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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Will Killzone(KZ) 2 be getting a Move patch or is it only compatible with KZ3?
  2. I want money power and respect, but most of all respect! Some hot women would be nice too!
  3. Did you try the demo too? I've tried the demo and didn't really like it, but I know it's a bad idea to base my opinion on a demo.
  4. Do you use default controls or do you change them?
  5. I was thinking maybe some scientists/clever people plus military are secretly building some kind of Skynet infrastructure, to help them deal with the Zombie threat and eventually Skynet/machines start their own war against the humans. ____ The machines would be harder to kill, but it's better than being eaten alive.
  6. Question What type of apocalypse would you prefer?: 1. A zombie apocalypse OR 2. A war against the machines (like off the Terminator films) I was thinking maybe it would be interesting if the Zombie apocalypse eventually turned into a war against the machines or vice versa.
  7. 11. Before being N-Europe, what other names has this site gone by? 1. N64europe.com 2. cube-europe.com 3. revo-europe.com 43. Name four ex admins of this forum Jordon, Platty, Tphi and FierceLink
  8. To be fair, we should play a variety of different games, most people (including myself), stick to the same game all the time! I will definently sort myself out, for some Unch 2 goodness. Yeah, I've noticed that. Sometimes I'm in Game and I see a used game for example, £39.99, but a brand new version of the same game only costs £34.99!
  9. Next time I've got some disposable income above £15, I might buy Uncharted 2, second-hand of course! I can't afford to buy my games new any more. What's the average price for it?
  10. I have been playing a bit of Killzone 2 today, online private match with a friend. It was decent fun, it would be nice if we could organise something on here, just have a massive private N-E game. It could be fun!
  11. Thanks, unless that was sarcasm. Sorry, can't tell. My writing skills aren't the best, but I am trying to improve and to be honest, I can't be bothered to type long, complex sentences and paragraphs. Also my vocabulary is pretty average and needs improving.
  12. I like watching the Harry Potter movies.
  13. Yeah, lucky me! Is there anything I can do or buy to stop it from YLOD? This is the second time this has happened. Altogether, three PS3 consoles have died on me. I also bricked my Wii once. I am the destroyer of consoles!
  14. Good news! I phoned Sony and explained what had happened... Long story short, I will be getting a refurbished PS3 tomorrow free of charge!
  15. Looks good, but I would prefer a bullet hell shooter.
  16. I had a look at that Soldner game, it looks pretty good. I prefer vertical shooters though.
  17. I've bought a bullet hell game on the Wii called Castle of Shikigami iii. I want a HD Bullet Hell game, I suppose Super Stardust HD on Endless mode, could be classified as bullet hell. Are there even any bullet hell games on PS3? Who cares if he doesn't like the games you just listed. I don't understand how something so trivial, bothers you so much?
  18. I've never owned an Xbox in my life, the only reason I am contemplating on buying one, is because my friends keep nagging me to get one. Which PS3 game(s) did I say were bad? You must have dreamt it, everyone knows PS3 games are free from and immune to ridicule.
  19. It is a good deal when it enables region free gaming on PS1 and PS2 games. Also, it will probably allow region free DVD and Bluray movies too (hopefully). If this unlocks region free bluray and dvd's, I might have to buy a second ps3. One as my main console, the other as a media centre. Update So I was playing MW2 earlier and the game freezes, I turn the console back on and guess what... YLOD. My PS3 is fucked yet again. This is the third time this has happened! Looks like i'm getting a xbox, Sony can fuck off if they think I am paying God know's how much to get a refurbished one and then have it break, eight months down the line.
  20. Probably, but I'd get over it. I think this is evidence that most people take these games too seriously, takes the fun out of it IMO. I only did it for a laugh, I'm normally a good team player.
  21. Obviously this will benefit pirates but having the ability to store your games to the HDD means faster load times, which is good for legitimate customers too.
  22. I don't really care if I piss off a bunch of randomers online. If I'm playing with friends or someone on here, then I play properly.
  23. Well one of the Neogaf mods has confirmed it to be 100% legit and if they confirm it to be real, then there's 99.9% that it is real. I've heard this can be used on any firmware version, what Sony will probably do is use some method to stop you playing games online.
  24. Looks like the PS3 has finally been hacked Video More Information If you want to find out more either use google or go to the official Neogaf thread about it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=404565 Well looks like Sony will have to disable the USB ports now and remove them from future models.
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