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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Oh OK. Then I guess any web host will do. I'd use Google and search for some web hosting reviews.
  2. Are you buying hosting strictly for web design only or will you be doing any programming/scripting?
  3. Also you've got to take into consideration, IGN are a business and need as many hits as possible. A very good way of achieving this is to start trolling games or game systems.
  4. I think most educated people don't read IGN, so their opinion is pretty much worthless.
  5. Well at least what I voted for won (The Windows 7 thread).
  6. Well if you like 2D RPG games, you should be aright. Hopefully it's easy to control GBA games too.

  7. Tried Mother 3 yet, what do you think so far?

  8. These might help.... Happy Birthday.
  9. It could be worse, you could have the words 'Brierley Hill' in your address.
  10. So maybe we can create it a new? - I'll check it out later.
  11. If you keep playing the same games, day in and day out, eventually you're going to get bored. When this happens to me, I first take a break, maybe watch a some movies or do something different in general for a couple of days. You should also vary your games, I mostly play PS3/PSN games but sometimes I buy PS2 games which I might have missed out on. Maybe check out some DS games?
  12. Does the N-E Clan still exist, if not maybe we should resurrect it?
  13. I don't mind people disliking Nintendo games, but some times it seems, some people do their best to find faults with them. That's not directed at you Daft, by the way.
  14. Might as well burn everyone else, as well.
  15. If raw power and Online is so important, why isn't Xbox or PS3 market leader? Actually, I could use a counter argument and say PS3 and Xbox are in trouble when Nintendo announces their new console (which of course will be HD and I'm sure will have many improvements over the current console). That's subjective. Besides, you don't play Nintendo games anymore, so how would you know what's good or bad. Unless your basing your opinion, purely on the grahpical and online capabilities of the DS and Wii. Which I think is unfair. I think games should be reviewed respective to the system they are on. It's never the same situaion. ___ I think the DS2 and WiiHD will be out sooner than everyone thinks and that will put another spin on things. PS sorry if I sound like an arsehole.
  16. If Nintendo thought like you, I'm sure they would be third party by now. I'm not saying Nintendo shouldn't care, but if you look at the facts (sales data), you will see that it's the Playstation and XBOX brand which have the highest mountain to climb. And another thing, if Nintendo releases Wii Zelda this year, along with Mario Galaxy and Metriod Other M. I think this will be one of Wii's best years, to date. Almost everyone believed Nintendo was doomed, when Sony announced the PSP. Almost everyone believed the Wii wouldn't be market leader. And now, funnily enough, some people believe Nintendo is in trouble because the competion is coming out with its own version of motion control games? What I'm trying to say is, just because the competition is doing something similar to Nintendo, does not automatically mean Nintendo is doomed.
  17. Source: http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=21708
  18. To be fair, those games have always been spaced out. It's not like the N64 and Gamecube had a high quality Mario or Zelda game etc... Coming out every month. The funny thing is, back in the day (before the release of Wii) everyone was happy that more casual games would be coming out on Nintendo's system. No matter what Nintendo does, there's always going to be a certain group that won't like it.
  19. I like Choze for that fact he used to post a lot of PS3 news that sometimes gets overlooked. But he doesn't seem to post much news now. So this thread goes something like this... 3D gaming >> Some argument about Cinema standards >> taking the piss out of Choze >> Wii arguing >> Handheld gaming arguing >> Taking the piss out of Zechs and Choze.
  20. The problem with Zechs, is that he tries his hardest to find anything negative against Sony (at least in most threads I've been in). This creates a system war discussion and we're back to square one. Edit: It was a mistake on my behalf to say we need a Nintendo version of Choze.
  21. I think what the Wii side of the forum needs, is somebody that promotes and encourages positive Wii discussion and has the power to exile posters (including Mods) that are determined to ruin that discussion for everyone else. Sort of like a Nintendo version of Choze. I'm sure when I start playing the Wii again, I'll be like, what was all the fuss about?!?
  22. That's what I'm like. But because there's always a positive discussion on this side of the forum, I'm more likely to buy a PS3 game. There is not enough positive discussion on the Wii side or it turns into a system war. The PS3/Xbox side is too closed minded when it comes to the Wii. (Me included).
  23. To be fair, most people don't carry a DS or PSP around with them all the time. It's mainly kids that do that. The DS has plenty of good games and continues to sell at phenomenal levels. Which means it's going to be a long time for a successor to come out. And to be fair, I prefer 2D gaming on my handhelds, thanks.
  24. But you're getting your in-depth/hardcore gaming fix on the PS3 and Xbox. So why does it matter if the Wii hasn't got many hardcore(HC) games and even if it did have more HC games, you mentioned the SD graphics would be a problem for you? That's like saying, I want a better games but I'm still not going to buy them. I'm just going to be arguing against your opinion with this post, so I'm probably wasting my time. Handhelds have there own place in the gaming economy and consoles have theirs. Why are handhelds pointless, just because you have no interest in them?
  25. The Wii doesn't need more mature games, it needs more good games.
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