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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. Well, it can work properly if everyone communicates clearly and doesn't talk all the time. Still, that's very hard if your with 6 players.....and that's not a lot of people. Can you imagine using it with MoH:H2 ..... IT WOULD BE CHAOS. I'm curious as to how NINTENDO will fix this. It works with a few people, but if they ever were to create massive on-line games on their next console, a different strategy is needed. They'll catch up, Iwata promised me that:bowdown:
  2. hehehe, yeah, especially when the shit hits the fan and all te minigames go faster.....HURRY UP!!!


    Still workin' on the brain test though, it's the most fun if you ask me.

    The chracters are pretty well known, it's just the hints I'll be giving you that require some creative thinking:laughing:

  3. especially the brain test.

  4. Well, the MKWII test was the one I wasn't sure about, not even after I changed it.

    Remember now, I'm trying to create alternative ways of playing these games XD

    Hope you'll stick around for the rest of it:laughing:

  5. Lostmario didn't seem to think it was that funn though, he lost a bit of 'enthusiasm for this challenge.'

    I explained to him that I'm trying to create alternative ways of playing these games.

    Let's hope he'll stick around.

  6. Well, the MKWII test was the one I wasn't sure about, not even after I changed it.

    Remember now, I'm trying to create alternative ways of playing these games XD

    Hope you'll stick around for the rest of it:laughing:

  7. No worries, you'll probably redeem yourself in The Conduit.....or perhaps the Brawl....or maybe even the brain test XD



    1st match = Beverage

    2nd match = Beverage

    3rd match = Beverage (while Lostmario began with a very fast start, Beverage got me by staying put and running into me with items)


    Winner of this Challenge = BEVERAGE!!!!



    1st match = Beverage

    2nd match = Beverage

    3rd match = Beverage (while Lostmario began with a very fast start, Beverage got me by staying put and running into me with items)


    Winner of this Challenge = BEVERAGE!!!!

  10. there's a room open now...

  11. I think it'll last about half an hour, cuz we'll only be doing the MKWII challenge.


    Remember, the one who pushes me off first wins the round. After that we'll quickly finish the race so that we can do it again.

    To put it simply, it's a best out of 4 game, and in case of a tie...we'll do the same thing again. only then THE FIRST ONE WHO PUSHES ME OFF WINS THE POINT AND IT's OVER!


    Example: Beverage pushes me off the first time we race on rainbow road. This means he won the round and we'll finish the race quickly.

  12. I think it'll last about half an hour, cuz we'll only be doing the MKWII challenge.


    Remember, the one who pushes me off first wins the round. After that we'll quickly finish the race so that we can do it again.

    To put it simply, it's a best out of 4 game, and in case of a tie...we'll do the same thing again. only then THE FIRST ONE WHO PUSHES ME OFF WINS THE POINT AND IT's OVER!

  13. Change o' plans guys. Calv's participation has been canceled, because he really had very limited time on his hands very often.

    No need to get your panties in a bunch though, the same rules apply only now it's just BEVERAGE VS LOSTMARIO.



    tonight the Mario Kart Challenge will be kickin' things off. 'round 19:00

    If you can't make it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!

  14. Change o' plans guys. Calv's participation has been canceled, because he really had very limited time on his hands very often.

    No need to get your panties in a bunch though, the same rules apply only now it's just BEVERAGE VS LOSTMARIO.



    tonight the Mario Kart Challenge will be kickin' things off. 'round 19:00

    If you can't make it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!

  15. Please go to the N-Europe WEbchat site...we have lots to discuss

  16. You did good Beverage, taking CHALLENGES into question is a good thing:bowdown:

    How about we go dolphin dashin' now?

  17. I've seen your comments regaring my CHALLENGE and will up-date the explanations.

    As for the Sanctum: Most of the things will become clear via Wii-Speak.

    Thank god that's available in The Conduit.

  18. Looks like my grammar isn't perfect:laughing:

    Tonight 'round 19:00 we'll be dashing with dolphins, alright?

  19. I'd say we hold my last-way-to-get-a-free-game-from-the-man-who-is-equal-to-me at the same time I participated in your challenge.

  20. Mind you, the challenge will only incorporate the awesome MKWII, SSBB and The Conduit. Awesome on-line wii-games at the moment.

    Perhaps, in the future, I will use more awesome on-line wii games. That'll be CHALLENGE ll then:laughing:

  21. Statement: Isn't it kind of obvious that they'll probably update Crystal aswell. Why not wait for that? ....... Nah, who am I kidding....that'll probably take a few more years.....HEART GOLD IS MINE:grin:
  22. MY BAD, MY BAD, MY BAD....I was training with that bike earlier....

  23. yes now yes, this'll be interesting, standard bike is definitely not my cup o' tea:laughing:

  24. So I take it we will still be using items then, that's cool.


    1ST GP

    1st stage = DS Delfino Square


    3rd stage = Bowser's Castle



    2ND GP

    1st Stage = Moonview Highway


    3rd Stage = Wario's Goldmine


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