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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Lord Lillster enjoying a nice cup of Tea Lord Lillster having a staring competition with the floor.
  2. I think your on my MSN, is your name Dennis? I'm pretty sure we used to chat about website stuff. You probably won't remember, to be fair, neither do I.
  3. After playing the Yakuza 3 Demo and not liking it all, then decided to buy the game anyway. I've learnt not to take demo's seriously. My main complaint with this game is the music.
  4. Does anyone know what kind of Maths I will need to know in order to build 3D games, well any game really? I understand there's Trigonometry, calculus what else? What do you mean by robotic?
  5. My plan is to go to Uni (although that isn't set in stone yet) and either do a Games Programming course at Derby Uni or Computing. And if I've got the brains and determination do a Masters Degree at Stafford uni on Games Design. When I get my first job I want to work in a small team. Thanks for the vote of confidence Raining.
  6. I'm currently learning ASP.NET and C#, I really like C# and I hope to mve onto C/C++ one day.
  7. Well all decent jobs in IT and games programming i've looked have required a University Degree even if you have similar experience but I understand what you're saying.
  8. If I never get a decent job, does that mean I will never have to pay it back?
  9. I am currently working on getting into University and what scares me is that I won't be able to get a job in either IT or the Games industry as a Programmer. If I can't get the job I desire, then I'm going to be in a huge amount of debt. A bit off topic but I understand there are some forum goers on here that are knowledgeable on the games industry and was wondering if someone could answer a few questions for me: I am interested in doing games programming at Derby University: search for it on http://www.derby.ac.uk. However I have been reading these sort of courses aren't always a good idea and a lot of developers prefer a Degree in Computer Science, is this still true?
  10. They said similar stuff about the Wii too or tried to imply that was the case. For example, in Smash Bros. Brawl, the game will notify you of any new user created levels. You still have to download the levels manually. I'm hoping with the 3DS, it downloads certain things automaticlly, while in sleep mode for example.
  11. What I want to know is: Battery: How many any hours does the battery last? How long does it take to fully charge? [*]Wii 3DS connect24: Will this feature just notify you about new software available or will it automatically download it for you too? [*] Pre-order: Can I pre-order one yet? Where from? My thoughts on 3DS: Design It looks almost exactly identical to past DS models, this is not a bad thing but I would have liked something more fresh. I am sure there will be a re-design, probably around October/November 2011, just in time for the busy Christmas period and I am sure there will be bigger variety of software to entice people to buy one then. Games Resident Evil looks superb especially in motion. Hopefully the game play is just as good as the graphics! Unfortunately there are other games that don't look so good, however, I have heard this is due to the games being iPhone ports. Virtual Console (VC) The virtual console is one of the best features about the Wii, I am sure the 3DS VC will cause the money in my wallet to vanish! 3D Obviously I cannot give my full impressions on this because I have never used a 3DS in person. Judging by what other people are saying, the 3D works very well and can improve the gameplay experience. If you do not like 3D you can always turn it off, via the 3D slider on the right-hand side of the 3DS. Final thoughts I am sure the 3DS will be a big hit and I plan to buy one on launch day. If Nintendo and especially 3rd parties put the effort in, I have a feeling this will be the best Nintendo system since the SNES!
  12. Delaying it means we get a better launch line-up. If they get it out in Europe this year, I doubt there will be much choice in the games library.
  13. I agree Danny B. I normally don't have the energy to read long posts, but this is really interesting.
  14. I'm just about to polish off a bottle of Kopparberg, mixed fruit flavour. It's my one and only drink for tonight, so I'm not exactly drunk but thought I would come in here anyway. As you were, Gentlemen!
  15. Well I've only played the demo version, maybe it's different for the full game. Or Maybe it's because I'm so good at the game! :P
  16. With my play time with the Move so far, I've figured out you may not be able to waggle but, for example in Sports Champions Table Tennis, I've perfected my technique where I can keep smashing the ball and I can get perfect results all the time! - I also don't like the fact that the ball always stays on the table, no matter how you hit it.
  17. Just wondering, to those who listened to the Earthbound track I posted earlier, did you at least listen past the 1min mark? The 8-bit chip tune is just the intro.
  18. I don't think comparing the 3DS to the iPhone is a fair comparison, since the iPhone has to run a dedicated OS as well as play games. The 3DS will be very good as a dedicated game system and will have much better battery life than the iPhone. As I said before, comparing the 3DS to the iPhone isn't a fair comparison.
  19. I got the Move, but haven't got enough money to buy any games. I just wanted to try out the technology. I'm very impressed so far, Disc Golf is very impressive, I love the way it tracks your every movement. I was also impressed with the Tumble demo. Hopefully this gets decent support, from both 1st and 3rd party developers. Motion controls for the win! +Southpark lol
  20. Pokey Means Business* Audio That is quality boss music right there!
  21. Maybe, but what makes the Dog funny is the youtube comments, calling him a pedo. "Get it down here boy".
  22. The problem I have when I'm bored is, I can't be arsed to do anything, even if I want to.
  23. Chocolate Weetabix "Get it down ya boy!" LMAO!
  24. Thanks for posting Nintenchris, but from now on do you think you could troll somewhere else! Thank you. From Lillster x
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