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Everything posted by sumo73

  1. No you can play this game without the online subscription but you will just have the 40+ games that come with the game. Also you can play this game offline as well.
  2. Just Dance games work roughly the same regardless of the system being played, that is you copy (mirror) the movement of the on screen dancer/s on screen as the song is being played. For the Switch version you hold the joycon in your right hand and move to the moment of the dancer. So I don't have this game but I found out there are over 40 songs for Just Dance 2019 but more songs if you use Just Dance Unlimited online service. If you buy the game brand new then it should come with a month free trial of Just Dance Unlimited. Normally the e-shop version will hold it's price more than the physical version over time. On a side note the previous game, Just Dance 2018 on the Switch is currently £19.99 via amazon.co.uk I recommend having a quick look on YouTube about reviews of the game and then you decide. This is for the US version but worth a look - https://www.imore.com/everything-you-need-know-about-just-dance-2019-nintendo-switch Also - https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/just-dance-2019/
  3. Why is International Women's Day on the bad stuff thread? Anyway I will be celebrating Video Games Day on the 12th September.
  4. Jim might think he is a consumer genie but I don't. However he was around on the Escapist long before loot boxes, micro transactions, season passes and other things which have pushed the prices of some games up came out. He has seen the industry change and he is against some of the poorer practices now being pushed customers ways. As I said I don't agree with him on everything and he is hyperbolic with a touch of theatrics added in. He is Jim after all.
  5. One thing that we can all agree to here is that we love video games but the industry as a whole is something that shouldn't be above due 'constructive criticism' where needed (loot boxes and micro-transactions). I was recently told that video games where cheaper and better than ever before but if that's completely true why does Jim Sterling exist? I do watch his 'videyos' from time to time, I don't agree with everything he says and he is hyperbolic with pouring of the theatrical but he does make good points. Long live Jim Sterling. "Listen to me or don't. After all who am?, I but one man, one man with his own web shows logo sewn into the lining of his custom suit, what!" - Jim Sterling.
  6. I think when Capcom gave Japanese audiences RE7 as a steaming service on the Switch it kinda killed anything else off.
  7. News about this is already poor but luckily they haven't stooped so low as offering these games as streaming only as they did with Resident Evil 7 in Japan. As a physical release especially if they released this in Europe, I would have got this (even though I have these games already several times) but now this is a no buy from me. As already mentioned this release is a bit odd coming off the back of the remake of Resident Evil 2. When is that game coming on the Switch exactly?
  8. Whatever people thought of him at least I knew who he was and that is something I know less about with NOE.
  9. As already mentioned news about these ports are coming soon, I just hope there is a physical release of these games and not just download only. Also I hope it's based on the HD remasters which came out a few years ago rather than the GameCube ports direct. If they add something extra to these games I will get them ie Battle mode for Resident Evil as it was on the Sega Saturn, otherwise I still have them on other systems.
  10. I'm not too sure what to think of all of this including the news today that three Conservative MP's have defected over to the this new party. This feels a bit like the formation of the SDP (I'm old enough to remember this) except I doubt this will last as long or be remembered so well. Politicians should always put their constituencies first and I don't see this fully here. They are doing what they think is right and of course their constituents will either agree or disagree with them in the ballot box should any by-elections come up. Still feels a bit like a sideshow to me...
  11. The current UK prime minister has always been a very poor poker player and the EU knows this. On a side note, any thoughts on the EU's articles 11 and 13 in regards to copyright at all?
  12. Are you playing new game or new game plus?
  13. I don't believe the general electorate ever directly voted on joining the EEC (now EU) although there was a public referendum held in 1975 (just two years after joining) on whether the UK should continue to stay in the EEC or not. It was PM Edward Health that pushed for EEC membership when he was came to power in 1970 and his government stopped short of holding any public referendum on joining. When the EEC became the EU in 1993 that would have been a better time to perhaps have held any vote, that might have stopped this mess that we have now.
  14. Out of all the systems I own the GameCube remains my favourite. It really marked the end of me being a PC gamer and onto a new chapter of console/handheld gaming. I still have a lot of good memories with that system. I must have well over 200 games for it and the few games I still want to get for the system are quite a bit expensive now. I did look into getting a GCHD Mk II HDMI adapter but it's out of my price bracket and I don't have that many games that support 480p without changing things but it's nice for people who want to get the very best out of their console.
  15. I went to Japan for a week (to Kyoto and Nara) and I recommend going for longer especially when you factor in the flight there and back as Ashley has already said. I went direct from the UK to Japan non stop but if you have to change then that eats up time as well. Hope you have a good time over there! Even so some basic Japanese is always useful.
  16. I bought a Wii U just over 6 months ago so am trying to catch up with everything right now.
  17. Resident Evil 7 did well for Capcom and the remake of Resident Evil 2 from what I've seen looks really good so I don't think the series is dying; far from it in fact. This isn't to say that the series has always been so successful in it's direction, the real question is where does the series go after the remake of Resident Evil 2 comes out. Capcom are already working on Resident Evil 8 so we will have to wait and see. “We want [Resident Evil 7] to be the start of a new kind of survival horror and of a new series,” says Takeuchi, “We’re already thinking of various plans for the next game, but we also want to see how we can continue to evolve survival-horror itself. In the next few years, technology will continue to advance and what players want may also change but we will always want to create horror experiences where the characters overcome a difficult situation.” Resident Evil 7 Executive Producer Jun Takeuchi https://www.gamesradar.com/resident-evil-8-release-date/
  18. I appreciate the response but please bare in mind that this is not my opinion and I did quote YongYea in my original post. When I posted the original comment I was trying to remember YongYea's original quote and I mixed up 'developer' with 'publisher'. This was an genuine and honest mistake and I have now corrected it after seeing the original video. I apologise about this. Also in my original post I said "If this is the shape of things to come..." so I'm not saying that it is necessarily right now although I worry about a few elements in the gaming industry such as micro-translations, loot boxes... and what will happen in the future. I rarely post anything about video games and I am certainly not the type of person to complain all the time which I fear you maybe alluding to. Thank you.
  19. I agree with you and the comment about worst...was meant as a joke. The gaming industry does have some great things going for it but there are areas to improve. I'm just not a great fan of award shows in general.
  20. Wokest is an informal superlative of the verb 'woke' which is based on the verb 'awake'. Although grammatically incorrect it has been used primarily although not exclusively within the black American English speaking community. It means that someone is aware (they are awake) of current affairs especially social issues.
  21. 100% agree.
  22. My faith in politicians from across the political divide is quite low and my faith in decent political debate from the general public (regardless of how they voted and without name calling) is also quite low as well.
  23. I've been playing video games for many years and despite being quite a bit older than most people here I still want to continue playing video games for sometime to come however overall life balance is important. I don't play video games as much as I used to but am worried in part where the industry and games journalism is going. YongYea said something like (when talking about greedy publishers) "the customers are the cattle, the video games are the milking machines and the real customers are the investors". If this is the shape of things to come, I have a large backlog of games to complete regardless but it's worrying nevertheless.
  24. As a rule, I don't normally watch any kind of award show. Full of people giving themselves slaps/pats on the back. Had this award show had the worst game of 2018, most wokest developer of 2018, worst triple A developer.... or been a bit shorter in length, I might have watched it. I'm not going to watch a lovie award show when the gaming industry needs to sort out poor working conditions with overworked programmers/developers.
  25. "Do you guys not have phones?" Wyatt Cheng (Diablo Immortal - Lead designer) "...you have two choices: either accept it or don’t buy the game. I’m fine with either..." Patrick Söderlund. (ex EA) "We have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360." Don Mattick (ex Microsoft) It's sad to see the gulf between gamers and gaming companies widen over things like this.
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