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Everything posted by sumo73

  1. Good post although I am surprised/shocked he's won. For me a Clinton/Sanders or a Stein/Sanders or even Sanders/Clinton would have been my idea mix. The next four years will be very interesting indeed!
  2. I did go back to my original quote and edit it to...weren't so popular during the 8 bit and 'early' 16 bit era. I'm not here to say I'm right because I can only speak from my experience and I'm not here to have an argument with anyone. : peace: So I can only say without having any sales figures in front of me Nintendo had competition from the home computer market in the UK (I'm not talking about elsewhere) during that time from the mid to late 80's. I do remember now in the very early 80's Nintendo were popular to some degree with the game and watch series but the NES did not make the dent in the UK that it did in Japan or North America. I already said before that when Nintendo released the Gameboy was when at least for me Nintendo started to increase in popularity. By the early 90's the home computer market in the UK was already dying and Nintendo and Sega took over. That's from what I remember. Oh I had a C16, ZX81, C64, Spectrum 48, Spectrum+2, Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 back in the day. I tried to find official sales figures for purely the UK for the NES but couldn't find anything but this might be worth reading, just found it - http://www.gamespot.com/forums/games-discussion-1000000/is-nintendo-less-popular-in-the-uk-29399186/ This is also worth watching-
  3. That's what I thought yesterday. Stayed up till 3:30am this morning watching this, went to bed hoping and prayed that Clinton would win. Woke up to this....... Have I just woken up to a Mirror Mirror world in Star Trek? Trump's won! :o:o I heard some people said one thing to the pollsters then voted how they really wanted to and also some people who had never voted before wanted to vote for Trump. Clearly as I said before a lot of forgotten and marginalised people left out by the political elite, intelligentsia, socially mobile...let their voices heard. The problem is can someone like Trump really change things and reach out to people who voted for other candidates. Or is America going to end up like Trump University? I hope not.
  4. That system had the same name in Europe as it had in Japan albeit pronounced slightly differently (*Mega Doraibu = Mega Drive) but in North America it was called the 'Genesis'. The name had to be changed from Mega Drive to Genesis in North America, I believe due to trademark issues. * (source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega_Genesis)
  5. I'm a fan of the series and have played all the games in the series so far. I bought this game last year directly from Nintendo and then saw the prices shoot up because Nintendo handled the release of this game poorly imo. I don't actually have a Wii U yet although I have a few games for the system already so in answer to your question sorry I've got the game but not played it yet. I know that some people have complained about the lack of Japanese costumes in the western release but the biggest issue was the lack of a limited physical release in North America. Of course this doesn't affect me but still I don't think it was fair. If people wanted the Japanese version costumes then Nintendo could have offered that as paid DLC and made some money out of it. Again a lost issue with Nintendo. If Nintendo had made a few more physical copies they could have sold them during Halloween and during the year but there you go.
  6. I completely agree "obviously we only have personal experience which doesn't necessarily fit into the general rules" so I'm just remembering what it was like growing up back in the 80's. I'm no video game history expert. : peace: The NES wasn't even released until late 1986 across Europe (three years after it's Japanese release as the FC) and I think the UK home computer market was already quite well established by then so Nintendo did struggle a bit. I think also it had a little bad publicity in Europe with it's (for the time) high game cartridge price. I think in the North American market it did better because it was released a year earlier and that market was still recovering from the video games crash which had killed (in part) some of the competition. As for - One of the things I really like moving from PC to GameCube (my first Nintendo console) gaming back over ten years ago was the lack of installing/patching for video games. The fact that you could pretty much turn on the console and starting playing more or less without waiting. The problem with X1 and PS4 is that they have lost that art. Jim Sterling sums up this mess -
  7. I'll state for the second time....I said weren't so popular. I did not say not popular. There is a difference between what I said and what you and dazzlebee thought I said. I hope that clear things up a little. : peace: I did however go back to my original post upon reflection and add 'early' - '...popular during 8 and ''early'' 16 bit era' because the 16 bit era lastly longer than I had remembered. By the very late 80's/early 90's Sega and Nintendo were making inroads in the UK at least from what I remember. Also I am saying this from a British perspective (not a global one) so giving me a figure of 62 millon NES units sold you need to factor in that only around 8.5 millon were sold in Europe. I don't know how many were sold in the UK but I can tell you they were not as popular as the 8 bit computer market especially around the mid to late 80's. As for people who had a C64 moving onto a NES you have to see that the Commodore Amiga or Atari ST (also Megadrive) were more attractive options. I'm not saying that people didn't move from C64 to NES either. I don't want to get misquoted here again. Of course Nintendo were successful globally with the NES but in the UK they really started to make their mark with the Gameboy in 1989 (a year after it's NA and JPN release).
  8. I've been following the US elections fairly loosely because I fell out of following politics especially UK politics a few months ago in a big way but I think it will be a narrow Clinton win. Make no mistake Clinton needs to heal some big divisions across America (some which she has caused) and Trump will not be the magnanimous loser. Expect him to appear on American TV quite a bit over the next few months taking pot shots at 'crooked Hillary'. I don't think Hillary is as crooked as Trump says but the name is starting to stick. As for linking the US elections to Brexit, yes there are a few connections in that a lot of very disappointed people feel that they have been ignored or forgotten about which is something the intelligentsia, political elite and the socially mobile have done time and time again. The media paints those people in a very negative light without anyone really listening to the concerns they have to say. On a side issue. I'm hoping that some of the green candidates make a dent in the American elections and get into congress/senate and that come next US election the media opens up a bit more about 3rd party candidates.
  9. Maybe try using the Automatic Repair option in Windows 10. Suggest you try the 'Refresh you PC without affecting your files' before trying the 'Advanced Setup' menu. If options within Advanced Setup don't work and you have tried everything else including hardware-wise then think about doing a re-installation of Windows 10 but this should be a last and final resort. Back up anything important before you do that.
  10. I think I said "weren't so popular" not weren't popular. Recently I watched 'Nintendo Minute' on YouTube where the hosts were talking about NES Classic edition and how the hosts were reminiscing about playing the NES many years ago but I think this is mainly from a North American view. Yes the NES was released where I lived but it faced tough competition especially when you looked into the prices Nintendo were changing at the time for cartridges over cassette tapes. Here in the UK during most of the 80's systems like Commodore 64, Spectrum 48... were more popular and then it moved to systems like Commodore Amiga, Atari St. If you could talk to people like Charlie Brooker or Russell Brand then their video game memories from childhood were not about Nintendo, Sony or Sega. Anyway by the early to mid 90's that computer scene had almost died as people had moved onto consoles. By the mid to late 90's I was a PC gamer and then in 2002, I got a GameCube for Xmas and everything changed.
  11. I wanted to avoid making a long post so I kept it short. You'll find that in areas where men are superior to women as you say you'll also find areas where women excel so in general my point still stands that one gender is not superior to another.
  12. As a person who's over a certain age now I didn't grow up with Nintendo as a kid because they weren't so popular during 8 and early 16 bit era so my first Nintendo console was the GameCube. Still a great console even now!
  13. >All other tests I tried have been fine. Anyone got any ideas on what I can check? I'm not sure what tests you have already done so sorry if you have already done the following... Some other areas to look at would be either a memory or a graphics card fault. Running a memory test might be a good idea. Unplugging and plugging in memory and your graphics card (maybe hard drive) is worth a go too. If your PC has an internal graphics card then it might be worth running that for a short while to see if your machine still crashes. I know that System Restore is disabled in Windows 10 but it's worth trying that if you can restore your computer to an earlier date. Also have a look into using System File Checker tool which can scan system files for any changes or corruption.
  14. My mother is from Ireland so Halloween was instilled into me at an early age. When I was young (showing my age) buying a pumpkin was difficult to buy so I had to carve out a turnip or swede which is a lot harder to make a lantern from. Nowadays Halloween has lost most of it's true meaning and become something else as with most celebrations. I've got friends in Japan who know almost nothing about Halloween but are happy to celebrate it. My Halloween this year was low key with a few decorations and watched a few horror films. As I heard about a week ago on TV, Halloween and to a lesser extent now Bonfire night are the starting pistols for Christmas. (Unless you are a keen QVC channel view then the countdown towards Christmas started back in June.)
  15. Men and women in general have some physical and mental differences. One gender is not superior to the other. That said one of my friends transitioned from female to male before I met them and has a girlfriend now as well. I don't see my friend as transgender, I just see my friend as a man. "What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets". - Dracula in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
  16. Nixon said many things in his 1974 resignation speech which still hold true now well over 40 years after he said it. There's no doubt that Obama is a great speaker but how much has really changed in the two terms he has been president. Obamacare and some improved deals with foreign countries (Cuba and Iran) but I can't name much else off hand. I really wonder how either Trump or Clinton can really change anything apart from lip service.
  17. Compared to the UK and elsewhere, I find the US elections to be a wildly drawn out affair (something like 2 years plus) but I think it's odd that many Americans get their view of politics from evening comedy/light entertainment shows. (Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, Late Night...). I don't think it was fantastic, just a slick light entertainment style that Americans are very good at. Look I'm no Trump fan but have a look online and Clinton has said some evil things as well about other people but this wasn't added to the above video clip because it wouldn't have got the laughter at the end. Since Clinton has already annoyed half of Trump supporters with her 'basket of deplorables' comment I wonder how she will reach out to them if she wins? Will she use dialogue or more threats against Russia? Will she bomb xx middle eastern country in order to protect freedom? Will she actually reach out to rust belt and fly over America and help build America up again so that people aren't so dependent on welfare handouts? If this is the best that America can offer from both the Republican and Democratic parties I hope that America next time can open up about other parties/candidates. My vote would be for Dr Stein but since I'm not American I can't vote. Even though I'm not American this vote affect us all. I believe that Dr Stein had tried to reach out to Bernie Sanders before but got little response. Sanders saw the picture that if he did what you said he would have deeply split the Democratic vote and the risk would be Trump getting in by default.
  18. I've seen the new Switch trailer just once and can't tell if I'm switched on or off about the whole thing. Guess I need to watch it a bit more. I just don't want to hear in 2019 or somewhere down the line "Nintendo have learnt their lesson from Nintendo Switch" in the same way they said that about the Wii U.
  19. I already have this game for the DS and PS3 but I bought COD:Black Ops recently. Online severs are still up! “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true.”
  20. When I watch anime it's normally in Japanese rather than a English dub and I have to admit I've never heard of Vic Mignogna before but I do know now that he's done a lot of voice work. I think the whole STC faithfully recreates the old series very well. There is a strong attention to detail with some decent acting as well. It's only a shame that there's so few episodes out there. (The latest one came out yesterday however)
  21. I've not seen the latest Star Trek film but I've been watching a few 'Star Trek Continues' episodes recently. The seventh episode 'Embracing the winds', I believe comes out later on this month.
  22. I know that it clearly looks like there were no plans made by David Cameron and George Osborne because they believed the polls and themselves that they would win. They had the backing of big businesses, big business owners and financial institutions with acronyms most people can't remember. I blame our previous PM for some of this mess and yet he has the cheek to send out an honour's list, half of which I would scrap. The Bank of England clearly had contingency plans (which we have seen over the last month or so) and they would have spoken to the government during the EU referendum about them. Regardless of where politicians were during EU debates, the civil service should have drawn up contingency plans as well and these would be some kind of plan. Since article 50 has not been invoked it does however give the government time to try and sort things out. Over the last month of so there have been some scare stories about Brexit. The one that comes to mind is Lloyd's bank (partly owned by the government) that said that Brexit was the cause of them closing down branches and cutting staff which turned out to be not true. The chief executive of the bank - Antonio Horta-Osorio said back in February 2016 that his company would 'thrive' outside the EU and yet the media say Lloyd's have record profits but are closing banks because of Brexit. What's next Nintendo to delay NX because of Brexit? I spoke to a friend in Japan via Skype earlier this week who asked me about Brexit and they said that Brexit would affect the Japanese economy. I didn't mention to them however that their PM isn't doing such a great job on the economy that everyone thinks he is doing. However Japanese firm Softbank did buy out ARM from the UK recently. I said to them well what about the Asian stock market crash in the 90's or the housing market/banking crash in America in the 00's? That had nothing really to do with the UK and yet we had to suffer. I don't want Japan or anywhere else to suffer because of this UK result but in an increasing globalised world there is often a ripple effect. Had the UK voted to stay in the UK, the poor would have had the two barrels of George Osborne's (soon to be CH honoured) austerity measures thrown at them. It's nice that some people here are thinking of moving abroad but for myself I can't afford to move abroad. I'm stuck here and so are many others who don't have that chance. My only hope is that with this new PM if she truly meant what she said outside No 10 a few weeks ago then it is not a continuation of the status quo under Cameron and Osborne. If this EU result says anything it says that the status quo and the disconnect between the political elite and the electorate can not continue. Of course since there isn't really any real opposition to this government apart from the SNP and they just want to return back to the EU. So at present this government can pretty much do whatever they want. Labour please sort yourselves out.
  23. I'm still following the aftermath of the EU referendum with the SNP myopic about another referendum, UKIP without a leader, the Conservative leadership race won because everyone else had fallen out or quit and with the Labour party at an impasse fighting their true enemy, themselves. Regardless of the mess, I will give this new PM a bit of time to sort things out since Dave resigned earlier than I thought. However I'm hoping that Jeremy Hunt goes whenever there is the next cabinet reshuffle whenever that is!
  24. I made a very conscious decision at the end of last year not to post anything about politics on my facebook page for this year and maybe beyond. It was something that I do not regret especially now. If you've read anything that I've posted in the last few days then you know that I am interested in politics but from what I've read on facebook it makes me sad from what I've read from others but I've enjoyed the discussion here, it makes me a bit more optimistic about the future.
  25. Historically the Labour party was for a time anti EEC/EU but the party got drunk off of the pro EU story from Tony Blair. Corbyn was EU sceptic but the rest of the party wasn't really. The final result was a compromise during the EU Campaign. The Labour party in Wales has had a long and proud history but with the Labour party in a mess right now it gives parties like Plaid Cymru opportunities to exploit the situation. If the vote in Wales had been closer I'm sure Leanne Wood, would be saying similar things as Nicola Sturgeon is saying right now, first leader or not.
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