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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Probably smaller tech/cosmetic changes rather than a big leap forward. I can't see them splitting the userbase two a half years in but then again they'll be in a tricky situation around that time with the next Playstation and Xbox around the corner. If they can implement that newer Tegra chip but still stipulate that every game needs to run on the older and new hardware then it might work I guess.
  2. Will definitely watch that later. I've never felt compelled to Patreon someone, but Mark is really tempting, such great content. I really hope he does a video on Hollow Knight, he seemed to be hinting at it in his Boss Keys episode.
  3. Reminds me of them bundling in a Wii remote with Wii Play and selling both for like £10 more than the remote itself.
  4. Oh I figured that was total completion with every sidequest etc, but thanks anyway. Glad I'm about half way
  5. Could someone tell me how far I am into the main storyline...
  6. Amazing how many superhero films and tv series there are these days. And yet people moan when they release 4 Star Wars films in two and a half years.
  7. Solomon's Key is a brilliant puzzle platformer
  8. No one playing this? Played Block Man's stage tonight. I'd like to consider myself a decent 8-bit Mega Man player but man... his second form totally f-ed me over, through many Game over screens. I must have spent at least an hour getting back there, then in the end had to use two E-tanks just to see the fight through. That said, being able to buy them and other perks really feels like cheating. As for the game itself, seems fun enough at this early stage. It took me about 12 seconds before I went in the options and turned voices off. Much better. I wish they'd gone back to old chiptune music though, the music (for Block Man at least) was terrible.
  9. The game certainly gives you lots of busywork to do. I find myself doing all the collectibles in one go, just going from point to point and doing them. Not sure how much fun I'm having as it's all a bit mindless, but it's certainly addictive. The traversal makes it enjoyable I guess.
  10. To be honest I think that was obvious at this year's E3. We'd been seeing the same games over and over and the fact that there wasn't much new this June really points to these being the last big PS4 games coming out.
  11. Good news. A lot of people in the (at times) toxic Star Wars fandom won't be pleased though.
  12. The way the game hands out its collectibles bit by bit (while a great idea in theory), just made me mindlessly power through them as well just to see them done. I can't say I was having fun doing most of them though, but that's the same with a lot of checkbox style openworld games. I'm really surprised with how much positive reaction this game is getting, I think the fact that it's a superhero game when everyone seems to be in love with Marvel these days probably has something to do with it. In terms of Sony exclusives this year God of War was fantastic, and Detroit was really great too (imo). Spider-Man feels like just another cookie cutter openworld game, and a dated one at that.
  13. There is no dream version and the game does work like BOTW. From the sound of things you didn’t get the true ending though, there’s a fair bit more you have to accomplish before you get to the actual final boss. That ending is a bit more satisfying. I would have been pretty disappointed if I’d only seen the cutscene you did. I can give you hints about how to get get the ball rolling true ending wise if you’d like. Or just look it up if you want. Lol
  14. It’s fantastic, really well implanted with just a couple of small tweaks needed.
  15. Shin'en commented in the past that they started work on their next game before Fast RMX had even come out, and that it's something completely different to what they usually do...
  16. I'll almost certainly be getting a PS5 instead of an Xbox next gen, but I would like an Xbox at some stage to play some of their exclusives like Cuphead, Below, Ori x2, Forza Horizon, Sunset Overdrive etc. Plus Game Pass seems like a crazy good deal. It'd be my first one. I have a 1080p TV but I may get a 4K one at some point. To be honest I'll probably just spend a few quid more and get the X. I'm planning on really getting into Anthem when it comes out and I'm sure it'll look even better on that.
  17. I'll probably be buying an Xbox for this title and a few others. Can't decide on the S or X so maybe this video will help
  18. I forgot just how short SMB3 levels are! Having a fun time playing through it again
  19. My play time finished on about 50 hours for 98% completion, that's when I beat the final boss, so if anything 20 hours isn't much. Glad you finally beat them, I took a few seconds to calm down after I had. Others may have found it straightforward but for me it was easily the toughest boss in the game.
  20. Then it seems strange if they think they can make more money this way, charging £18 a year for dozens of games (eventually), rather than £5-10 per game like on Virtual Console.
  21. They'd be leaving money on the table if they didn't let us buy NES/SNES games separately to the NESflix format. Maybe if/when games start leaving that as new ones get added.
  22. They were, by far, the toughest boss for me in the game. Did you find the secret passage around their boss room? That'll help a bit. I spent ages picking the right charms, also the downward slash is good with them. But yeah, the only boss I thought was unfair. The usual trick of learning to evade their moves is tough when you have so many at once. Try and get the first two down as quickly as possible, or the rest of the fight will be almost impossible.
  23. I'm tempted but will wait for reviews before deciding. Wouldn't bother with any of the toys though
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