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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. If we're talking about the looks of consoles here, the black Wii wins hands down! This isn't up for debate!
  2. Are there any Qemists fans in this bitch? Here is one of their tunes: VIDEO AUDIO Audio
  3. I kind of fucked up on Deadspace, last night. I don't know how it happened but I accidently sold my main weapon (Plasma Cutter (PC)) and didn't realize. I saved my game (I only use 1 save slot, so there's no backup save) and then I realize I have no weapon. That's OK though, all I need to do is load my last save... OH WAIT, I JUST SAVED MY FUCKING GAME WITH THE MASSIVE ERROR I MADE! I know what you're thinking, just re-buy (free) the PC, yes I can, but all the upgrades I put on it, are now gone. Takes me about 2 clips to kill an enemy now.
  4. What's there to debate, which one of us is right or not?
  5. At the end of the day, we both have no idea. Everyone thoughtthe PS3 slim rumors were fake, but turned out true. Theres no point debating this anyway.
  6. Maybe, but the Zelda thing was just wishful thinking. This isn't 100% confirmed but with what Iwata has been saying lately, point to something being revealed. What's going to be revealed, I have no idea.
  7. You're one of the cool people. Thanks for your thanks.
  8. You're Vegeta, Ganon and Mace-Windoo roled into one.
  9. On this forum, I have no idea, because I don't post long, in depth arguments/discussions. In real life, people see me as funny, random and sometimes a little bit mad.
  10. But PS1 was sony's first console. So they were never 3rd before the PS3.
  11. Name another company (in the console video game manufacturer business) that went from dead last to record sales in one foul swoop? I don't think there is one. That's why I have respect for Nintendo (from a business perspective).
  12. The best thing about the Wii, for me, is the Virtual Console (and WiiWare to an extent) and the Wii+ Nun-chuck combination. It feels great when implemented properly. The worst thing about the Wii, is the crappy party games 3rd parties keep churning out. The Gamecube didn't much 3rd party support, but at least it was on par with the competition. I just hope, all this money Nintendo are earning, ends up making things better for core gamers and not worse. On a purely business perspective, I have much respect for Nintendo.
  13. The only thing the Wii has over the Gamecube, is better sales.
  14. Quite a few Birthday threads lately. Happy *generic* birthday message!
  15. Wasn't there a game called pollen (or something like that)?
  16. Well thanks for the advice, if it doesn't work out, I might design my own.
  17. Thanks for taking the time to explain. The main reason I dislike the Wii is because of the dated hardware. To me it's like still being in the Gamecube era. I'm a fan of Nintendo games, but not a fan of the Wii hardware. Saying that, I will get my Wii fixed one day.
  18. OK fair enough, answer me this though; would you still get a PS3 if your friends were acting the same way they do with the XBOX but for PS3? (I don't think you would) The fact that you won't buy a certain product, simply because it's made by a certain company won't get you much respect. I'm sure you're a good person and we're not trying to be rude, but when you say stupid things like that, don't expect a rational response. Remember, buying a rival console isn't a sin.
  19. As I said earlier, my comment on wanting the Wii to die was just me thinking out aloud. It's just something I want. Obviously there are certain things I like about the Wii. I like the Virtual console, I like the fact it's backwards compatible with Gamecube games and I like the fact it's different from the other two consoles. But I have no desire to send it to Nintendo to get it fixed, (bricked about 8 months ago).
  20. I'm biased because I prefer the PS3 and the reason why I prefer the PS3 is because I've simply gotten more out of it. Of course I'm sure there are other people who have both and prefer the Wii, that's just the way it is. This website may be Nintendo only, but the forum certainly isn't. Sometimes I do post messages that may seem hostile towards the Wii, but the reason I do that is to entice people to share their views and maybe learn something I didn't know before. Sometimes it does back fire though.
  21. I'm a big Nintendo fan, always have been. But I just don't like the Wii. If other people like it, fair enough. And I did state that I am biased.
  22. No offence, but it sounds like your friends are a bit messed up in the head. How old are your friends, 12? That's a good idea, I hear Nintendo are low on funds at the moment and need as many sales as they can get.
  23. Well that's why I thought there might be a website. If I set it to my home page I won't forget about it. Something like this: http://www.tadalist.com But a bit more advanced. I already have a diary. I always leave it in my bag though, so never remember to use it.
  24. Yeah, whenever Nintendo decides to release the next console, it will need to be something special and not just an upgrade. Saying that thought I'm sure I'd probably buy it anyway. The majority of people upgraded their DS to DSi, so you never know.
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