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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. Enlighten me. '' scorca ''?? :laughing:

  2. You are my kind o' gamer friend. Welcome aboard!:awesome:
  3. WOWZERS!!! Does it really say 'the best RPG-style Mario adventure ever made' How can a game go wrong with fawful in it though...... To me, Superstar saga and Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door are the absolute best and then they state this..... IT MAKES ME A HAPPY MAN, CAN'T WAIT!!! :D:D
  4. But I want fox, to do a barrel roll ...... ON THE WII Great stuff though!
  5. Teaching English at a highschool would be first priority.

  6. Damn, you're blowing this way out of proportion. You could die tomorrow so, just take the gal and if problems occur; TALK! Talk from the heart.
  7. Well, English teacher has always been something I've kept stored up in my mind, but I'm definitely curious as to what job I could end up in with that particular study.


    Perhaps a tolk between Japanese and English people, that would be ideal :D


    (Given the fact that I'm also taking a course in Japanese)

  8. Will most likely be studing the English Language and Culture, so I might have to fly over to ol' Britain now and again....


    Mario must be honoured that you're training to become a plumber. The obvious question remains: How much turtles have you killed yet and how much coins have you collected?:laughing:

  9. @ Molly I adore star-wars, but Princess Leia with a gun.....In my eyes she already lacks characters, giving her a gun only makes it worse:laughing: The stars are nice though, Reminds me of Hoshi no Kaabii. Got myself a new Wario Avatar, feedback
  10. Will be 18 this October, and after the holiday of 2010 it's university for me.

    I'm in my last year at High school, or whatever you British call it :laughing:

  11. Will be coming back on your whopper of a PM XD

  12. Nah, I'm not spoiled:laughing:

    and actually I kind o' lied, because I was just curious if you had forgotten or not, it wasn't really about the game. I've plenty to buy in the near future :D


    Still, my holiday is nearing its end and school will become more an more important gradually.

  13. Mahito Yokota 'tis then
  14. I think he means the sequels of the series. Suda himself said that he wanted to expand the series, because he thought they got the best out of the series on the wii with Desperate Struggle.
  15. It's true, according to IGN it was a midi-file. This could mean a couple o' things: 1) Koji Kondo was busy working on Zelda orchestrated songs. 2) Koji Kondo wanted to fully focus on the actual music in game and not in the trailer. 3) Koji Kondo was given the task to develope a great midi for this trailer because NINTENDO thinks the fans will love that 4) Koji Kondo was all like: 'NO, I'm not feeling like using an orchestra to record tracks anymore....' My guess is that this trailer had to be put together rather quickly and they didn't really want to put a heavy lotter of effort into a trailer when it comes to music.
  16. Watashi wa L desu!

  17. A fine choice Goafer. Ocremix is where I get all my awesome videogame remixed
  18. . . .:idea: Call the dictionary inventors, someone needs to develope a word which can describe this amount of awesomeness!
  19. Well, it's easier for you because you've already finished the game once or twice.... And another thing. I found out I did the stupidest thing. I forgot ONE zora egg at Pinnacle Rock and there's no Golden Seahorse to be found, so I'll have to follow the signs REALLY CAREFULLY in order for me to reach Pinnacle Rock once more. I'm not going back in time and do the Fortress all over again, NO WAY! (Them Beavers were funny though. That's something you don't often see in a Zelda game, THE BEAVERS MUST RETURN!)
  20. Damn, you haven't been on-line very much. Be sure to check in at the league for this thursday, HI, I'M DAISY SPECIAL!!!!


    Yup, it's still swords and soldiers. I asked you because I was getting a bit bored of not having 'new' games to play, but I figured I still haven't finished Majora's Mask so I'm very busy with that now.


    I hope you can sent the game, because I had to change some settings on my wii (switched it to UK) when I sent games to Lostmazz. I hope it's all good now, because both our wiis are now of UK origin or something like that:laughing:

  21. Well, he stated that IF Wii Sports Resorts would catch on (making wii motion plus very popular) then the next zelda would definitely be motion+ only.
  22. @ Goafer What about: -Mute City from F-zero -Luigi's Raceway Them songs be rockin' !
  23. Lol, detecting humour is not your strongest point now is it:laughing: @ Daft I think we would all kill for a Luigi's Mansion sequel:yay:
  24. I'd like to know what's so great about this game. Is this the kind of horror game that makes you shit your pants when you play it alone in a room in the dark? If so, INSTANT BUY! I've always wanted a horror game which is just as scary as Luigi's Mansion again. That game was pretty scary if you played it alone in a room in utter darkness.:awesome:
  25. Ow that's easy, I'd be Mewthree: A Fusion of Mew and Mewtwo. Cuteness and awesomeness combined *thumbs up*
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