream. Could be wrong but I'm going in with lowered expectations.
  4. Given the UK is probably Nintendo's weakest market, this does seem like good news for them. I'm a bit confused about the data though, does that mean more people in the UK have Switches than have Xbox Ones? Or just Switch sold more than Xbox that month?
  5. Put a few hours into this, what a brilliant, gorgeous, fun game. Having a great time with it. To me it's on par with something like Steamworld Dig, and definitely deserves a lot more attention.
  6. Ugh just do all that at your E3 conference when people will actually be paying attention
  7. Am I the only one who never uses trick shots? There just doesn't seem to be enough time to anticipate needing it to move to the other side of the court and then pulling it off.
  8. Need to give this a go later, glad to hear positive reactions. I've never played a Mario Tennis game, so looking forward to trying it out
  9. Ronnie


    Yeah starting threads only after official reveals would be better, keen to avoid as many spoilers as possible.
  10. Reaction seems pretty positive so far. The animations look really nice. Nifty touch that Mega Man's whole outfit changes when he equips new powers
  11. I think the motivations of the principle characters are pretty clear to be honest, with perhaps the exception of Ben's fall to the dark side, but there's a whole other film to explain that (presumably). Rey's desire to be part of something bigger might be cliched but it's compelling enough and I personally LOVED the reveal that her parents were nobodies. I really can't understand the hate that revelation got. I think it's way better than some convoluted "She's a Kenobi" or some such. I'm totally with you on Rogue One's use of title cards for each location. I hated that. Then again, when you jump around as much as it does early on, guess they're needed. The title card didn't really bother me though, I'm glad the spin off films don't go for the usual Episode title/fanfare/crawl. Think you'll prefer Solo's title, maybe. It's funny when I saw TFA I thought the first half of the film was pretty much perfect and things fell apart towards the second half a bit. With Rogue One it was the opposite, the second half was much stronger than the first. Re-watching the latter though made me appreciate the scenes on Jedha and Eadu a lot more though but I can totally see what you mean. I think opinion on TLJ will mellow in time, maybe not to the extent of Empire but I think the majority will move on from the hate in time. The problem is expectation, it's been so long between trilogies that we've all gotten in our head exactly what we think/want to happen, so when things play out differently, we're outraged. It took me a second viewing of the TLJ to really love it, once I was aware of where the plot was going I was able to appreciate it for what it is. I think a big part of the appeal of this new trilogy are the characters. I think they've done an excellent job there. Rey and Kylo Ren are excellent and Finn, Rose, Poe, BB-8 et are great too.
  12. Disney finally deciding to market the film a mere two or three months before release probably didn't help either. I know they like to wait till the previous film is on Bluray before hyping the next one but still. I think it's the reason we're seeing Solo in May, so as to give Episode IX a year and a half to breathe. Speaking of, if you thought Solo feels safe (it is), I think IX will be even more so given Abrams+TLJ reaction. You should definitely see Solo at the cinema though, it's a good film. The scene on the Falcon is great fun and had me on the edge of my seat. I actually quite liked the opening two acts of Rogue One, though jumping to about 4 different planets in the opening ten minutes was a bit convoluted. Once they're on Yavin though I think it gets a lot better, characters-apart. Glad to finally see some love for Last Jedi. As a massive Star Wars fan it's really depressing reading the hate and contempt it's getting from most people. It's a lot to take in and I do think there was a bit too much going on (by the time we got to Crait I was exhausted), but I genuinely think it's a great film. The Luke thing is sad but like I said, Johnson can thank Abrams for that. It had about 20 seconds in space between Death Star Starkiller Base attack runs lol. I meant that and the battle on Takodana
  13. Another thing Rogue One has going for it, is that space battle. Holy fuck that blew me away. It felt like a continuation of ROTJ's, it was done in the exact same style, and 10x better than the computer-gamey, generic Force Awakens one.
  14. I love all four Disney films, but preference wise for me it's Force Awakens > The Last Jedi > Solo > Rogue One Force Awakens is just a fun adventure, even if it's completely derivative. Plot is pretty simple and the movie is all the better for it. The Last Jedi is a really smart, multi layered film, even if the Luke thing is crazy divisive. A bit cluttered but the Rey/Kylo chemistry is a joy to watch Solo was a lot of fun but at the same time, very forgettable in the grand scheme of things. A really good time though, and a great cast. Rogue One I enjoyed it a lot but the characters are, with one or two exceptions, terrible. It's also a bit grim and missing a lot of the usual charm. I know, war story etc. still. I feel really sorry for Rian Johnson, he had one hand tied behind his back thanks to Abrams exiling Luke on an island. I would have thought they'd sort the trilogy storyline early on instead of relying on various directors to come up with their own individual stories.
  15. This game just keeps going! It's way longer than I ever expected. Can someone tell me how much is left, approx? Finding Kara and Connor's storylines really compelling. Marcus' is ok I guess. Lots of absolutely fantastic chapters, and they really mix up the gameplay nicely.
  16. Played this a fair bit and loving everything so far. The way the storyline can differ is very impressive. Tend to prefer the Conor, Kara chapters but everything's good. Not so keen on failing QTEs but they usually give you a couple of attempts to get it right.
  17. Nice to have something genuinely new, from screenshots the visuals look lovely too. I'll give it a go soon
  18. I like it too. It's nice to have something a bit different, after dozens of games with the usual art style
  19. All franchise games evolve for whatever the devs or publishers think is best. Of course it's a possibility that the series becomes more casual. It's also a possibility that Zelda ditches combat and becomes a walking simulator or Battle Royale game. Just not a very likely one. They're releasing a new type of game that has a lot of people excited. No sense getting furious about it until there's actual evidence of Go functionality negatively interfering with future Gen games. IMO.
  20. My point is, what exactly is wrong with that? If it makes some people happy, that's a good thing no? If they're abandoning the usual hardcore mechanics or even just taking more casual aspects from it and implementing them into the next Gens, then absolutely get mad, but there's no indication of that happening at this stage. When have the Pokemon Company ever talked about their core Switch game so far in advance? The very fact that they mentioned it today should be reassuring. They know their hardcore fans are out there and aren't about to ditch them.
  21. No, what's insulting is being likened to "the lowest common denominator". Contrary to what you may believe, other people are allowed to enjoy Pokemon in a way that works for them. I wasn't dismissing "your" opinion. Enough with the self-importance and bigging up your own opinions as the only one that matters, please. Just because it isn't some ultra hardcore game doesn't mean it's worthless. I wouldn't have touched another samey Sun/Moon type game, but this one I will absolutely be buying. Pokemon are putting out the best of both worlds, a game that capitalises on Go's enormous popularity and a traditional adventure game they spoke about last year with another year of development under its belt. If these new style games happen to sell crazy well (a good thing surely), the worst you can expect is for them to alternate between New Gen and Let's Go each year. Better than fleecing their fans with slightly altered "Ultra" versions instead.
  22. Apparently the lack of online was a mis-translation and it is indeed online, so you can rest easy!
  23. Really pleased with not battling wild Pokemon. That was my biggest annoyance in X, the random encounters really dragged the experience down after a while so speeding that aspect up is great news for me.
  24. Well said. I find it really weird that some people online can be so angry about this game existing. Anyway, I'm the most casual Pokemon player there is, zero interest in Sun/Moon etc, and I'm in 100% in for this game, so it's obviously doing something right! Also the visuals look a lot better than I was expecting tbh
  25. Can't really complain about a F2P game, I actually quite like the art style. Looks fun
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