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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I got a pro-controller last week while I wait for my GamePad to get fixed (it came with a bullet bill tshirt, how could I refuse) and oh man, I can't believe I didn't get one sooner, it's so comfortable and makes playing Mario Kart/Smash much more enjoyable. One thing I have noticed though is that, whilst also being more comfortable, I haven't noticed the lack of GamePad screen at all. Only when going onto miiverse and I quite easily pounded out a message with the Wii Remote. If it wasn't for the fact I play party games a lot when people come over I wouldn't bother fixing it, because outside of party games the gamepad screen is useless and unecessary. It's an old debate so I don't want to dig up old grudges but I do wish that Nintendo had released the Wii U with a Pro Controller and Wii Remote and either released at a much lower price or had a more powerful machine. Oh well. It brings me onto my main point though - What do you think will happen with the next console controller wise? Will the mass selection of Wii controllers continue, with the GamePad and Pro Controller with them? A new and improved GamePad? Or a whole new gimmick controller? OR a new, totally normal controller?
  2. That's AWESOME. I haven't bothered pre-ordering anything for years but I will definitely per-order this.
  3. Have you got my tickets too?? And I was in my local CEX when I saw a spice orange Gamecube controller... I bought a normal black one a few says prior for £20 and thought shit man, I bet this will be like £40 or something. Went to the till and BAM "£20 plz mte" Couldn't believe my luck. https://instagram.com/p/zu-v6yLur-/?modal=true Sold my vita a week ago and go cex cash for it so in theory it's free. In theory.
  4. I think the meal went so well because of the Bieber lyrics I sent you. It gave you the courage to be yourself and wow him with your sass.
  5. My Wii U GamePad has stopped working. The last time I used it, sometimes last week, was at a friends house and it was perfectly fine but we finished the night playing a Wii Remote based game and it ran out of battery. I thought nothing and went home. Went to charge it today and nothing, no orange light, no life. Tried it in every which way and no dice. Not sure whats happened but either the battery has bit the bullet or the charging socket has. I've used my friends charger and got a USB one off ebay and none of them work so I know it's not the charger. What's the easiest way to get it fixed or replaced? As... along with many things, simply replacing a controller is no easy task with Wii U :p
  6. I didn't realise the release list was so bad until looking in this thread. It actually looks even worse with Serebii's post - Talk about clutching at straws. It's so idiotic, they make the same damn mistakes year after year. And why? Surely they could have got Mario Maker out quicker to fill this lack of games. It really is a joke. They do some things right, getting outside companies to make games such as Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta, games that went on to do rather well and then... forget about it. They should have seen this coming and worked with more developers to get games like those out and actually support the damn thing.
  7. I really loved the first two episodes and thought the pacing to both were fantastic. I really liked Saul as a character in Breaking Bad anyway but already in this series, his character just seems so rich. So much potential in this show, and it has that factor that proves any spin-off is good - It could easily live without the Breaking Bad series. I just wish we had the whole series :p I started watching BB when they were airing season 3 so I got to binge watch most of it and I really want to do the same with this!
  8. I've started watching Cute High Earth Defence Club LOVE and it's amazing so far. Super camp and over the top but doesn't take itself seriously at all and pokes fun at the usual anime tropes. It has the main guys regularly hanging out in public baths and transforming into super heroes dressed in JPOP idol clothes. They also have this space animal that speaks through using their dead teacher. The episode where they try and clean up the slowly rotting teacher was surprisingly funny. If there was ever an anime specifically made for me, this has to be it. I'll catch up with the rest tomorrow, the only annoyance so far are the awful crunchyroll adverts. I had the same SKY BET advert literally 5 times. Might have to pay the subscription but I'm not sure I like enough anime to warrant it.
  9. The problem I had when reviewing Boom Street was that I couldn't put 11 out of 10. I think we should start doing it in Smash Bros. percentages, the higher the percentage, the more you'll be blown away with Sonic Boom being a good 10% whilst Mario Galaxy could be a 'Sudden Death' type 300%.
  10. Oh man them Wii U sales are bad, I thought if anywehre, it was always at least guarenteed mild success in Japan. Could it be sustainable though? Despite the dire sales of hardware, Nintendo have managed to get quite a few million sellers on the system right? I'm a big fan of the console so just curious as to if it will have legs and ride the storm or if things are gonna end early. Obviously Nintendo are going to keep it going until the next console but will they end up bringing the new console out sooner? I think it puts them in a very hard place. Releasing a console mid-way between the PS4One life-cycle will be extremely hard but it's very unlikely the U will be able to last as long as those consoles either so they'll be kind of forced into that position I think. Then what happens? When the PS4One successors come, the U2 will be in a similar sticky situation and most likely underpowered in comparison, meaning yet another early console death or another stretched out, dying console.
  11. This is so depressing, I love sega, and even in recent years they've had some fantastic games. I was always hopeful that one day they'd pull it back (especially after Generations and All-Stars Racing were so good) and be able to go back to creating more of their fantastic games - a new Space Channel 5, NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio but alas, I guess that was not to be. I might play some Daytona tonight as tribute.
  12. I have a spare Hyrule Warriors code (sold it, then bought it again :p) if anyone wants it?
  13. Is Shulk not part of this weeks new wave then? I've only got Diddy and Link amiibos but I need a Shulk one because he's so adorable in the game. Also can't wait to get Robin and Ness ones when they finally come out. As for the new Mario series amiibo, I think they look really boring in comparison to the poses of the Smash ones. I have a few Mario themed figures that look almost exactly the same as the new Amiibo too so maybe that's why they seem a bit boring. The Smash ones really do look unique to anything else you can buy.
  14. I had fun last night i didn't see this message, just happened to notice you in my friend list! I loved the custom pokemon n64 stage
  15. I wasted so many stars on wallpapers and ringtones when I first had it in the GameCube era :p I fondly remember my Donkey Konga Winamp skins. I got some decent stuff over the years though. 25th anniversary Mario and Luigi coins, a KK Slider album, a pikmin plushie, some big ds branded earphones. I will miss all the fun tat I got on there. I'm still bitter I didn't have enough stars when the Mario Luigi and Wario gamecube controllers were put on back in the day though. I wanted them so much. And that SNES Wii classic controller, oh man. Funnily enough it was also the first site I signed up for with my own internet. I was so excited to get on it when I first got internet in my room, I spent so long on those terrible forums for the first few months :p then I found this place and was blown away that you could have AVATARS and signatures. What a world.
  16. I'd say a can a day is fine as its paced out. And as you said, you can go without it if you need to. I worry about it sometimes, especially the last year or so. I'll have a full drunken evening about once a week with different friends and sometimes when I'm at home alone getting into a game or having a skype call I'll have a couple. I have been cutting back more the last month or so, mainly because when I was doing the recycling I noticed how much I'd got through. I also have my ups and downs with anxiety which I'm sure I've spouted on here many times, and my anxiety always feels worse after a night of drinking, so I'm cutting back for my own sanity.
  17. I hear Max might not be in the new series @Animal so nows my chance to do it, to be Nev's partner in crime... But yeah, is this the girl from like October/Novemeber? I remember thinking back then things didn't sound quite right but if she's still acting funny (if not more so now) then you need to get things sorted. Just be straight with her now, you've been chasing her long enough. Say outright you need to know what's going on and tell her what seems odd to you. Why won't she meet up? Why won't she answer your calls? Ask her and say you deserve a straight answer at this point.
  18. Boom Street needs to be in there
  19. Im very disappointed with how the GameCube adapters have been handled. It's really dampened my SMASH experience and it's been so long now that I don't think I can be bothered with the adapters or Smash Bros that much now anyway. I'll never understand how such a big company can be so woefully incompetent when it comes to availability of products. Don't even get me started on the frankly absurd Amiibo situation.
  20. The Game Collection have Watch_Dogs Wii U for £19.95 and Wii Party U (without Wiimote) for £9.99 here!
  21. @Glen\-i that last gif is how I plan to get up Everest
  22. Lol, confusing the message is about all Nintendo achieved this generation so that can't be their excuse.
  23. I'd like to be as flexible as Mario in Mario 64. Imagine long jumping through the city, long jumping forwards and then going slightly backwards on your stairs, suddenly glitching to the top. Wall jumping between buildings. Having that amazing run his little legs do.
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