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Everything posted by Kav

  1. If they do an achievement system of any sort, this is the type of one if want. Something with practicality rather than the "check-list" type of other's. I'd use stamps on occasion. I'd love Nintendo to really beef up their game with the NX. The should have an App that links to your console, Miiverse and Miifoto! It'd be cool to use Miifoto and Stamps to post on Miiverse. I'd love that! Save a screenshot of a game on Miiverse, use Miifoto and Stamps on the App on your mobile to edit it and re-post to Miiverse. Something like that would be a laugh.
  2. Anyone watching Ajin? I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to seeing how it all goes. It's animation style is similar to Knights of Sidonia, although I much prefer it in this.
  3. Cheers Hero... I'll have to watch that after work.
  4. Whenever I feel like gaming lately, I just can't find a reason to turn this console on. I can't even remember the last time I did! I've really not enjoyed Nintendo gaming this generation, it needs to be over asap for me, the WiiU has turned out to be my least favourite console ever. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed some games on the system, but those that I've liked most have not been Nintendo developed games... and that's a first! I really hope the NX rectifies the missteps Nintendo took this gen, I'm looking forward to finding out about it, but I'm not hopeful... I've learnt not to be with Nintendo now, as they don't seem to be learning themselves.
  5. So @Blade tells me that combat isn't turn-based. Given that I detest turn-based games and never enjoyed a FF game as a result, is it worth me checking this out? I'd watch the trailers etc but I'm in work just now and can't. What's the battle system like?
  6. I want Party Chat. I want folders. I couldn't care less for trophies/achievements but for those that do, I want it in (I'd just turn notifications off). I want friend notifications. This goes for any system and I've stated so in both the WiiU and PS4 threads.
  7. Lex's motivations were understandable but Eisenburg did a horrific job portraying him! Truly horrific!
  8. Evil bastards they are! Haha
  9. It took me an age to cull my friends list! Haha I hope I've got just you guys on it now.
  10. Does anyone find they've got more friends than they know what to do with. I was accepting friend requests thinking I knew the people as we had mutual friends but it now turns out I've got over 300 friends on it... how the hell did that happen?! I might have to go on a cull and get rid of them all, make sure I've just got you guys on it.
  11. But that's fair. As a medium it's supposed to make you feel, so if you feel angry than you can score it how you see fit. I'm not judging it critically, I'm judging it how it felt to me personally. So 1/10 is fair. Sure, by all means disagree, but it still holds steady at a 1 for me for ruining what meant something to me.
  12. Generally speaking I don't really rate the thing, although Miifoto is great, I'm having fun with that!
  13. I'm willing to give the app a go. Nickname: Kav https://twitter.com/kradahd
  14. I can see your point @Daft, and while it does make sense in that respect...
  15. This was a travesty! Worse than The Amazing Spider-Man 2, worse than Spider-Man 3... worse, even, than the Affleck Daredevil (I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's actually true!). It started off alright and looked to be building toward something good... but it had a couple needless bits which made absolutely no sense whatsoever as they had NOTHING to do with this film, even if I got the references, and then it was completely ruined by the decision to condense what should have been the most epic of all DC moments, and a standalone film in its own right, into 15 minutes of shite. Utter shite! 1/10. DO NOT watch!
  16. I put this on since... maybe since the first couple weeks of release and played a few games of Walker Assault as I hadn't played that mode before. Given that I'd been away for so long I thought I might get trounced but I kicked some ass! Playing CoD has helped keep my reflexes sharp. I took out the first two Hutt Contracts and almost have them done, just need a few more kills with the Scout Pistol and need to do the Cycler Rifle kills, although I've not even unlocked that yet, still only level 23. Haha I'll carry on gaming on this I think so that I get my money's worth but I much prefer CoD... yet I much prefer Battlefield 4 to both this and CoD, haha.
  17. I'm surprised you've said you feel the size and scope of the game still feels large and that it has a large number of characters and side quests... especially after having played the two Xenoblade games, Chronicles X in particular, TP is minuscule in comparison! It's the dungeons that are the star of the show for me, followed by Midna and the certain charm that Zelda games have that make you truly care about the world and its inhabitants.
  18. If you're going stealthy with SMG then equip a Stock as well, as you can move whilst ADS and stay off the map with Ghost because the stock allows you to move at 104% walking speed. The Kuda is a good stealth SMG, I'd go: Kuda Silencer Stock Blackcell Thermite (best grenade/tactical) Ghost Hardwired Dead Silence Blast Supressor Perk 3 Greed Bear in mind, for sniping, the Silencer does NOT effect the damage/range of the snipers at all so I'd ALWAYS recommend running a Silencer! Either the Locus or SVG-100 are decent, although if you prefer to be able to spam then the Drakon is good.
  19. If they get parity with all the cross-platform releases then yes. Really, all of them. That's the only way really, because anything new that might come that I like the look of, I don't want to miss out on it. ...oh, and Party Chat. That's a must for me to even buy their consoles now.
  20. With cross-platform play though that won't matter for online games like CoD. Microsoft are happy doing it, it would be great if Nintendo did too!
  21. To be honest, I want them all. Even if I don't buy all them, I want them to have them for other people and so Nintendo don't get seen as though they're missing out again.
  22. I'm still feeling that the controller wil be relatively close to that though. I'm sticking with my guess in the NX Prediction thread.
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