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Everything posted by sumo73

  1. I went to the bank today to speak to someone about all of this and they told me that I didn't have to worry because my account was protected and that if someone (ie from abroad) tried to take my money, I would be protected against this. (I'm not completely convinced about this) I asked them to cancel my credit card and they told me there was no need. They said look we are in contact with Sony and are waiting to hear back from them soon about where to go next but in the meantime there's no need to cancel your bank account or cancel your credit card. I've changed my online passwords and will continue to check my bank account at the bank but there's not much I can do now. I got the feeling that the bank didn't want to give any panic and for customers to shut down their bank accounts or credit cards, after all it's their (I mean my) money. Anyway later on today, I bought a newspaper with the front page saying 'Millions urged to cancel credit cards' so I'm a little confused right now. When all of this does blow over I don't want to hear anything about how the future of computing, gaming, banking..whatever is cloud based and how that IS the future. If a high tech company like Sony can get it's customers data stolen then there is little hope for anyone else.
  2. Super Mario Land for the Game boy. I've never played it before. When everyone else talks about the golden days of Nintendo and how they have been with them since the NES in the early days I was playing my on my Speccy and Amiga.
  3. I'm not disillusioned with M+ but I would be if Nintendo are intent on releasing Vitality sensor. To be honest the slight upgrade stuff you say isn't just confided to just Nintendo.
  4. I agree M+ could do it.
  5. I don't regret getting Motion Plus early on and am glad that more games and companies are supporting it more.
  6. Considering that Fatal Frame/Project Zero IV didn't sell so great in Japan and had a few bugs in it I'm surprised that Tecmo wants to try things again with Nintendo. I've been a fan of the series since the beginning and have all the games including IV but I still feel that this will be a Japan only game. Western Wii owners will be stuck again with poorer imitations that do make it over like Calling and Ju-On.
  7. My PS3's lasers died a few weeks ago after less than a years play so I'm playing more on my Wii than before. I'm just waiting for the replacement laser to arrive via the far east. Consoles becoming more and more like pc's don't you think. Remember the days when all you had to do was just load a tape/floppy disc or pop in a cartridge to play a game? I'm glad that Sony have been honest and been up front and said there is a mistake (I wonder what offline users who don't have internet are thinking right now) but you would think that with all these patches they have been putting into your PS3 they might have sorted this out previously. Let's hope Sony sort things out soon..
  8. I'm very, very lucky as I've got a friend over in Japan who sent it to me for nothing. I've sent them stuff back previously so I guess I did pay for it before. I guess you could try ebay.
  9. Project Zero/Fatal Frame IV.. That's a difficult one to import and prices are normally high.
  10. I've not seen any typos so far but I think the fact that there is a patch at all for this game is simply great! Well done to the team behind that. The only very minor point with the patch is that on a standard TV sometimes the text is squashed together. Any interested read about the people behind the patch- http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/specialArt.cfm?artid=21107
  11. I'm in luck as I've got a friend over in Japan who is going to send this to me soon. I've seen the prices on e-bay and it's a bit high. Great news about the English patch.
  12. Good to see the extra characters for this. Why doesn't Capcom go completely overboard and release Luis Sera, Hunk, Tofu and others as extra characters as well.
  13. I'm looking forward to this but you know this is another Nintendo and Temco teamup. I just hope that even Nintendo isn't silly enough to cancel this outside of Japan.
  14. I'll add my voice to this and say that not releasing this game is worse than not releasing 'Disaster Day of Crisis' in North America. It's odd that a game has already been developed and then Nintendo doesn't want it released it outside of Japan and doesn't really say why. I've got the previous 3 games in this series and I was looking forward to playing this on my Wii. In fact it was one of the reasons I bought the Wii. Personally, I think adding Nintendo's involvement with this fourth game was a mistake on many levels. I was hoping that since Nintendo didn't want to publish it that someone like Rising Star Games might do it but recent news about this company isn't positive right now. The only hope is that next generation Nintendo might have a change of heart and release this game to us as a download only title. I'd hate to see this but there you go.
  15. I bought this recently after having played the original Dead Space many times over and they have done a good job on this Wii game. The extra content is great as well. I prefer this to RE Darkside (shaky cam) Chronicles.
  16. I already have this for the Wii (both NA and Europe editions) and am interested in getting this for the PS3 if it comes out here in Europe. I hope they don't mess up the controls for the PS3 however.
  17. I've got RE4 on the Gamecube, PS2 and Wii but too be honest it's not really my favourite out of the RE series and I've played them all.
  18. Number 3 looks like Kickstart.
  19. I got this game a few days ago and it's not bad. I do miss things from UC like the camera look function and silly things like shooting the umbrella symbol on the loading screen. I would have liked to see some extra side missions (1 player only) to unlock as in UC if your score was good enough as well. As much as the shaky hand cam tries to make it scary or make you sick, whichever, playing the game without another character next to you or talking on the screen all the time (ie alone) I think is more scary. I had also hoped that this game might include some simple puzzles in the game like Sega's Ghost Squad which also was a rail shooter but had you doing things like defusing bombs. Something that made it a bit more than just another shooter.
  20. So how comes they are selling this as a physical disk in Japan only? I know that Capcom have formed this opinon as a result of an ONLINE poll but it's doesn't speak to gamers who don't have easy online access like myself. It's also funny that the European poll voted in favour of a physical disk but we get DLC regardless. Why not have a limited release disk version and the regular DLC. This way you wouldn't have as you say tonnes of unsold disk/cs..
  21. I don't see why Capcom couldn't have released both DLC and a physical product. I don't have internet access where I live so it's a problem for me. They will lose sales because of this.
  22. In Hong Kong there's 3 official languages- Cantonese, Mandarin and English but Cantonese is the most widely spoken. It's also quite different from Mandarin both spoken and written. The European version of Talkman for the PSP contains- French, UK English, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. The Asian version of Talkman contains- US English, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese and Korean. You would have to import the Asian version if you want to get it. Even though Talkman is quite fun, an old fashioned phrase book is still useful too. Good luck on your trip to Hong Kong and make sure you travel on the Star Ferry when you get out there!
  23. sumo73

    Fallout 3

    I'm still on my first play through this game and I've always been as good apart from when I got to Tenpenny Towers and mucked up one the quests. I couldn't persuade the residents to allow the ghouls to move in. By the time I could there was already a sub plot with the ghouls which meant that I only had one choice left which was to let the ghouls and ferals in by force. Seeing all the humans killed made me feel bad. I saw a review by someone from Bethesda who said that it's best to play as netural but personally I think the start of the game when your dad gives you advice that set me up to play as good. I would have played as good regardless. However when complete this game and play again I'll play as bad and then again as netural. That time sponge is gonna take a long time....
  24. I'm not buying this again since I already have GOW I and II and Chain of Olympus. Sometimes I wish Sony had given us backwards compatability across all PS3's but I see now why they didn't, kerching!!
  25. The only Word Coach game I can think of for the PSP is 'Talkman' which is ok. I've got this as I'm learning Japanese. I think you'll need to get the Asian version of this however because the European version doesn't contain Chinese and even that might not help you because most people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese Chinese and not Mandarin Chinese which is spoken across most of mainland China. Whatever you get for the DS or PSP will be Mandarin Chinese which might not be so useful in Hong Kong. This might help in the meantime- http://www.learncantonese.blogspot.com/
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