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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. Of course, so why bitch and moan about not using your wii in the wii section when you can talk about how awesome the xbox 360, pc and ps3 line-ups are:laughing: Still, you won't find this site on the first few pages if you google: 'ps3 forum' or 'xbox 360 forum'
  2. You do realise this is a Nintendo site right?
  3. Agreed, Ganondorf should always be out there. Still, I'm hoping that someone is out to get his triforce piece...
  4. SO who'll finish it first Rummy All I need is one clean day, but with school, layton, scribblenauts, metroid prime trilogy, Kirby: Mouse Attack and Little King's Story it's going to be difficult...
  5. All I'm hoping for is a new KICK-ASS villian! Ganondorf, Vaati, General Onox, Veran, Zant and Skull Kid/Majora's Mask are all somebodies who long for ultimate power or want to rule over something. (with maybe the exception of Skull Kid) Could it ever happen that the triforce of power gets into another thing's hands? Me hopes
  6. Killer Kirby just made my day. :D :D :D @Flameboy If you already pre-order so much for them other systems, why does it even matter. The quality games for the DS fill the lack of wii games nicely IMO.
  7. You won't be dissapointed! But that's just me going koo-koo over every Mario RPG out there:D
  8. I like the series, I play the games, I'm a happy man:D I'm ever so much lookin' forward to the future, who can imagine what NINTENDO will be doing to this legend. Spirit Tracks is just one step in the right direction if you ask me. Get link in contact with all kinds o' shizzle and see what the outcome is I do, however, think that it's time for the developers to come up with a new city or place with a story behind it. Surely the world is bigger than Hyrule! ---------------------- Isn't it so that we saw Link leaving Hyrule on his horse at the end of OOT. The next game took place somewhere completely different. Link also rode off into unknown territory at the end of TP......hint-te-ti-hint?
  9. Well, N-europe has kind o' abandoned this game, including me............... Ben is still a die-hard, good ol' ben. I'm up for 12 player mayhem, but there's just too much awesome stuff coming out. To be quite fair to myself, the on-line was not what I expected....The levels are too claustrofobic.....I'm hoping the sequel will make us all smile.
  10. Wesley, your avater and sig remind me of a weird flash series called 'salad fingers' I creeps me out but still manages to get me thinking. I LIKE IT So what about the awesome pink fudge....
  11. My FRIGGIN word!


    You my friend are a far better Brawl player than I expected. Of course it's even harder with the smash ball around and it makes it just a tad unfair, but one still needs a good strategy to get that ball and use it properly too. I believe I dodged some of your Marth's Final smashes there, didn't I:D


    Out 1 vs 1 games were SOOOOOO INTENSE!!! Had me sweatin' all over:laughing:


    I think I mixed up your style with Lostmario or Dazzybee, because we once had some games (You, me, Dazz and Lost) and some really sucked. Obviously it wasn't you!


    Lookin' forward to some more games :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  12. GO on the N-europe chat will ya, ....makes things easier :D

  13. We could play Brawl right now if you like....

  14. http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/gametrailers-tv/69?ch=1&sd=1


    The first few minutes talk about a LUCASARTS REVIVAL OF EPIC CLASSICNESS AWESOMENESS!!!

  15. OMG, Jack Krauser.......He's almost as bad-ass as Wesker. Excited:D
  16. Limewire....


    but I get most of my awesome game-remixes from various sites:laughing:

  17. Looks like Sonic fans can FINALLY rejoice:D (not me though, don't like the blue bastard)
  18. I've played all the mario RPG's: -Super Mario RPG -Paper Mario -Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door (Best Mario RPG ever IMO) -Super Paper Mario (Not quite the RPG... but EPIC story) -Mario&Luigi: Superstar Saga (Story almost better than TTYD, with this one having multiple plottwists, which I like:D) -Mario&Luigi: Partners in Time (not as good as SS, but I did really like the story and plottwists. Wasn't too hard though, but very enjoyable IMO) Now if a site goes around saying that Bowser's Inside Story is the best MARIO RPG yet, then this has made me very curious. I'm a fan of the mario RPG's and will always buy them no matter what. Still, you ought to buy them for the plumber humour alone and a game can't go wrong with fawful in it!
  19. Kom ff op MSN dan, wat makkelijker meningen uitwisselen enzo bij strikers charged

  20. My passion for Japanese culture and language is way bigger than my passion for the British culture and language. Still, The British L&C does have its perks and that's why I want to seriously find out more about it, keepin' Japanese L&C in the back o' my mind and dedicate some spare time to that (hence the course).


    the 'u' is mostly a dummy vowel in Japanese so it's prenounced 'se-go-ee'. It means something along the lines of AWESOME!


    Will you be attending the Mario Kart league match this thursday?

  21. A much as I love this serie, I will NOT watch these epic vids. I want everything to be fresh and new to me. I saw too much of Partners in Time so,.......no spoilers for me, even if they are as small as this one. @Retro Link We've seen him in pictures, but not in vids I recall. Would be pretty awesome if he actually is another huge Koopa. Now all that is left is for Ward, Bowser and this Pig-Koopa thing (and Fawful if he'll make it) to star in another sequel to take mario down! Every game in this series are, up untill now, stand alone adventures. I'm hoping for an open ending in the new one
  22. Hmmmm, this reminds me of something. Whilst the things that you are stating are pretty nice. I actually think that Metroid Prime could 've ended with the ultimate first person shooter on the wii. It would definitely surpass The Conduit and the possibilities are endless when it comes to a Metroid shooter (staying within the boundries of the Metroid universe of course ) Picture a bigger, better and greater version of Metroid Prime Hunters on-line
  23. Colour me excited Serebii, but there are lots o' other pearls before this game, so part of my excitement is with them:D
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