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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Apparently people are saying the PS3 will fix itself, tomorrow after midnight.
  2. Have you guys got any tips for doing better on Team Death match? Lately I'm doing proper shit and it's infuriating me. I'm not enjoying the game at all. If I can't get better, I might as well sell it.
  3. Is "I thought you were 'white/black/asian' some kind of joke around here? confused.com
  4. Are you drunk, Goefer, because I am?! Note to self: 'Must not use N-E when drunk!'
  5. New Hardware (rumour), is to be announced at GDC. No one ever said anything about any hardware being announced at Media Summit.
  6. Welcome to N-E! If you find yourself going crazy/mental in a couple of months time, don't worry about it, that tends to happen a lot around here. Here is the local delicacy: What PS3 games do you have? We have a decent sized PS3 community here and we play a lot of games online. Feel free to join us one of the days/nights.
  7. Just wandering, does the Skyplayer on xbox have the abbility to play HD content?
  8. *shrugs* I'm happy everyone likes the new theme I initiated.
  9. Had to get up early and catch the bus somewhere today, for this interview/discussion thing. Turns out it's tomorrow, not today (They fucked up, not me). So what does one do, early in the morning with nothing else to do...
  10. Looked on Ebay, they mostly imported from Japan. Too expensive. A while ago I saw a brand new one for £15.
  11. I've never knew you could make your own batter mix, so I wouldn't know if it was easy or difficult. It comes ready in a packet, so thought I'd use that. *shrugs* So what's the recipe for pancake mix then? (don't want to search on google, unless it's 100% necessary)
  12. Speaking of the GBA Micro, does anyne know where I can get a black one from (for a good price) and where I can buy cheap GBA games from? Thanks.
  13. *Claps repeatedly*
  14. + Old Man Slippers, never forget the Old Man Slippers!
  15. Hello and welcome to the N-Europe forums, the best gaming forum on the Web. I'm The Lillster and that's all you need to know about me.
  16. In case anyone was wondering, the way I am dressed, was meant to be a Wayne's World reference.
  17. It isn't. But you're free to keep on imagining to your hearts content!
  18. I can't remember saying I was black? Who else thought I was black?
  19. Home-made thick pancakes are fine, but the ones out of the packet aren't.
  20. Something I cooked up earlier: I've never thought about doing it from scratch.
  21. If you're talking strictly about sexual relations, then I agree 100%
  22. I'm 24, always been single and have no plans to change that in the near future. Relationships just don't interest me, maybe once I've settled down, got a decent job and home my view will change. Pancakes! What batter mix are you folk using? I've got two packets of the Sainsbury's one. I'm having lemon juice and sugar on mine. - The way they're meant to be! We're just a bunch crazy and mutated apes/animals.
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