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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. The expression on the man in picture Daft posted = Daft's expression when Rez tells a joke. I think.
  2. If you told me Solitanze was on the N-E payroll, I would believe you. I mean, you'd have to be pretty boring person to spend most of your time, writing sensationalist comments for Nintendo news articles. What's really worrying though, is he's being doing this for years! I think he was hired by N-E, to post flamebait material. When visitors read the comments, if they want to reply to him and basically vent their anger, they have to register or if they are already registered it just means more hits for N-E.
  3. Apparently I've heard that they don't cover this in History lessons in Japan. Does anyone know any more on this subject?
  4. Loved the Buffy and Angel series back in the day. One of my favourite parts is when the Mayor transforms. "And so, as we look back on... on the events that have brought us to this day... we-we must all- AHH. It has begun, my destiny. It's a little sooner than I expected. I had this whole section on civic pride, but, I guess we'll just skip to the big finish."
  5. I liked the House of the Dead and the Jurassic Park games.
  6. Thanks for the information Jayseven. I have created my new thread in the creative section so I can discuss my idea in full. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1189521#post1189521 Can a moderator lock this please?
  7. I have had this idea for quite awhile now, I have done my research and as far as I can tell, no other website is doing what I want to do with my website. About my idea I will describe my idea using an example. Lets pretend I'm a fairly regular user of this forum or any other forum and I want to organise an online Super Smash Brothers get-to-gether or tournament. Without my method you would organise it by creating a new thread, getting everyone's friend codes, adding them and making sure people play their matches. How my Idea will work My website will handle all the organization and other stuff. My idea is similar to other websites like http://www.gamebattles.com but the key difference is my website allows you to do this on your own website or forum. Questions and Feedback I'd appreciate it if you could give me some advice and what do you think of the idea etc... Thanks
  8. Well if Jayseven hasn't locked it, then I guess it's OK. Jayseven, what search terms did you use? - Thanks
  9. It would be interesting if something like this did happen though. That was the point I was going to make.
  10. Thank you, for a second there I thought you were going to tell me off and lock my thread. :p Question Do any of these websites or similar offer an API that you can plug into your own tournament making website?
  11. I'm wondering did anyone stay until after the credits where the woman (the one that kills herself by jumping off a building) wakes up?
  12. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum or if this is classified as advertising. Which hopefully isn't, as I haven't put in my website address. I have an idea for a website but before I buy a domain name and hosting, I need to do some research and was wondering if you guys could give me some information. I have had a look on Google but I could not find a website that was similar to my idea. My Idea My website will be used to help set up and organise tournaments and matches for online gamers on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. There is a lot more to it than that, but I do not want to give too much information away. What I want to know If anyone knows of any websites that offer this or something similar, please let me know. Thank You.
  13. From my early childhood The Animals of Farthing Wood
  14. Here are my non-cartoon contributions if that's OK with everyone Stargate SG1 - There are no words. Audio Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - One of my favourite shows as a kid. Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I got hooked on this show when the Mayor turns into that giant demon, snake thing. It was fucking amazing.
  15. Thanks for starting this thread lostmario. I love these kind of threads. Some of my favourites Skeleton Warriors - This used to make me really hyper for some reason. Sonic the Hedgehog (The good one) - The best Sonic Cartoon + Intro period. High Quality Audio Audio Conan The Adventurer - Another cartoon I liked. Season 1 Pokemon Theme Tune - A true classic. Shadow Raiders - I don't think this cartoon was very popular, but I still think it was great.
  16. Does anyone know of any decent Windows hosting that supports SQL 2008 and asp.net 4 mvc 2?
  17. Bought the game today and after a few hiccups, I finally managed to start playing the game. It's a bit laggy though, I don't know if that's because I've got a relatively low-end graphics card or because of something else. Any advice/help would be appreciated.
  18. Question: I only have a dual core 1.6 ghz intel chip. Do you think it will be ok to run this game?
  19. So has anyone on here got Starcraft 2?
  20. Raoul Moat ain't got shit on Derrick Bird.
  21. Went to Gamestation, the other day with the intention of buying a Classic Controller Pro. Went to the counter and got offered a second hand one, for £5 cheaper, so I went for it. These controllers are fucking awesome, by the way. Very nice and 10x better than the original Classic Controller. Downloaded Donkey Kong Country and I managed to get to the Ice world quite fast, but now I'm finding it really difficult. The part with the spinning barrels and the wasps was hard. And finally, I've ordered a shmup called Castle of Shikigama iii for Wii.
  22. For DS: Chrono Trigger For PS2: Final Fantasy X You can thank me later.
  23. I bought Donkey Kong Country today, for the Wii. I got to the Glacier world quite fast, but I'm having difficulty on the first level. Back in the day, I managed to 101% the game. That was using a strategy guide though, I probably can't do it without.
  24. Long gaming sessions playing Tales of Symphonia [Gamecube] I'd get in from work around 23:30 - 00:00 and relax for a bit. After I've settled down I sometimes had a smoke, then I would play TOS for about six hours straight, go to bed at 6am and then wake up at about four in the afternoon! I was really addicted to the game, I really liked the music and the characters. Unfortunately, I can't get into the big epic games any more. I've tried to get into Fallout 3, but it just doesn't interest me. Hopefully Zelda Wii or something can get me back into these sort of games.
  25. Apparently, destruction is a form of creation... so the fact that you want to 'end it' is kind of ironic.
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