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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. How is the multiplayer?
  2. If you want something on the Wii, may I suggest Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. It's mainly because I would like to play people on here but hardly anyone has the game.
  3. I'm too busy playing the awesomeness that is Yakuza 3, to care about silly Cod nonsense. Alas, that's not the type of world we live in. If only everyone had a PS3 and a copy of Yakuza 3 then the world would be a better place.
  4. Nothing special but I went to Mackies the other day. Got two of these chicken wraps, one was the Chinese style the other was Mexican style. Also had onion rings with sweet chili dip and a hot apple pie. I would have had a banana milkshake too but dam machine was broken (again!).
  5. I have to agree with Daft, the music I've heard in the Tron trailers is pretty sick.
  6. Happy Birthday! Have a nice day and try not to tea bag too many people online.
  7. I have to keep re-learning the basics, I haven't won any matches yes and I'm only playing on 3 star difficulty. I'm not sure when I'm supposed to use control dribble or point/pull dribble. Maybe I could post my friendcode and have a couple of friendly games?
  8. I've watched all the others so might as well see this one.
  9. It's exactly the same as the first and the outcome is exactly the same. If you liked the first you'll probably like this one, although essentially you are watching the same film. My advice is to wait for it to come to DVD/Blu-Ray and watch it at home, on your own and on a night for a better/scarier atmosphere.
  10. Yes, but I'm also the guy who has the same dressing gown as him and we also get our haircut on the same day, although not intentionally. I was merely pointing out another thing we have in common. We also have the same girlfriend(s) J/K
  11. I think I have the same blue mug as you lol. Also +1 for the Tea Drinking.
  12. Got this today in the post. I'm not a big fan of football games, but thought I would give this a try. I will need to get used to the controls, before I go online.
  13. I read one article, not too long ago, stating that ghosts could be a product of time distortion. If I manage to find the article I'll post it here. According to some spiritual people, there are no such things as spirits and you should not attempt to contact them, if you do manage to contact someone, it's probably a demon. LOL If you want a pleasant spiritual experience, you should contact Jesus through prayer.
  14. I need to get back into a Gym routine, need to get ripped for when I go to Ibiza next year. Do any of you guys know any cheap recipes with lots of calories and carbs, because I'm quite a skinny lad and need to eat more? I'm not much of a cook and haven't really got the time to cook roast dinners everyday.
  15. OK lets pretend the human race built a spaceship that could travel at incredible speeds, what would happen when we stop, surely we'd be crushed from G-force? Basically from what I've read and people have told me, it's not neccesary the technology that will be the problem but the laws of physics. - On a side note, I watched a video on youtube about some professor saying Light Sabres could be possible, the only problem is powering it. You'd need a probable nuclear reactor. The Light sabre beam would be made out of plasma (the same stuff the Sun is made of), if your wondering how the beam is contained, as controlling a beam of light would be impossible.
  16. Do you think we will ever have interstellar travel? How will this work?
  17. Lord Lillster enjoying a nice cup of Tea Lord Lillster having a staring competition with the floor.
  18. I think your on my MSN, is your name Dennis? I'm pretty sure we used to chat about website stuff. You probably won't remember, to be fair, neither do I.
  19. After playing the Yakuza 3 Demo and not liking it all, then decided to buy the game anyway. I've learnt not to take demo's seriously. My main complaint with this game is the music.
  20. Does anyone know what kind of Maths I will need to know in order to build 3D games, well any game really? I understand there's Trigonometry, calculus what else? What do you mean by robotic?
  21. My plan is to go to Uni (although that isn't set in stone yet) and either do a Games Programming course at Derby Uni or Computing. And if I've got the brains and determination do a Masters Degree at Stafford uni on Games Design. When I get my first job I want to work in a small team. Thanks for the vote of confidence Raining.
  22. I'm currently learning ASP.NET and C#, I really like C# and I hope to mve onto C/C++ one day.
  23. Well all decent jobs in IT and games programming i've looked have required a University Degree even if you have similar experience but I understand what you're saying.
  24. If I never get a decent job, does that mean I will never have to pay it back?
  25. I am currently working on getting into University and what scares me is that I won't be able to get a job in either IT or the Games industry as a Programmer. If I can't get the job I desire, then I'm going to be in a huge amount of debt. A bit off topic but I understand there are some forum goers on here that are knowledgeable on the games industry and was wondering if someone could answer a few questions for me: I am interested in doing games programming at Derby University: search for it on http://www.derby.ac.uk. However I have been reading these sort of courses aren't always a good idea and a lot of developers prefer a Degree in Computer Science, is this still true?
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