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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. I love them Goron tunes you can make with B and A before the game starts.
  2. COuld you please come on the n-europe chat right now.


  3. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! My word, Neogamer is just too much fun. I'm asthonished by his posts, does he work for a gaming magazine or something. He cares a lot about the gaming industry if you'd ask me. I'm actually amazed that people care so much about games. Sure they're awesome, but it isn't life. I'm not saying that I don't care, it's just that games and other hobbies ought to be a nice thing along the way of life, not something that fills the gap of someting which you lack in life, be it emotional or psychological. Anyway, that just be me typing:laughing: Can I has lolcats?
  4. What I want to know is; How come you won 4 in a row?

    What did Beverage do wrong.....

  5. I'm not sure, I'm still figuring out what characters I want to hint at and what sort of pictures I will be using for it.


    Possibly on a sunday.

  6. ow, lol, never mind ....

  7. I've added you long ago, my wii-code is in my sig, but I believe you added me long ago too.

  8. I do think he isn't on-line, however, I'll boot up THE CONDUIT now and show you how the accuracy test will go down. Join me

  9. the melee attack is when you hit someone with your fist.

    You just push the wii-mote forward.

    Check your control scheme:laughing:

  10. Hmmmm, it might be a no-go, cuz Lostmario isn't on-line on the site and I haven't heard of him.

  11. Uhmm, .........just relax?
  12. Wow, I never knew you felt that way about us:yay: LOL Tphi, may you live for many years to come and may your babies be born with smiles on their faces. This is Fused King saying; CONGRATULATIONS, A NEW RECORD: 22
  13. If you'd added 'in a corner' I'd have died from laughter LOL!!!!
  14. Does this mean that they won't be giving Henry Hatsworth anymore attention:o:sad: I hope not, that would be utter POPPY COCK!
  15. Yeah, you really like that throttle don't cha Reggie!?!? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: I was about to show you the youtube video, but after watching it again.....Brrrrr.....*block bad thoughts*
  17. Once you've bought your Wii-Points I'd like you to buy me 'Swords & Soldiers' from WiiWare.


    Hopefully you'll win my challenge so that you can spent 1500 NINTENDO POINTS in whatever way you desire. I've already bought a card of 3000 NINTENDO POINTS.


    Trust me, The Conduit challenges will be the best yet.


    The Brain test is where shiznit will be ON!

    The pictures I'll be showing you are, from time to time, very farfetched :laughing:

  18. @ Mokong X-C I played some sword duels with some friends today and one of them had no patience to wield it like a proper blade, so he went on the flailing-it-about tour. Still, I was able to best him. When you can defend properly, he has no change.
  19. In all seriousnes, I'd love to go huntin' with you guys if they added wii-speak.....IF!
  20. WHAT!?!! 'A company that creates sequels...' DIdn't they do just that this years E3? Mario sequels, Metroid Prime sequel, Wii Sport sequel.......??? Help me out here, I'm confused.
  21. Smooth Criminal is my favourite song of Michael Jackson. uhm, ......thanks shino:yay:
  22. Lol, has this now become the 'one-guy-bitches-and-moans-while-other-guys-try-to-prove-his-bitching-and-moaning-wrong' Thread? Seriously, NINTENDO hásn't lost their passion for pleasing the consumer, it's just that they have a much broader audience now and they need to adjust their marketing strategies. As they get feedback from us 'hardcore gamers' about 'hardcore games', they'll hopefully make THOSE games more to OUR liking.
  23. Dane-o-Doodle Danextra Danemotion Propane Dane Danish Dane Danus DANEGEROUS! DRAINDANE! Have I won yet:laughing:
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