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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I watched that as well. And that line is the proper way to review it too. Such an awesome film, the Make 'Em Laugh and Moses Supposes songs are brilliant.
  2. I think you can do either. In any case I'll have the stuff needed for the ultimate experience. Still want a bobblehead figurine though .
  3. Got it for £22 on eBay on buy it now. Great price, especially because there are bidding items going up from £24. So hopefully I will be able to break even once I've installed the DLC and sold it back.
  4. Children of Men Watched it on blu-ray, looked fantastic. The action parts were brilliant and Clive Owen did a great job. Problem I have with it is that I wanted more, the ending was a bit abrupt. It started of slightly too slow as well. 8/10
  5. I might play Killzone. Man I love Killzone.
  6. I actually thought that was one of the best episodes of Top Gear ever. Maybe a couple 'but then!' moments, on the whole though it was very entertaining.
  7. All right man, my name's James, nice to meet ya. You are? Ah right cool. I hope you don't mind, I just need to get some pizzas for the lads tonight, sorry to disappear so soon, hopefully you'll join us later. By the way can I just ask you don't interfere with the recorder, Gok Wan is on in a couple of minutes and it'll be on until half-past, so if you don't mind waiting til then before using the TV. Otherwise help yourself to alcohol and use the Gamecube as much as you want, just don't look in that rucksack. Cheers.
  8. I don't usually go by review scores, I usually watch game play to see if a game warrants a purchase. If it gets a high score from certain reviewers then it is on the consideration list. From looking at a video of this I just knew I wouldn't like it. A dungeon-fest, a Lord of the Rings PS2 look-a-like and generally looked a bit drab and uninspired. Plus, like the Bard suggested, clichéd.
  9. Toss up between Raining, Goafer and SCG. I'll hand the honor back to Goafer for his response:
  10. I played that Perfect Dark Zero when my cousin got a 360 on Christmas the first year it was out. Pile of cack.
  11. For me it would be 2 psn games. You timed this thread well because I played Pixel Junk Shooter for the first time last week, and the first thing I properly noticed and enjoyed were the controls. Well, it was the controls coupled with the weight/feel of the ship. But it's probably been the only case in my videogame history where controls really need to be merited above other things. The other psn game would be Wipeout HD. The pressure analogue turning just felt right. Obviously SM64 did lead the way for third person control, in platform games anyway. That game was very liberating.
  12. Royal Family. They made the family overly stupid, repeated non-funny jokes throughout, and just generally tried too hard to give off the family vibe in a way that made it in-your-face. The more subtle ways to show the union of these characters was better in the previous one. Basically it irritated me in the way it was written and was predictable in places. Won't rate it. It wasn't bad but I just didn't enjoy it like I thought I would.
  13. Well I think a few were of the opinion that the gunplay wore off a bit at the end but it's the same throughout so it's not as if it gets worse. Just don't get your hopes up for an epic boss.
  14. That makes you the default winner of this dispute, well done. Maybe if I was Choze that would be acceptable.
  15. Well for starters I was just telling people, it was just a throw away joke/comment about my position towards the game. I wasn't trying to piss people off really, you just care about the game too much obviously. Have a pop at Killzone and I definitely wouldn't have come out with the shit response you just made. You're just touchy aren't you?
  16. Riiiigggghhhhht
  17. Well I have to rub my anti-Cod comments into you fans that bow down to Infinity Ward as if they're good.
  18. Personally, I think it's just that he's ill defined. In most games the hero stands out from the crowd, either because they are made to look special or because you create what they look like as if the creation is you. Danté doesn't exactly have standout features, and it just seems strange that a normal, non-special character manages to beat Death. If he had a heart of gold or incredible magic ability then it might've been passable, in fact this may be the case. He could just be a pub landlord with an axe though.
  19. Risk of addiction, it was bought full price, I don't really think FPS campaigns of this nature are any good, plus the brief time I have played online has just been frustrating so I'd just be signing up to blood-pressure. In pretty much every FPS I've played I don't get pissed off when I'm killed, but in CoD I feel violated. I always think I should be doing better when playing it so it's best not to even start and just move onto stuff that will actually be fun.
  20. Got this in my stocking. Not going to open it though, will see if it can be refunded so I can put money towards Fallout GotY. Still not sure what the cheapest way of getting it will be. Either buying it and then put it on eBay or get it in a store and then take it back within a week for no charge.
  21. Topical one: Things you wouldn't buy your Grandma for Christmas
  22. Yeah I've used saves from Fallout on my previous system on my new PS3 and unlocked trophies since. The problem is that a hell of a lot of games either don't let you copy their saves onto a USB, and sometimes if they do, when you access the game it claims it isn't yours. This was the method Wipeout and Resistance used to fuck me off.
  23. dwarf


    I had a fish tank. All the fish died, bar 1. The survivor was black, if that's any help.
  24. Deathjamm on my PSN friends list (i.e. Deathjam from the forum) has his comment set as 'PS3 disc drive broken'. How about that for an early Christmas present?! Hope he didn't ask for too many games. Wonder how his PS3 is positioned. Probably positioned in a cardboard box in a van.
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