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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. The Wii is a weird console, with an even weirder user base. Another problem is most 3rd parties don't put in much effort, so fuck them. On the other hand, the DS is one of the best gaming systems ever, with something for everyone. That's what the Wii should have been, but unfortunately it didn't turn out that way.
  2. Fixed that for you. And I agree (with the edited version, of course.) I saw Caris in the Active Users list and thought 'he's going to give Dwarf a thanks' and I was right. So in return I should get a thanks. Oh, just for the record, I don't give a shit about the Wii. I'm just arguing.
  3. I'm not saying the Wii needs to be better, I'm saying why all the hate from the Xbox/PS3 crowd? At the end of the day, they're getting the games they want, so why does it matter if the Wii is underpowered compared to the Xbox and PS3? If you want Online and HD graphics, get a Xbox or PS3. If you want a console that doesn't take itself seriously and want a console you play now and again, get a Wii.
  4. I don't understand why the Xbox/PS3 crowd is so against the Wii? It's simple: Wii = Casual and family friendly PS3 = Entertainment centre + Blu-Ray Player Xbox = Primarily used as a Gaming system Why can't some people understand that, it's not rocket science. Why does the Wii need to copy the competition?
  5. You did the right thing. Welcome to the Party!
  6. I think I'm getting too old for this Platinum shit. I've got "0" Platinum Trophies. I get bored too easily. Well done to people that can get at least 1 Platinum Trophy, you have great discipline. You would all make Ken Kutagari proud.
  7. Yeh, sorry about that, fixed now. I think it's good that Nintendo tries to be different from the other two but sometimes I think Nintendo tries to be different, just for the sake of being different.
  8. I think your half right. I agree that there's a lot of people on this forum, that aren't interested in playing Nintendo as much as there used to be (me included) but ultimately I think we're all interested in what Nintendo is doing (in one way or another). I'll always be primarily a Nintendo fan (that's just the way I am). However, if you asked me what my favourite console is at the moment, I'd say the PS3 without any hesitation. Edit: Fixed for you Daft.
  9. I know Choze got owned, but you guys sure like rubbing it in. I guess Choze was never a popular character around here?
  10. I like the online multiplayer player part of it. 1P campaign, not so much.
  11. To be fair, I probably play more PSN games than I do retail.
  12. Playtation fanboys and delusional gamers.
  13. These are hard times, my friend.
  14. I'll be on soon, but not too soon. Edit: I'm on now, so if anyone wants a game, let me know.
  15. I agree, if we were all playing together, on the same team it would have been a lot better. I didn't really like Bomberman, probably because I'm shit. What time is everyone on tonight? - I think we need a MW2 night, tonight!
  16. Isn't Ganondorf pretty much immortal with the Triforce of Power?
  17. I remember being at home with my Mom and my Mom's boyfriend. That's all I can remember.
  18. Happy New Year N-E. Resolutions are: 1. Get a job. 2. Pass My college course and get onto the next Course. 3. Pass my Driving and theory test. 4. Go to the Gym and put on some muscle+weight.
  19. Happy New Year to you all! And here's to many great N-E years to come!
  20. I'll be on too. lol
  21. I did but I thought it was local only? 1 Min... Edit: I'm an idiot. Never mind, case closed!
  22. I haven't played with real people for awhile. Although, the last time I played my friends, I won the last game and the game before that. Best Poker moment, well not really an individual moment, but back in the day we used to play Poker in my mates back garden in the Summer, drinking and occasionally smoking some weed. Those were the days...
  23. Just downloaded that game, but how do I play Online?
  24. I'm not trying to knock you but once you've learned the basics (how to play poker) you just get better with experience. I agree it can be confusing at first. Well I'm practising a lot at the moment, so when I do have some money to throw away, I'll be prepared to play for real. What I'm going to do is only bet or use about 5% of the total I'm going to use playing poker. Hopefully gradually make that total earnings bigger and bigger.
  25. Does anyone here play Texas Hold'em Poker, on the internet. Either with Play Chips or Real Money? What software do you use and what's the most you've ever won. Tell us your stories. Maybe one of the days, evenings, or nights we could have an N-E Tournament (play chips only). I've been watching it on TV recently. Before I found it quite boring but now I find it rather exciting :p. Do tell...
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