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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This wouldn't have done. Hell, even one of them would've been more well suited.
  2. ...you know I'm not talking about the new Zelda when I say we should be getting a new game right? Exactly my point, thank you. Even if it has to be a port then another game other than Zelda is needed more. Your example of F-Zero is perfect... although I'd have loved a Waverace Blue Storm port!
  3. There are a few friends I'd like to use the notification for, most definitely! It's very welcome in my eyes.
  4. It still screams laziness to me. We could have had a completely new game. Give that we've already had a Zelda remake and we've a Zelda title coming this year, I'd have much preferred a new game over this. ..especially when I consider I can just put the Wii game into my WiiU and play it. It's possibly the least needed game of any game they could've dug out from ther back catalogue.
  5. Now now guys, don't get overly defensive like they do over the WiiU. That's what tends to start the arguments. He didn't mention the WiiU in his first post, it was you guys that brought it up. In this case Ronnie, you know when friends come online on the PS4 because they appear on the friends list... sure, you have to be looking at the friends list at all times to see, but on the WiiU you can't be in any game and have to be looking at the Gamepad at all times so it's pretty much the same... right?
  6. With both Zelda and the NX to reveal, Nintendo are in the drivers seat for this E3. The only thing that could see them overtaken would be a combination of their own possible shortcomings; NX not being upto industry standard with features & spec, and if Virtual Reality really hits the floor running with games shown. Come on Nintendo, prove the doubters, myself included, wrong!
  7. Yeah I had to make a call, sorry. I love the Sheiva, it's an awesome gun! Stick High Calibur on it, it turns it into a 1-shot headshot! I'd also recommends the long barrel with any assault rifle as it doubles their effective ranges!
  8. Voice chat! ...and then things tend to go to shit. Haha
  9. Open communication is key. Without it then you're just going to end up over-thinking/not knowing etc. and it'll lead to problems as a result. If open communication pushes that person away then they're not right for you. The person that is right will listen and communicate back in turn.
  10. I think the only reason people are so dying to hear about the hardware is because of all the rumours as to what it may be and Nintendo's track record of doing something different with their consoles. I'd personally love to hear about the hardware asap, but I do agree with you that revealing all at once will make for an amazing E3. ...I hope they amaze me, I really do!
  11. Actually, a stage show followed by the Treehouse show with the games and developers would be an awesome E3!
  12. The thing that makes me think so is for the simple reason that if it was a home console then they'd just use a wire as it's cheaper and will have less latency. A home console is generally fixed in its position so a wire makes more sense, whereas with a hybrid you'd not want to mess about with wires if it was inbetween home and on the go.
  13. The HDMI thing gives yet more credence to it being a hybrid. The Iwata quote obviously sways away from this. Yet I'm more inclined to believe the rumour for some reason and think a hybrid is what they're doing...
  14. I'm glad you told him, I couldn't help but read it as though his irritable bowel syndrome had been improving!
  15. Yep, I'll not be buying this game. That's a daft thing they've done there!
  16. I loved this!
  17. Nailed it. Oh boy did they nail it! Loved it completely and was in stitches throughout!
  18. You seen that the trailer has Assassin's Creed IV artwork in it? I'd link but can't be arsed whilst at work.
  19. The X symbolises it being a hybrid, right? :p Street Fighter X Tekken Fire Emblem X SMT Nintendo (home console) X (handheld)
  20. Hmmm, doesn't sound like the game is for me after all. I hardly did any side-quests in Xenoblade and just kept advancing the story. I'd explore and check out the whole map, even to the extent of swimming all over the Eryth Sea, but just not bother with the side-quests.
  21. Also, EA isn't "onboard" with the NX yet, hence the rumoured meeting taking place next month where Ninty and EA will "hash things out".
  22. I've no before/after pics as, contrary to @Blade's comment (the cheeky bugger), I don't actually take many selfies and whatnot. I'm not sure if I have the ticket anymore from when I first weighed myself when I started going to the gym but I'll have a look and see. I'll post my progress as well as times I slack (like yesterday and today) so you can go on at me, haha. Oh, and I don't watch my diet in any way, I'm still eating whatever I fancy... that'll not change! In August (roughly) I weighed in at 79.9kg with 24% body fat, 5'9" in height. My last weigh in was 5th of Feb and it was 82.3kg (if I recall correctly) and 18% body fat..: same height, obviously. ...I must admit, throughout December I didn't go to the gym once and I ate so much crap! Haha
  23. KRad1982... although I'll not really use it too much myself I must admit. I should have you guys grief me on there for my laziness at the gym, I don't go enough, that could be motivation! Haha
  24. I understand but I do agree with you. I don't put on my WiiU as it is so I couldn't care less for BC. Like you, I'd much rather they sacrifice it to better the console!
  25. I can understand because if I get an NX and it's backwards compatible then I can trade in my WiiU.
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