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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Are you taking the piss? 'BAD-DUM-TSH....'
  2. Happy Birthday, hopefully the weather doesn't mimic your username, aka have a nice day!
  3. I know , the funny thing is my class mates are really bad with their I.T skills. I was the go to person if you had any computer problems. Most of the time it was something simple like add an image into a Word document and because of this, my class mates thought I was some kind of genius. So yeah, I understand doing something as simple as what I just said, won't get me a £35,000 a year job. To me, virus removal is pretty simple, although I have had trouble with some. The area I need to improve in is, Programming and hardware related problems. The hardest part for me is, knowing where to start. Another question: is Computer Science the Degree I will need?
  4. Her: "Ahhhh can I keep him?" Pervert guy (thinking in a posh accent): "Ohh I wouldn't mind a piece of that, jolly good show."
  5. Busted! fifteen character limitation!
  6. In terms of self-teaching I'm trying to learn C#, ASP(DOT)NET Web Forms and MVC. I have a long way to go. Once I've learned enough to start developing my own ASP.Net website, I'm hoping by building my own website I will gain even more knowledge. I have designed websites in the past, using Photoshop and Fireworks, I haven't done that in years though and I don't have Adobe Photoshop etc... anymore. The best I have is Microsoft Expression studio. What books would you recommend Raining? I'm going to have a good look for any IT Support jobs, Will', in the College course I did this year, I helped my class mates and my Tutor a lot with computer stuff. It was only basic, things like moving files, USB Pen Drive connection problems, Microsoft Word editing and general stuff. My Tutor said he would give me a reference, so hopefully that will help my cause. Raining, sorry for being dumb, but how do I get experience in the areas you listed, especially networking? - I suppose I could buy a broken PC, fix it and then re-sell it. Don't know what else I can do. I'm saving up for an intense driving course but without a job it's taking too long to save. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  7. I have no job and my previous work experience is only Pizza Hut and Mc Donald's. I was thinking I could contact various Computer repair shops and ask if I could work voluntarily, but I want some advice/tips before I do, so I have a better chance of them accepting me. I don't have any higher education qualifications, but I might have the opportunity to go to University. To get there, I need to complete an Access to Higher education course. I only want to go to University if it's 100% necessary.
  8. The purpose of this topic: Help me gather as much information as possible General advice My experience regarding I.T related subjects In terms of commercial experience, I have none but I have a lot of self-taught knowledge since I was a kid. I can do things like create basic websites, remove viruses, basic hardware upgrades, excellent knowledge of Windows based operating systems and resolving general computer problems. What I'm doing to help my cause I'm gathering as much information as possible and in my spare time I'm learning ASP(dot)Net with C#. What type of I.T job am I looking for I'm looking for any kind of I.T job. Education (I.T related) I have an ICT GNVQ Intermediate certificate. If anybody can offer me any advice at all, I would be very grateful. Thanks for your time.
  9. Listening to old TV theme songs
  10. Ice Coffee Hot water bottles Taking the Dog for a walk when nobody else is about
  11. Smeling the manual of a new game Deep thinking/day dreaming Bumping into family members and them giving you some pocket money Being in a good mood and chilling out in the Sun
  12. Women are crazy and that's all there is to it.
  13. No problem Wesley, reply whenever you're ready.
  14. What I need to do: i. Get a job. ii. Learn to drive & pass my theory test. iii. Decide what I want to do with my future. What I'm casually doing: i. Learning ASP.NET MVC 2 / C# ii. Trying to complete Super Mario Galaxy 2. iii. Helping my Mum with decorating the Living room.
  15. Ocarina of Time remake is good indeed. I just hope 3DS doesn't turn into a console port/remake machine.
  16. I'll counter your 'better than 50% of the DS library' with: pick any quality DS game and I bet it's worth more than the entire 59p library! Let me elaborate on my 59p remark. First of all I'll state that I don't own an iPhone, I only have experience with using my friends and general knowledge from the grapevine. I agree, DS retail games are too expensive and I can understand peoples' frustrations with feeling ripped off. I just had a look at Mario Kart DS on game.co.uk and there isn't much difference in price between new and second hand, £22 new and £19 second hand, even though the game has been out for five to six years. I'll admit that I was wrong to simply label 59p games = shit, the reason why I did is because creating and distributing 59p games, doesn't take much effort from developers and publishers. What I mean by this is, publishers will be happy to dump any game, regardless of quality. I understand DS has it's fair share of bad quality games but at the end of the day, your not going to get a game the length or quality of Dragon Quest for 59p. Captain obvious, I know lol! What I'm trying to say is, if you can get a good game for 59p, good for you but I have a feeling these are few and far between all the bad 59p games.
  17. And don't forget: Poor battery life, touch screen only controls and shitty 59p games.
  18. I re-watched some of the press conference last night and is it just me or is Reggie acting like he's the messiah of the gaming industry. "My friends, the answers are right here!" - Just before showing the Kirby trailer. He also talks in riddles: "And for the other millions of fans, golden has a completely different meaning!" - Just before showing the build up to the Goldeneye 007 trailer.
  19. I've copied and pasted this off Neogaf. EA's Ryan Stradling : http://e3.nintendo.com/interviews/#/?v=interview_stradling To me, this could be the best Nintendo system ever. They've got decent to excellent 3rd party from the start, good graphics and now, by the sound of it, a decent online system (took long enough ). Edit: Just found out Dante has already created a topic on this. Damn you Dante! I'll leave my post here, just in case people would rather discuss it here instead.
  20. The more I hear about the 3DS the more I want one!
  21. In the Sony conference, they said they are giving PSP a big marketing push, so I doubt Sony have anything planned at the moment. You can sort of see how the 3D will work...
  22. Me too. Hopefully I'll be better with a motion controller.
  23. Oh, well I guess you could play it the non-legal way. At first glance I read that as Nintendo tickled my bollocks
  24. I was using Google Chrome to view it and it didn't work. I just tried Internet Explorer and it works!
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