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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. For me, that is excitement, not knowing what's to come:awesome:
  2. Writer/animator would be it for me.
  3. Fot the iPhone you say. Hmmmm, I wouldn't mind unleashing my creativeness upon thee. An addictive and simple game, I could come up with a short story. You could make a brilliant parody of the whole stick-figure genre:laughing:
  4. Must be because we don't live on an island:laughing:
  5. I'm the one who tells you to sleep with one eye open:yay: That, and I'm a sucker for a waffle-date
  6. I was going to post: 'Why post this?' But since it made me laugh and I read it and all, that would made me look rather foolish. So thanks for a good laugh and please, I know you hate the little bugger, but he probably experienced lots o' stuff that made him to what he is today. He's just different and if you can't handle this kind o' different (which I can understand, I couldn't either) then avoid him. You can judge him by his ways, but he was shaped this way. Pure Humour in its purest form.
  7. Ah, being single...... I've only just recently come to terms with it. I had a girlfriend a year or 2 back, but we just weren't made for eachother. The love was there, but steadily decreased as we discovered more about eachother. At the moment there are a lot of women I like, but after my first relationship I've sort of forgotten what 'love' really means to me and therefore having a hard time really discovering if I REALLY love someone. Then again, I always said to myself that there's no use in get a loved when next you'll be moving to another town in a year....
  8. Damn, 0.9 difference.....I'm getting closer.

    Pretty intense game this Mario Kart Wii, I'm always hoping that, when I'm racing 1st and you second, you somehow will get hit by the third player and after that get hit by a star and a bulletbill.

    This ought to happen during the last lap of course:laughing:


    Best o' luck to you, but after 1500 nintendo points, which you won fair and square, I want to gain a li'l som'n som'n:awesome:


    Would be awesome if one of us could actually beat Dynamo though:yay:

  9. How did y'all defeat the Table Tennis Queen......Played about a 100 games against her, but she always seems to have the advantage over me:cry:
  10. Has anyone bested the speed slice and duel champion yet. They both gave me a proper work-out:laughing:
  11. Lol, I still got those 1000 free NINTENDO points. Still waiting vor that virtual handheld:laughing:
  12. I'm glad to hear all went well.


    Star Fox Wii or Pilotwings........GET US BOTH!

  13. Huray for Flipnote
  14. I'd like to ask then, what games are you really into and hyped about?

  15. I'm going to buy the Metroid Prime trilogy.


    Of all the metroid games ever created, I've only finished Metroid Prime: Corruption.

    The rest I haven't played, but I will need to play Super Metroid, because after that METROID: OTHER M takes place:yay:

  16. Looks like you'll be doing a bit of barrel rolling:laughing:


    and remember now, He's one MEGA MAN!

  17. will be booting the stuff up now

  18. Look at him, being all relaxed and stuff..... I consider his series one of the best ever created. I watched all the MGS 4 cutscenes, ......:o:o:o:o:o:o This man needs to make a deal with a great film-producer! Anyways, he probably enjoyes life:yay:
  19. Why was this thread created, .....it seems pretty pointless for one question. . . But I'll play along. Doesn't NINTENDO always host a conference in october?
  20. 10th OF AUGUST, which is today, at 19:00



  21. Yeah, I won from the speed slice champ! Picture will follow shortly:yay:
  22. Holy Mother, The British still use gas. That's funny as a DUCK!! still, it does indeed scream Super Mario Galaxy
  23. Yup, it was a major misunderstanding. I meant this sunday at 19:00....and you didn't show up. That was too bad.


    10 of AUGUST!!! 19:00, be there or be a word that rimes to 'there':laughing:


    PS: If you do come on-line on the 9th of august, plese come to the wii-speak channel ASAP!!!

  24. All the weird bullshit on this site about Twi-Pri doesn't make sense.

    It's a proper and EPIC zelda, Period.

  25. Take it from me......YOU NEED TO PLAY TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!

    The cut-scenes in there are so EPIC!!!

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