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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    Deary me, it looked beautiful I must say, but I guess the gameplay was severely lacking..?
  2. Call of Duty on the WiiU (the ones that are out on it) suffers from a severe lack of players online. This would help a tonne!
  3. It's great tech and well priced compared to its competitors... but I don't feel it's worth it to me.
  4. I wasn't a fan I must say. I felt they tried to jam too much into it and that it felt a bit messy as a result... although Gwen's fall was awesome (favourite bit of the film). I think I'd fall in the camp of those that criticise the villain's journey for sure.
  5. It's not that I'm hating on it, per se, but more that I'm not understanding it. What does it do? What does it bring to the table? How can this be enjoyable for the consumer? How can this create positive mind-share toward Nintendo? How will it serve introducing people to Nintendo IP and how will it make people think "I'd like to try Nintendo games"? I don't see it. I am actually needing someone to suggest how, as I can't see it at all... and if I don't, how will others?
  6. So by the looks of things, this looks to be the most pointless app that there could be..? What even is the point of it?!
  7. Another great chapter of One Piece! Things are going to get mental!
  8. I do this with my games so much! Haha
  9. Kav

    Star Fox Zero

    I know of this but it was already good when it got announced.
  10. Kav

    Star Fox Zero

    I remember a bit but I don't recall much. It wasn't anywhere near like the Wind Waker backlash from what I remember. Anyhoo, back to Starfox... it just doesn't look fun enough. It should be fast-paced, twitchy, with constant action. Gamepad aiming isn't suited to this type of game, it loses the essence of what makes it Starfox!
  11. Unfortunately it seems so. It will be for the best, from this you'll grow and learn more about yourself and how you see relationships from now will be more clear. Chin up man, you'll be better for it in the long run!
  12. Expected of us this season, haha.
  13. Kav

    Star Fox Zero

    Do you have links to this ire and hate? There must be loads given how you said it "got so much"... I can't actually recall much hate at all.
  14. Kav

    Tomb Raider

    I took a break from CoD and fired this up, played for a little bit and am really enjoying it. Like most I wish the tombs were more than just one puzzle but at least that way you're not completely sidetracked from the main story. Loving the bow! I just use that and the shotgun, no need for other weapons I've found. I'm only a little into it though so I may need to use my other weapons at some point... that bow though!
  15. These are my biggest peeves with the game. It just stops me from playing it. It's not fun intermittently playing. I spend more time in and out of lobbies than I do in games! I like to change my gear up a lot!
  16. Cheers for the games tonight @drahkon, there some some really good ones in there! Sorry I left when I did, I joined my mate in his party... it probably was better for you actually as I was doing crap in that last game, haha. We should get a bigger party going if you fancy it, have a few of us controlling the maps!
  17. Anyone on tonight? Think it's about time I finally have a decent go at this!
  18. Not straight away, I'll be moving in with her where she's renting and we'll be saving for a house. I love where I live and my flatmate is a great lad and good friend, the place is real handy for work too as its only about 100 metres from it... but I'm so looking forward to living with her.
  19. Do you guys not have any predictions or any thoughts as to what the NX might be then? I've seen plenty posts about what Nintendo do/don't need to do and comments made about Nintendo, both positive and negative, but none of you have actually posted any predictions or thoughts to what the console itself will be, as per Lostmario's initial reasoning for creating the thread. Are you not making any, or have any thoughts as to what it might be? You're vocal chaps about Nintendo, I'd have thought you'd have had some thoughts about it...?
  20. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been going through @MadDog, but kudos to you for not letting it stop you from being who you are and for carrying on like a trooper! I'd not been in the thread for a little while, sorry to hear things going badly for people. Had some bad news in the last few years myself, continuing through this year too. It can weigh hard on you at times but having friends to talk about it, be it in your everyday life or on here (or anywhere else) helps tremendously. Its a good community on here in that respect I must say. Even though I've vented at some posts in this thread in the past (thanks to bad times I'd been going through), you guys certainly do keep each other's spirits up. Good on you N-E!
  21. Was chatting with the girlfriend this weekend about moving in. Will be doing so in the next few months... I need to give a couple months notice to my landlord and I've said I'd give my flatmate a bit more as he's looking to buy somewhere, but he was thinking of next year so it's a little earlier than he thought he'd be looking. Who knew POF would work so well after all those tragic dates I had! My ugly mug and the (obviously blind) girlfriend...
  22. A couple weeks ago a few mates and I did one of these "Escape" challenges, where you're locked in a room and have to carry out tasks in order to get out. Our scenario was this; We'd been sent back in time into a scientist's office in order to obtain the blueprints to the first nuclear bomb. We then had to travel back into the future but the time machine was broken so we had to fix it too. We had 1 hour and... We missed out on the Top 10 by less than a minute but we were only the second team, and the fastest, to have finished it without having any clues! Absolutely loved it, there were plenty of red herrings too which acted as time wasters, it was awesome! I'd very much recommend these types of game to anyone who hasn't done them before.
  23. Good lad, you're doing well mate, keep at it. I, on the other hand, am not going to the gym as much as I should really... and when I do go I'm not doing cardio, which really I should keep on top of too.
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