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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Haha fair enough. I see what you mean. I guess the timing of the scenes didn’t help there. Yeah that would have been good. Much as I loved Last Jedi it tried to pack in way too much and anything more from Rey could have bloated the whole thing even more. If they were going to have Rey question things this would have been the film to do it but she probably resists a little bit too easily/quickly. As in, how the hell did both speeders survive the crash? Yeah that was a bit silly but if the Falcon crashing into Starkiller Base has taught us anything it’s that Star Wars ships are pretty indestructible... when the scene calls for some cool action. I’ll hear nothing bad about the TIE fighter attack theme playing when the Falcon is flying through Crait. That part gave me goosebumps. Pure nostalgia speaking of course. The OT rehashed that theme a couple times though Agreed. But the shot of the Falcon flying out of the core chamber is still incredible and trumps most visual effects shots in my mind. The effects, and music culminating in it escalating the exploding Death Star simply can’t be topped in my mind.
  2. When you oversimplify like that, then any movie is like any other movie. Return of the Jedi was like the A New Hope's Dear Star attack but spread over half the film. Most Marvel films are interchangeable with each other. Good guy(s) have to hunt bad guy who is either in possession of or searching for all powerful thing. Swap the characters, setting, and infinity stone and you’re there.
  3. Come on... "How U will play next?" is great !
  4. That's amazing, certainly looks like the intro video. Absolutely. Not just the trailers and cutscenes but their adverts in general in the Switch era. I was watching some Wii U ads the other day (for a laugh) and dear god.
  5. Game Pass is sounding more and more incredible
  6. That's a real shame, a special game like this deserves a physical release
  7. Not to oversimplify but isn't he supposed to be the antagonist? I figured it was similar to Darth Vader's "join me and we can rule the galaxy" line, Rey is supposed to resist. I'm not sure that good guys v bad guys on Crait has anything to do with Ben's message anyway. There needs to be some kind of conflict. Ben's suggestion was never going to happen in the space of that last hour, and given the burning of the Jedi tree, Luke's passing etc it still seems a pretty fitting idea. Anyway I thought the main message of the film was about not destroying what you hate, but saving what you love. That was certainly Poe's arc and Rose pretty much says the words to Finn at the end. Is your problem with this that it was simply a rehash? I'm not sure Obi Wan was buying Luke and the others time to escape. If anything it made it even more dangerous for them, the focus was immediately back on them. I totally agree with you that the film easily has the biggest gap between high/low of any Star Wars film but I think that's because it happens to be the most bold and well-thought-out of any of them. It's not just good guys v bad guys, blow up a superweapon. There are themes and narrative threads all over the place. Switch your brain off popcorn films like that or Infinity War are fine, but I appreciate something with a bit of depth and that's what TLJ offerered, imo. It's certainly got more people talking than The Force Awakens. Mark Hamill's reaction to Luke's arc is disappointing though, I agree, and I can't say I blame him. I doubt he'd have agreed to come back for IX if Abrams didn't offer to redeem him a little bit though. Are they really talking about making X-XII?? Lucasfilm has been pretty clear that this is the conclusion to the Skywalker saga. I'm seeing A New Hope at the Albert Hall next weekend in front of a live orchestra, that'll have to be my big end of year Star Wars fix. Like you it's a big family thing for us too, we're all huge fans, mum dad, brother sister... I think Return of the Jedi just about beats it tbh, but I see where you're coming from, they did a brilliant job. I kind of wish we'd had the original ending with that TIE fighter coming up we see in the trailer (to rescue Jyn?). The way all the characters are killed kind of annoys me a bit.
  8. Unfortunately you saw the reaction TLJ got for doing something new and unexpected. When the fanbase gets the same old Star Wars they complain it's nothing new, when they get something bold and different they complain it's too much of a departure. It's a tough balance to strike. I'm not too bothered about the setting and storyline, my problem with the show is Luna himself, I found him the least compelling character in all of the Disney Star Wars films to date. On a separate note, it's a little sad not to have something Star Wars this Christmas, I'd gotten kind of used to it the last few years. Really excited for IX though, I trust Abrams to finish the saga really well. I watched the Scarif battle again the other day. Man, they did an amazing job with it. I'm talking specifically the space shots. Actually the Dreadnought battle at the start of TLJ was great too. Sorry, I'm a sucker for X-Wings, Destroyers, Calamari cruisers, any of the ships and vehicles really haha.
  9. I guess I can't get too riled up about it because I don't play online much. I paid £12 for a year subscription (thanks to the excellent gold points loyalty scheme) and it suits me fine, but appreciate it isn't great for others. They're working on it though and they know they need to add value to it, so let's see what they come up with. 25 pages in this thread and we could use something new to talk about.
  10. I wouldn't read into the taking years to improve the service comment too much. PSN and Xbox Live took years to get to where they are now as well.
  11. Amazing work from these guys as usual. World of Light looks to be absolutely massive, and the way each of the (many, many) battles seem to be customised to fit its particular spirit is amazing. I just wish the map wasn't so ugly and cheap looking.
  12. A second Star Wars tv show coming to Disney's streaming service https://www.polygon.com/2018/11/8/18076924/star-wars-rogue-one-spinoff-series-disney-streaming?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter Now I really enjoyed Rogue One, but my big problem with it was the cast. I just didn't find them particularly likeable. Diego Luna's character in particular. He just didn't fit, at all. So I'm a little gutted he's got his own show now, but hopefully it'll be good regardless. So they've got a gritty, bounty hunter show, a spy thriller show, now all Disney need to make is a Rebellion/Resistance military show about a squadron pilot. Please please please. On another note, I didn't realise The Mandalorian was a single season of 10 episodes and that's all? At the same time there's something comforting knowing a beginning and end is already defined so there's less room to jump the shark.
  13. Yeah it's a bit weird seeing them in big in the middle of the screen, but I think they look quite nice in that trading card format at least.
  14. Seems pretty slick so far. Nice UI and 60fps playback if available. And you can do those 360 degree videos apparently
  15. Cool. If they could next sort Netflix where you can download films/episodes at home and take them on the go, that'd be perfect
  16. They seem to be doing just that with all the studios they’ve bought recently.
  17. Of course Playstation has all the best exclusives between the two of them, I meant things outisde of their software output, I even said as much. Microsoft are doing great work outside of their software (and are taking steps to correct that too) because they have to, Sony are in a comfortable position so they're coasting this gen. @Hero-of-Time your point about one of the big three immediately following a succesful gen with a downfall is absolutely true and seems to happen a lot. Seems like Sony have started early though.
  18. Good point about their hands being tied but I kind of get the feeling Sony have been coasting this whole gen. They’ve got their games and huge sales, they don’t have to do much else. Compare to Xbox’s work this gen with backwards compatibility, Game Pass, the Elite controller, cross play with Nintendo, Design Lab, their mid-gen hardware update not being a bit pointless etc. Sony have just sat back and watched the money roll in, same thing here, barebones cash grab.
  19. It's sounding more and more like a cash grab to be honest. Forget the menu UI, lack of aspect ratios, cheap emulation, 50hz games (?), no dual analogs, the high price tag, 1 save state per game etc. The library itself is so disappointing. I know they want to sell their remasters instead but no Wipeout, Spyro, Crash etc??
  20. Not great hands-on impressions The UI is hideous.
  21. Where's that 'not sure if serious' gif...
  22. That looks so unbelievably awesome. Hope reviews are good. Switch exclusive too I believe.
  23. I missed your post, I was replying to Sheikah saying that Red Dead was £50. I always thought big Switch first party games were £60 (Mario, Splatoon, Xenoblade etc) but fair enough I must be mistaken. I guess there's two arguments going on here, us paying more than the rest of the world and the fact that Smash is sold at the same price here as other big games. It's a lot of money but I guess I've just accepted that if I want to buy games digitally it'll be more expensive, on any console.
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