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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. I had a look at that Soldner game, it looks pretty good. I prefer vertical shooters though.
  2. I've bought a bullet hell game on the Wii called Castle of Shikigami iii. I want a HD Bullet Hell game, I suppose Super Stardust HD on Endless mode, could be classified as bullet hell. Are there even any bullet hell games on PS3? Who cares if he doesn't like the games you just listed. I don't understand how something so trivial, bothers you so much?
  3. I've never owned an Xbox in my life, the only reason I am contemplating on buying one, is because my friends keep nagging me to get one. Which PS3 game(s) did I say were bad? You must have dreamt it, everyone knows PS3 games are free from and immune to ridicule.
  4. It is a good deal when it enables region free gaming on PS1 and PS2 games. Also, it will probably allow region free DVD and Bluray movies too (hopefully). If this unlocks region free bluray and dvd's, I might have to buy a second ps3. One as my main console, the other as a media centre. Update So I was playing MW2 earlier and the game freezes, I turn the console back on and guess what... YLOD. My PS3 is fucked yet again. This is the third time this has happened! Looks like i'm getting a xbox, Sony can fuck off if they think I am paying God know's how much to get a refurbished one and then have it break, eight months down the line.
  5. Probably, but I'd get over it. I think this is evidence that most people take these games too seriously, takes the fun out of it IMO. I only did it for a laugh, I'm normally a good team player.
  6. Obviously this will benefit pirates but having the ability to store your games to the HDD means faster load times, which is good for legitimate customers too.
  7. I don't really care if I piss off a bunch of randomers online. If I'm playing with friends or someone on here, then I play properly.
  8. Well one of the Neogaf mods has confirmed it to be 100% legit and if they confirm it to be real, then there's 99.9% that it is real. I've heard this can be used on any firmware version, what Sony will probably do is use some method to stop you playing games online.
  9. Looks like the PS3 has finally been hacked Video More Information If you want to find out more either use google or go to the official Neogaf thread about it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=404565 Well looks like Sony will have to disable the USB ports now and remove them from future models.
  10. Today I went on Battlefield because it's an awesome game and haven't been on it in ages. For a laugh, at the start of the game when everyone's rushing to get on some form of transport, I boarded one of the ships and waited for a load of people to get aboard. I then sailed the ship off the end of the map, thus killing everyone aboard. I also used a kamikaze attack on an enemy tank, it didn't destroy the tank but it did tip the tank over, causing everyone to get out, they must have been thinking "WTF?!?". Unfortunately one of them managed to kill me first.
  11. By advising people NOT to click the spoiler, they're obviously going to want to click on it now.
  12. I think the most annoying ad ever and I'm surprised no one has mention it yet...
  13. Halifax one is considerably bad, especially when I get that annoying song stuck in my head.
  14. I don't know why people bother creating these types of threads, it's pretty obvious that it's bullshit.
  15. As I said before, I too was making a generalization. I take these message board discussions very seriously and personally. So yes, you have wronged me. I will use this smiley to express my anger !!! What is it good for... Absolutely nothing but... This proves that the only reason you came in here was either A) tell everyone how shit the Wii is or B) Tell everyone why the HD consoles or in your case PS3 is better.
  16. First of all, I never said which console I think is the best when it comes to genre diversity and to be quite honest, I don't really care. All market leading game systems have shovelware (SW), there are a few SW games that have sold well, yes, but I bet you there is a lot more that did not. There are good 3rd party games, that should have sold better but that can be said for any game system. Of course, just like you and Choze' sweeping generalization of the Wii. As I said before, I don't know why you bother coming into the Wii threads, you've expressed your distaste for the Wii and it's games, many times before. You don't see me coming into Xbox 360 threads and telling everyone how shit it is, that's because I don't own one and have no interest in the console.
  17. Well if you want to be fussy, most people with PS3/Xbox or both, play mostly shooters with a little bit of action and adventure added into the mix. Just look at the monthly NPD charts or the weekly Chart Track rankings and you will see that the best selling game is Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) on the HD twins. That's evidence that most people play FPS's. The only game you just mentioned, that's significantly different is Demon's Souls and I bet you that didn't sell nearly as well, as a game such as Gears of War or MW2. The FPS genre, is the most popular genre on the HD twins, so how can you argue that most people on PS3 and Xbox 360 don't mostly play some form of FPS? You're friends list maybe filled with people playing a variety of different genres, but I bet you that percentage will be very small versus the entire HD user base. Well I can't predict the future, so I don't know what Nintendo has planned. Saying that, why are there rumours that the 3DS will be more expensive than previous Nintendo handhelds, some analysts predict $250+? This isn't entirely directed at you, but it seems that the only reason you and Choze come to post in this board, is to cause some form of argument or just to take the piss. You've even admitted that yourself in the rival console boards, albeit not in those exact words.
  18. I don't see how you can use this argument against the Wii, when every time I see you online, on the PS3, you are playing some form of FPS. The only reason you've created this thread is because you were bored. Most people who use Xbox or PS3 as their primary console, mostly play some form of FPS, they might play a niche title once in awhile but FPS's are pretty much the only genre they play. There are plenty of good games on the Wii, it's just that the popular titles are mostly Nintendo titles. Do you even own a Wii and do you use it often, buy new games etc... If not then you're wasting my time and everyone else's time in here. 3rd parties dropped the ball when it came to Wii support. At the end of the day Nintendo doesn't give a shit about 3rd parties and 3rd parties don't give a shit about Nintendo. Hopefully this will change with the 3DS and their next home console. Oh by the way, now that PS3 has a controller offering similar experiences to the tWii, expect a lot of ports and shovelware heading your way, of course you won't be making a thread about that will you.
  19. Just came in to say that I am not ignoring this thread, it's just that I need to think of a detailed reply and haven't got the mental energy at the moment. I'm creating this website as more of a learning tool for creating asp.net web applications. I'm not much of a coder, I've designed websites in Photoshop before, but that's about it and even my Photoshop skills are sub-average at best. Ten10 I was thinking of using an API approach, but also the abbility to post a jpeg in the Vbulleting thread, this jpeg holds tournament information and can be updated without altering the original post. At the moment I'm still mind mapping/brainstorming ideas. I've got the domain name and hosting sorted though. Update One Just thought I'd point out, this will be an ASP.NET MVC 2 web application coded in C#.
  20. Exactly. I've got a mate, who likes his drink and his been run over three times! He's never had anything worse than a scratch.
  21. I would play this more, but because my laptop is so shite, it's really laggy. I might uninstall it and install it when I get a new, more powerful PC.
  22. News to me! Men with moustache's all look very similar to me.
  23. Daft thinks Stalin is funnier than Rez?
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