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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. I'm pretty new to the Doctor Who franchise but I'm just wandering, do all the season finales end with the Darleks attacking?
  2. I don't really have anything of value in my room and it can get messy at times. A fire would probably be a good thing for it or a bomb.
  3. I might be up for a game one of the nights but busy with College stuff lately/not enough time to play.
  4. I also noticed it. Then upon closer inspection I thought the red bar thing looked odd. Oh it's Spune.
  5. I don't read men's magazines, but I filled in your survey anyway. But it won't let me submit my choices for some reason.
  6. I want the mario callsign, but I can't even get 10 killstreaks with killstreaks turned on!
  7. WTF: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=BX494UBV It's Japanese, btw.
  8. I've found my favourite class now. M16 - P1: Bling (acog+silencer) - P2: Hardline-Pro - P3: Ninja Pro. Stinger. Get loads of kills with that class, even against ACR's with Killing power on.
  9. To be fair, I'm not really bothered about OtherOS being removed. The thing that rises my blood pressure, are the people that are actually happy about this decision, are these people that desperate for Sony's cock? All fanboys should be publicly hung!
  10. I before E except after C. Note: Doesn't work for all words. Sorry for the off topic question, but it's past 12am and was wondering if there are any drunk people in here? I'm not drunk, if you're wondering.
  11. Every saying from the Blackcountry dialect. Stuff like, "How am ya!", Aright shag!" and when they acknowledge you with "Oh R!". Also "Fink", instead of "Think" and "Feo", instead of "Theo", etc... Disgusting.
  12. What is the best Sniper Riffle?
  13. My life is a coincidence. My dressing gown (from M&S) was my best Christmas (2009) present.
  14. I havn't played a Pokemon game in years, but I was thinking of getting that Soul Silver game for the DS. Since you seem to be the main pokemon expert around here, would you recommend it?
  15. I can understand someone without the game wanting to download the game, but the thing that pisses me off the most is the scum who already have the game, decide to rip it and upload it to the internet! I mean, why bother. The up-loader already has the game, why do they feel the need to upload it and ultimately fuck it up for us paying customers? I need to get my Wii fixed soon, hopefully have it fixed by the Summer.
  16. If you like very hard games, get Megaman 10! - Fucking solid!
  17. I thought they revealed Arcade section for the Virtual Console last year?
  18. Sorry for asking here, but is there going to be a Nintendo speech, if yes, what time?
  19. Had my haircut today. Thought I'd share the goods.
  20. Obviously some people will be interested (mainly people who already have a PS3), but unless PS3 can play Nintendo games (without emulation ) it's not going to make that much difference. My question is, when/if A HD Wii comes out, what will you and all the other anti-Wii crowd, think of that. My Guess is, not a lot.
  21. I thought that was his intention to begin with?!?
  22. Thanks for the tips guys, hopefully I can apply them to my matches.
  23. All PS3 owners are to be saved when Judgement Day arrives, so nothing to worry about
  24. Random question, but are PS3 leader boards hackable? The reason I'm asking is because my friends say that they are because there are some people on Wipeout HD with a 10sec completion time using no boosts. And on COD there is one guy with over 400 kill streak.
  25. Maybe you're right, but that's pretty much the only thing it could be.
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