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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Hi, N-E I'm trying to organize my life and was wandering if there is some kind of website or application, that will allow me to manage things better, like a timetable to do list, the essentials? Edit: Maybe this thread would be better in the General Chit Chat section, is it OK if a moderator can move it? Thanks.
  2. The faster the Wii dies the better. Yes, the Wii does have good games but they will be so much better when Nintendo releases a more powerful and robust console. But I'm biased, so what do I know.
  3. Yeah, good to see it's not just me then.
  4. I used to play online with you, many moons ago. Happy Birthday and have nice day!
  5. That's not the point I was trying to make. For all these years, I thought it was only possible to get Mew using a cheat device.
  6. Yesterday I found out that it's possible to catch Mew in the original Gameboy games, without using a Gameshark/Action Replay. How cool is that?
  7. Where is the best place to buy this "herbal 'medicine'" from? Or is it best to grow your own?
  8. Back in the day (circa 1999 - 2000) me and my class mates use to play this on emulator all the time. Pretty much the whole class would be playing it on the sly, when we did have free time though, even the teacher joined in. Good Times. If it wasn't Pokemon, we would normally be playing Motocross Madness.
  9. Do any of you guys know what the best Map and Game-mode is, for a private death-match, between two people?
  10. Are those Million Sellers recounted every year, or are they strictly for that year?
  11. Here are my contributions: Tales of Eternia (PS1 & PSP) Midboss 2 Audio Donkey Kong Country (SNES) K.Rool Boss Battle Audio Yoshi's Island (SNES) Music sounds Gangsta lol Big Boss (Not the guy from Metal Gear Solid!) Audio Final Boss Audio Mystic Quest (SNES) Even if you don't like the game, that music is awesome! Doom Castle Audio Skillz!
  12. The Marine and predator game play looks interesting, but the Alien section looks really boring.
  13. The music is awesome though, so you need to sort out the sound issue *points finger* :wink: Nintendo should definitely port this to DS and then release it worldwide. But as this is a Playstation topic, lets talk about Playstation. Sorry it had to be mentioned, Mother 3 is an awesome game. Anyway, back to PS3 Discussion!
  14. Did you try Mother 3 in the end? Yep, PS3 is a beast. - Sounds like fun, Daft.
  15. Yeah, but sometimes I like sitting down and relaxing. Most of the other games are a bit too serious sometimes.
  16. Fallout 3 is next on my to do list, right after Persona 4 (currently playing). Persona 4 is good, but to be fair I've barely scratched the surface (about 5 hours in).
  17. I've still got Persona 4, Fallout 3, Dead Space and MW2 to complete yet. But that's alright, I need to save my money at the moment.
  18. You should have gone in there Rambo style and slaughtered them all. Eliminate the competition.
  19. Well the expolit (if you can call it that) hasn't really done much, except lift some of the restrictions in OtherOS. I don't think this will help with getting the rootkey (the holy grail for unsigned code). Maybe it will be useful for some people, though.
  20. I remember when my mate was taking the piss out of me, for buying a game called Flower. Eventually he bought it, now he considers it one of the best games on the PS3.
  21. Decided to get the London pub thing on Home yesterday. It's not bad, if anyone wants a look, let me know when I'm online. Also, if I bought a club thingy, would anyone here use it?
  22. Would it be best if I brought a guide?
  23. Got Fallout 3 today, for a pretty good deal. I hardly know anything about this game, but I hear it's good. I'm trying to complete Persona 4 too.
  24. Does anyone know of any good Windows hosting companies? Preferably with support for ASP.NET 3.5 ?
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