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Everything posted by sumo73

  1. Thanks for reminding me! I've got Resident Evil Deadly Silence for the DS as well. I've got the Gun Survivor stuff too but no light gun.
  2. I'd like to know what the prices are going to be for these games. I have a large collection of cube games (150+) so for me it's not I'm so interested in these games. I can however see the interest in these games especially to people who never played these games before and may find it difficult to track down the games in their cube format or people who really don't like playing with the cube controller. I'd like to see however - Zelda WW (include the missing content - 2 dungeons)
  3. >Anyone else here got the full chebang? Yeap, I have all Resident Evil games across GBC, PS1, PS2, Cube, DS and Wii. PS- Play Resident Evil 2 and then Resident Evil 3. PPS- The port of Resident Evil 2 for the Gamecube was the 'Dual Shock version of the PSone version of the game' which featured the 'Rookie mode'. The best versions graphic-wise of RE2 I believe are the Sega Dreamcast and PC versions. Also the N64 verison is quite good but it did depend on the number of enemies on the screen.
  4. I've got well over 150 games including some Japanese and American ones and I'm still going back to them as I've not completed a lot of them. I don't want to get rid of them and I'm happy that I've got enough space now to alongside my DS, PS2 and Wii games to house them all.
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