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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Man that result is awesome.
  2. Human sub-species with no cocks. Also, some black people. ------- A pair of Chinese tits ------- Inflatable stethoscope designed by primitive humoured Chinese boy.
  3. I'm winning a Saint's Row 2 bid with just over an hour left on the ticker. £9.50. C'mon! Need some simpleton gaming entertainment in my life right now. Edit: Managed to bag it for £9.50 - that's about as cheap as any auctions I've seen for it on eBay. Also, The Pitt add-on should've just been called 'Shit'. If I paid the DLC price for it I'd have asked for a refund, it's bloody disgraceful. Isn't even that good anyway.
  4. I am in hyperbole mode, obviously my opinion isn't final, I'm just putting across in a way that doesn't go down well because that's just how I'm feeling right now. From a non-gamer onlooker's perspective, £110 is a tier above extortionate for that hunk of junk.
  5. I'm feeling a bit burnt out on gaming. Lack of new games, sold most of my PS3 games et j'ai mal à la tête/bad mood aren't helping.
  6. If anything limited editions will go up in price, people won't buy them for a price like that and sell them used for less. They'll store it for a few months and reap the benefits. You going to buy it?
  7. I think every game I've ever bought has been available for £35 or less on release day. Plus God of War Collection at £40 would be a ridiculous price even if the games themselves are remarkable - they're PS2 titles and so I think paying over £100 to experience a lot of God of War, especially if you've played some of them before, is a bit farfetched.
  8. I disagree. God of War Collection is, £30. You'll be able to buy GoWIII for £35. That means £55 for the extra stuff which is just stupid. Most of that is because of the 'Pandora's Box' - Heavy Rain offers art books and soundtrack and DLC all for £40. Why should this be any different?
  9. I just go about my business as if I am always right, because I always am. You have more money than sense if you buy that turd collection, or just don't appreciate how little it has been made for.
  10. 'Taking it out on us' - how is it taking it out on the forum? - I am really sorry mate, hopefully you'll recover soon and we can be friends.
  11. Don't be an ass and buy that piece of shit. Cannot believe people would blow that much money extra on a bit of brittle plastic and a soundtrack they'd listen to once. Unless it's a couple of quid extra, dont fucking bother with special editions. Kay? I'm in a shit mood btw.
  12. For me it just reminded me of those typical average games you get on HD consoles like Mercenaries, Red Faction Guerilla and The Saboteur. This one had really average graphics, i.e Unreal Engine disease, nothing especially fun, seriously dodgy cut-scenes and story... They used the voice actor of Nathan Drake and the character is pretty much identical. Hated it to be honest, just screamed of last gen in terms of design. Felt far too much like there will just be different objectives to do, blow up, and never have any amazing or unique scripted sections or special moments etc.
  13. I'd agree with this part. I will probably get it though.
  14. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I do for the DLC (The Pitt) because it's terribly unreliable, fails to load and freezes all the time. I never seem to bother with followers. Whilst it's nice extra storage space, they give you away and being a true lone wanderer just feels more badass.
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Yeah I always have around 30 saves, occasionally delete the unnecessary. I create a new file when I think I'll be pissed off if I had to start from my previous one just in case a bug appears.
  16. Get Bayonetta on the 360. There's more combos and weapons in the Xbox version.
  17. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Did you? I wouldn't have been arsed to do all of that traipsing again. I can't even be arsed to get the final two level 8 karma trophies, and that's for the platinum. Will make sure to do so after I've finished all the DLC.
  18. I was going to say that but I've made my opinion clear on that topic. Will continue to make it again when the time is right and will get the same 'omg troll' comments that enthuse me so much. If they said something original or funny about 'teh ps3' being shit I'd applaud them but they're just sheep that ended up being herded into the dried up field for about 5, maybe 6 years. However long this crop goes on for. I do think the online compensates for the lack of local-multiplayer, I prefer the online experiences overall but it doesn't replace it whatsoever.
  19. You know that might've been what made the difference, there wasn't a crowd in PM1 was there? The sequel did feel like a good journey, with it seemingly like characters always monitoring your progress and having the crowd etc. I don't know, it was just very well made.
  20. The shittest thing about the PS3/360 is the omission of splitscreen/multiplayer games. There pretty much aren't any. There's Fifa, but that gets boring after 1 game, maybe 2 games at a push. There just seems to be too many games that don't have proper split-screen goodness or 1 screen multiplayer that you'd find in Crash Bash. Instead it's usually just online, only 2 player, or 4 player that doesn't quite work because everyone's at a very different skill level or because it has been built for more players. Need more simple but deep games for sure, I guess ModNation Racers might fit the bill but to be frank I'd rather have sold my beta code in retrospect. I found the GC best for multiplayer - Smash Bros, Monkey Ball and Warioware among others were simply fantastic.
  21. They did a survey and people said they'd prefer better graphics, and they found that graphics quality affected game sales. I agree with their decision because frankly, I could not tell the frame rate between KZ, Cod or Resistance apart. I'd rather have those better textures and more focal, different features on the map. Resistance online, whilst very fun, was quite generic and didn't feel all that real. Felt Quake-like in the way the game seemed to be based around multiplayer maps and arenas, rather than believable locales.
  22. Infamous was so mehh for me. When I read back through the thread I made for it I sounded so juvenile, really wasn't worth the wait. Can't see myself buying another sandbox game like it. Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 are level-peggers for my interest. I really don't know how the online will feel on Resistance. FoM was very different from the sequel. I fear they might ditch the arcadey-ness and start going for more Cod-like game style. As for Killzone, well no.2 was the best online shooter ever made so the each new addition will always be exciting. Don't know how they can improve on the graphics, Insomniac said they would for their franchises as their focus has shiften from framerate to detail.
  23. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I'm glad others despise Moira Brown. On my good play-through I traded everything with her due to convenience, but every time as you have finished trading and go to leave the conversation she'd shout 'Good Hunting' in possibly the shittest manner to grace the planet. There's a lot of things in Fallout 3 that you learn too late, I should've suggested reading the manual because it clears a lot of things up that just aren't mentioned. Be careful with some bobbleheads, they're definitely worth collecting and 3 of them are impossible to obtain if you miss them so I'd suggest you look them up.
  24. I played TTYD first, loved it, bought the original on VC and felt a bit meh about it. I thought they'd be quite different but they border on non-distinguishable if you put the character/setting differences aside. TTYD is definitely better and has a couple of minor improvements.
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