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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Good lad, you're doing well mate, keep at it. I, on the other hand, am not going to the gym as much as I should really... and when I do go I'm not doing cardio, which really I should keep on top of too.
  2. This. This post is exactly what my thoughts are. I agree with Zechs that people won't get over the visuals, they are awful! One look at Monster Hunter Generations and you see what they could've done with the game! Also, that it lacks Samus doesn't mean that's the reason we're hating on it. Since even before the Wii we were dreaming of a game like Zechs describes above... From here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=433&highlight=SR388 From here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19903&highlight=SR388 From here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6240&highlight=SR388&page=64 We've been dreaming of a game of this ilk for years... but they need to be doing better than Federation Force, they really do!
  3. Huh?! This has some of the best dungeons in the series! They're awesome!!!
  4. If used well, they're great, but I do think they should be optional and have some customisation (sensitivity for example). They're good in Splatoon but I do wish you could customise them slightly as they're not quite perfect. They're fun in games like Mario Kart but I'd not choose them over analogue at all. I won't buy Starfox or MP:FF as the games don't look like they're for me. I'd prefer to use the Wiimote as opposed to the Gamepad for gyro (pointer too in Wiimote's case) though as it feels nicer to move about than the Gamepad does. COD on the Wii was perfect thanks to the Wiimote! That you could customise the controls fully made it the best control scheme I've ever played with!
  5. And this is exactly what they should be doing with Zelda! It'll only add to the immersion!
  6. This is my big gripe, in the videos we've seen of Zelda WiiU his animation is still shoddy!
  7. It can after a while, usually a very long while! What I tend to do when it's starting to wane is change my weapon, this keeps it fresh as the whole way you approach hunts changes, more dramatically than you'd expect in some cases. With MH4U adding verticality to hunts and now MHGen adding hunting styles, I'm sure it will feel fresh enough to suffice for another few hundredhours!
  8. Cannot wait for this! Looks and sounds awesome!!! It makes me want to put MH4U back on... anyone up for hunts sometime?
  9. Yeah, I thought it was lame. Monster Hunter was the only positive for me.
  10. So, @Blade, @lostmario... and anyone else who has one... we partying up on the PS4 for this tonight?
  11. Bombs being dropped in One Piece! Oh man!!!
  12. They'll have been working on all this the last few years though. It's not like they've just started it. Hell, they're already rolling out the My Account thing in preparation for it (at least that's what I believe, it makes sense to me).
  13. I've not said the WiiU launch was crap, everyone knows that until the Jan after launch it was doing great. Nintendo definitely have to learn lessons, with or without strife they may be dealing with. They're a company and must move on. They have to open up to western developers more, court more projects like they did with Bayonetta 2, put in features that are industry standard; both in their OS and in their games! They must release games at a reasonable rate and get the 3rd Parties on board with ease of porting so that they don't have to be the only ones supporting the console. There's plenty they need to do!
  14. We're all just hoping Nintendo have learned their lesson in that regard. If they haven't then hopefully another flop of a console will have them go just Handheld and 3rd Party on home consoles.
  15. It feels like its talked about nowhere near the level of Revolution!
  16. Oh man, those were the days! I'm quite excited about the NX, especially after reading all the patents etc, I love speculating. I love reading through the NX Prediction thread repeatedly... but then I have this pit in my stomach that just tells me that Nintendo won't have learnt from the WiiU and will disappoint me once more. But by god I hope I'm wrong... and if I am, if they've learnt and have the features a console needs then colour me excited, I'll be absolutely buzzing!!!
  17. Fantastic episode this one, good work again guys. @Kaepora_Gaebora, man you're good on screen!
  18. I don't know how you managed that, Peanut M&Ms are the shit! I'd have crumbled!
  19. I'll join you for the laughs.
  20. Knowing there's no NX news, new games would be great as I'm not interested in any they have announced except the new Zelda.
  21. Details of NX, just in time for the end of the financial year. The positivity gained from it will give a good healthy boost to shares and mindshare etc. Or maybe not! Haha
  22. I'm not so sure Twilight Princess HD would outsell a Waverace or F-Zero at the moment. Under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but with another Zelda coming this year and the fact that a lot of WiiU owners will have a Wii copy of Twilight Princess that they can play on the WiiU still, I'm not certain. Then again, I may well be wrong about that, but we'll never know as Nintendo aren't putting both out.
  23. I don't think it would be as lazy because it would've shown Nintendo thinking more about the variety of titles they're putting out and more about their fanbase. That they're putting out a Zelda port, when we have a Zelda coming this year and given that we've already had a Zelda port does say laziness to me in that they're like "just throw another Zelda at them". There's no real thought or consideration behind what they're putting out... or st least not enough. That is how it appears and feels to me.
  24. @dazzybee in regards to mentioning other ports I did say that if it had to be a port and not a new game than a different port would be more befitting.
  25. Well of course I mean they should show the release games for the NX too.
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