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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I live and breathe rugby, normally can't stand football but there's something very pleasing about Southgate and the team he's assembled. Not full of the usual egos and big personalities. Makes watching them (as I do every world cup) much more intriguing. The success helps too but I would have watched England even if they'd crashed out at the pool stages. I don't mind if people look down at me as some sort of bandwagon jumper, I'm just enjoying the tournament. That article was hilarious though, it takes pretty much the entire length of it to finally get to his point.
  2. Fair enough. I still sort of think a film should be able to stand on it's own merits but maybe Infinity War is the exception to that. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan so didn't really see what all the fuss was about.
  3. I thought Last Jedi was excellent, especially on second viewing. I think people had expectations what they wanted to happen so when it didn't happen, uproar. I enjoyed it 100 times more than Infinity War which I thought was as forgettable as most of the Marvel films. Two hours of pretty much exclusively battle set piece after battle setpiece, with little in between. Back to TLJ... Snoke getting no backstory. Nor did Palpatine? Rey being a nobody. Great, way better than some convoluted, shoehorned in nonsense trying to fit her in. Makes me like her even more. Luke... I can understand the annoyance, but Rian Johnson wasn't exactly left with much to work with after the storyline Abrams left him with. The time for Lando was in Force Awakens? Uh no, just as it wasn't in A New Hope. Now would be a good time to bring him back, especially after Carrie Fisher's tragic passing. Obi Wan, Yoda, Darth Vader, Made Windu, Padme, Qui-Gon, people are killed off all the time in Star Wars.
  4. Mine's fine. No cracks or warping or anything.
  5. I'm not really sure what needs clearing up to be honest. If it's to vocalise the fact that people need to start paying soon, then sure, but details wise, we know the price and what it offers. online play, cloud saves and legacy content. The only detail we're missing is the other 10 NES we're getting, in addition to the first 10 they announced.
  6. As others have said it's literally your own adventure, make it as you wish, that's the beauty of the game One suggestion I do have though would be to not rush unlocking all the towers, take it one region at a time. Tower > explore fully > move on, repeat. That way there's always the mystery of what the rest of the world looks like and you don't experience the whole map in one sitting. But then again that's just personal preference so feel free to completely go against that!
  7. Yeah Markus's storyline was an absolute bore, but I loved the Connor and Kara stories. I did everything the "right" way to get them to be mates at the end with a mid-credits scene but I can absolutely see your point @Aneres11 that you would think going after deviants would ingratiate yourself towards Hank. The thing is Hank is supposed to be a good guy, or at least become a good guy and more pro-android as the game goes on. So first you save his life, then you let two in-love androids go.
  8. Assumed it was DLC, felt like it while going through it.
  9. Not there yet, just finished Kingdom's Edge. One area in particular can F right off... the Hive. That place is just pointless and incredibly tough to navigate. Loving the rest of the game though, it's a special one, just wish a handful of (big) negatives didn't drag it down for me.
  10. The reports were saying they had two games in development, it was the other one, not Star Fox, that was in big trouble. I think they were suggesting it was cancelled, but it seems that was guesswork on their part.
  11. Welcome to JRPGs lol, one of the reasons I could never get into them. That and the random battles.
  12. 2006, not that old tbh, Duck Hunt was 1984, Game & Watch etc. The beauty of Smash is it spans all of Nintendo/gaming history so it's nice to get a mix of consoles/gens.
  13. She was in Starfox Command tbf and the Duck Hunt duo shows Sakurai doesn't mind looking waaaay back.
  14. Velocity 2X coming to Switch! https://gematsu.com/2018/07/velocity-2x-coming-to-switch-in-august Apparentky a great game. I was actually about to get it a couple of months ago on PS4. Glad I waited now, will be much better on Switch.
  15. I still love NVC and Filip is getting much better, slowly. Also I could listen to Peer talk about Nintendo for hours, so his inclusion is always nice. They've moved to a live show now, so that might be why they take a few minutes break in the middle. Agree it should be edited out for audio listeners though.
  16. Yeah that's basically the question to ask yourself. They're both excellent, I personally prefer Shovel Knight but Hollow Night is great too, if enraging at times.
  17. I mean, it's just rumble at the end of the day so never going to be life changing, and was never advertised as such. Plenty of people have said there's games that make brilliant use of it. Given the choice of regular rumble or HD rumble, I don't see why anyone would go for the regular one. It's a more nuanced version of something we've had for twenty years, sounds good to me.
  18. Personally I loved her, thought she did a great job. Especially hosting all the E3 live shows
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Under four hours is pretty much what I was expecting and to be honest that suits me fine. Happy to have shorter games these days when there's so much to play. Hopefully the gameplay itself is good.
  20. Ronnie


    Microsoft and Nintendo aren't doing badly. Switch is flying off the shelves and Xbox One is selling big numbers too. Just so happens PS4 is doing even better. The account stuff doesn't need to be explained by Epic. Sony allow you to log in to mobile and PC but specifically not their two direct competitors. The ball's in Sony's court and they're getting torn apart for it. Even Todd Howard has waded in and pointed the finger at Sony. Not sure what this means or has to do with anything.
  21. Ronnie


    How is it looking after their customers by blocking their Epic account and only allowing it to be used on PC/mobile, not Xbox/Switch? They're pissing off a lot of people so I'm not sure what you mean by looking after their players. It comes down to money. They want people playing and buying micro transactions on their machine not their competitors, but when compared with how Xbox and Switch are handling the situation Sony sound tone deaf and out of touch.
  22. Never? The impression I get is they're very enjoyable to most people. This year was poor but there's been some great ones in the past. That year we had the likes of Splatoon, Captain Toad, Smash, Mario Maker, Yoshi's Wooly World, Fantasy Life, Hyrule Warriors, Affordable Space Adventures etc was great. Anyway im pretty sure there is (or at least was) an E3 channel you could subscribe to on the News app, it was full of videos during the show.
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