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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Mmmmmm... Good party at my house tonight, plenty of booze and plenty of people. Voice hurts, danced out, generally a great night. Plus it's all the more cool because it easily topped a certain friend's party last week. Revision tomorrow. MLIA
  2. Back to the title - thank God they're cutting production. All Wiis do is sit neglected under the TVs of naive parents that think they're buying a good, valuable product that will unite them with their children only to be forgotten after a month because they can't see beyond Wii Fit and don't really know what software is worth buying, partly because there isn't any.
  3. Don't get Fat Princess. PLEASE don't get Fat Princess. 1943 all the way if it's between those two.
  4. Just joking Flame I remember silently scoffing when you told me that. How we change, and become better people.
  5. Go you! Quite fitting seeing as you are quite a fan of their site. Edit: Why would they quote you Flameboy? God.
  6. When playing Resistance 2 there is no problem with controls. Same with Fallout actually, whilst the real time shooting is very variable, the actual aiming reticule isn't ever an issue.
  7. dwarf


  8. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    DLC is confirmed at 4310 mb. With that + 6701mb for actual game that's a hell of a lot. 11 gig! I think something's wrong there. Hefty size, but they are the best gigabytes on the system. Just completed Operation Anchorage, thoroughly enjoyable.
  9. I didn't realise it was the same person in all films that star that kind of cheap laugh character. They all look the same.
  10. My Ps3 was complete when I imported my white dual-shock the first month it was available in Japan. I personally like the controller, small hands for the winneth.
  11. Haunting in Connecticut Shite. It's even hard to say the title. 4/10 The Hangover Good. Numerous funny moments, generally enjoyable. Fat guy was actually amusing. The Chinese dude wasn't though, because he tried to abuse his ethnicity too much in order to appear humorous. 8/10
  12. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Well it's on the HDD (in game data utility on PS3) you just can't access it from the normal game disc.
  13. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I'll give you my account: Basically I put the GotY edition in, it booted up a bit slower than normal, then I could see that it listed the DLC packs in the download section. So then you enter the game and after a couple of minutes 'Alert!' boxes appear giving you a brief description of the quest and location of the DLC. So I guess you just go there and initiate the quest and it takes you to wherever. (Quests appear in the quest section and map markers are added to the map)
  14. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    This Fallout plan hasn't worked out too well. Doesn't matter greatly, but I used the GotY disc, played a few minutes on my latest save and eventually the messages came up telling me about the locations and quests of the DLC. So I then put in the normal disc and tried to load up the save but it said something about some objects not being there, which I assume is the DLC. When you look under the 'downloads' section nothing appears there unlike the GotY which obviously has them all listed Is there a way to get round this? The extra DLC stuff appears in my game data utility, but I was wondering if there is a way to install it on the disc or something so that I can just play it on my normal copy and then sell on the GotY edition. Edit: just searched the error code message I got 'this save relies on content that is no longer present' and it might be due to the fact that my current fallout 3 save was made on a different system. I sent it for a refurb recently, so that may be it. Still confusing though.
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Just had one of those awesome sessions on Fallout. You know the ones, they have everything in them and last for ages. What a fucking game. So enjoyable 'finding' all those bobbleheads, have 14 now, plus I've got the skill book perk for double pointage. There's just so many cool items like the books and bobbleheads in the wastes and it's really satisfying when you see one because they are so small and tucked away in such a massive world. I'm hoping to get the platinum on this, the only thing concerning me currently is the reaching level 8/14/20 with different karma. I'm praying I'll be able to find some save files on the internet that are ready for me to get those trophies, if not then that'll be bloody irritating, especially with the problem of having already got some of these trophies before the patch. It's just so good though, the amount of content and references and little things you can do is staggering. The Fallout Wikia is astoundingly comprehensive. I wish I could convince more friends to try it out, I have a few that enjoy it and there's always a discussion to have about it. Chris_k_96 seems to be the expert from this forum. Got any advice for the Weaponsmith and silver-tongued devil trophies? They seem annoying.
  16. Anybody else would think this was a double account Things a nerdy gamer might say to impress a girl they were dating (don't know if this will be any good, but tbh can't think of any topics)
  17. They're trying to work around the controls instead of with them, not sure why they're wasting time trying to implement them into Half Life. If it was an interactive horror film thing where you control a torch with your hand then just maybe...
  18. Megaton leak right there. That looked so painful to control.
  19. The system is reliable...If you don't use it much.
  20. I didn't invent it.
  21. Hmmm I kinda hoped I would be loaned it. How about you send £6 into my PayPal and I will post it to you so you can install it? Then you post it back. Then I get the benefit whilst you still get a good deal. Plus are you trusted amongst the bargain/trades board.
  22. Well Drake makes it a bit more than a ten minute walk, plus I think that's being slightly pedantic (which you probably realise as these are just niggles like you said) seeing as you wouldn't want to trek across a whole city to the furthest building, that would be bad game design. As for the lack of people, well there's tanks and shit everywhere so I definitely wouldn't be outside!
  23. I think Sheikah has made sense personally. There may not be a universal scoring system, but most sites do go by the same vague principal of 6 or 7 out of 10 being average scores, with 9s being very good. Now, Metacritic uses a mean score - the mean is used to lessen the effects of anomales, so for those reviews that seem harsh or for those that are too positive, they are ironed out almost because of the high number of reviews that are taken into account. Because the majority of reviewers do use the above, fairly rigid system, you can expect to use the Metacritic score to reflect that system. I personally use it for the odd game, but only out of interest. As I said previously, videos of gameplay are probably a better indicator. Hard to avoid spoilers this way though.
  24. Smuggity isn't though.
  25. I swear you could still do a long-jump in Sunshine?
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