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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. I would very much like to know when NINTENDO is finally going to revive some more good ol' franchises! I mean ....... HOW can they ignore F-ZERO..........or Star Fox for that matter. You just got to take care of your classics, and NINTENDO has got a LOT o' those
  2. Oh God, Oh God.......GETTING EXCITED!!! Kirby too, check it out
  3. Well it says 'to run around with you' so ...... A nintendog is a living virtual creature, ....if it's furniture Miyamoto would soil himself
  4. D prodigy, them be true words, true words.....I myself have only defeated 2 bosses and have sunken literally hours and hours of playtime into it. It's just so much fun!!!! I'm very glad to hear that it's possible to expand your kingdom over nearly the whole world. I never thought that would be possible, but I keep getting letters about guardians so I guess WORLD DOMINATION is the way to go. I like the way they cultivated the land:awesome:
  5. Thank you internet, for ruining Capcom's sales on this one:laughing:
  6. Should I buy this game and play the fuck out of it during my Autumn-Break?
  7. Attention lads, It's almost that special time!
  8. The Conduit has been rather abandoned by most N-europers as of late, perhaps you could take the initaitive to bring it back to life once more. I'm sure that when it takes place at a reasonable time, I could participate.

  9. Happy Birthday, Kirby is pleased
  10. Alright, I'll say it.....Mario Kart Wii ONLINE!
  11. : peace:That could fill up some boring times: peace:
  12. CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR LIFE HAS BEEN EXTENDED :3 (Or actually, decreased)

  13. God DAMN! This game is hard, I've invested hours and hours into it and I still only defeated the 1st boss. Some sidequests really take some skill.... Best game on my Wii so far. Next to Super Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess and Brawl of course:laughing:
  14. Mja, ach ....details....details :P Ik wist dat het rond die prijs zat. Maar het is nog steeds 'a steal' :D

  15. Finally, the game arrived and am playing it right now! I can only imagine the possibilities once I make progress.... THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE! It's good to know that they're even making a sequel. Don't count the wii out when it comes to exclusives:D
  16. Ze wachten daar in ieder geval nog op een levering, dus je zou je in kunnen schrijven zodat ze je zeggen wanneer het spul bij hun binnenkomt (Hopelijk gewoon op de dag van release)

  17. Maar natuurlijk madammeke :laughing:


    http://www.mymemory.co.uk / er staat 20 pounds dus ik hoop dat DAT ook de prijs is als hij uitkomt en niet een of andere prijs is onder voorbehoud. Dat zie ik er in ieder geval niet bijstaan....

  18. Are you saying that you have an F-Zero Jazz album?

    If so, could it be possible to share them mp3's with me?

  19. Why do I end up with Fawful quotes when I click on your link, Dante?
  20. ALRIGHT CUT IT OUT ALREADY!!! STOP WITH THE AMAZING CUT-SCENES AND CHARACTERS:cry: I'll buy it, *crawles away in a corner crying* I'll buy it!
  21. You lucky dawg you:wink: My DSi is going to be buried in awesomeness the coming months. Not to mention that I even ordered your avater:laughing: Finishing MM is still a priority though, given the fact that I never played it before:blank:
  22. FAWFUL! FAWFUL! FAWFUL! He's only one of the funniest and yet craziest/bad-ass villians ever created! Here are his most awesome quotes: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Fawful And this would be him in his Superstar Saga glorie! I love his sneakiness, his use of grammar and vocabulary and I must say his speeches have been translated excellent! He is one of a kind and not even Doopliss(Paper Mario: TTYD), Booster(Super Mario RPG) or the Great Cackletta (Superstar Saga) can ever get near his status. It even gets better when you consider that he survives Superstar Saga, lives an underground life in Partners in Time, and now TOTALLY TRIES TO GET EVEN! I'm praying he'll survive yet another Mario & Luigi game ''I HAVE FURY! Those brothers of badness! My brain aches at their overalls! I have fury AND headache now! Fawful would be here, reigning over all and laughing at you! ...But no. SO MUCH FURY! Stupid mustaches! Hairs like the dirty tail of a horse in a barn built by a farmer who is crazy! ...I HAVE CALM.''
  23. Well, completing it 100% will take some walkthroughs and a lot o' time if you'd ask me and there are other gems waiting for me to play them. So I'll just finish the story and that Kafei sidequest at some point.......Still have no idea when:laughing: Funny that we sort o' stopped playing at the same time, .....are our brains connected?
  24. Wii general discussion? I understand where you're comin' from though, no hard feelings.
  25. @Dante :D Those are some funny facts right there, and I 100% agree with it.
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