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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I don't think that applies anymore. Both Sony and Microsoft now have the reach to children and don't need Nintendo for this. Also, children are being introduced to gaming through tablets and phones more than Nintendo ever have.
  2. Man City have announced that Guardiola will succeed Pellegrini at the end of the season.
  3. Poor Nintendo can't rely on any region these days! Haha Also, new Battlefield... FUCK YEAH!!! (@Blade)
  4. The visuals make me think of a "coloured-in" Mad World. I think it looks fun, I imagine co-oP would be pretty entertaining!
  5. Haha! I've finished 1 game since this time last year; Splatoon. Although I'd been fed up with gaming and Splatoon didn't do anything to help invigorate me. I've built up a back-log though that's for sure! Haha
  6. I'd love Leicester to win it! More than Kevin Keegan would've loved it!
  7. Nintendo needs a good roll of the dice with NX, if it's not a pair of sixes it's doomed to fail. They have to come out all guns blazing! It's exciting to think about, but also very worrying as we know Nintendo as of the last couple generations haven't even had the gloves on, not considering themselves in competition with Sony & Microsoft.
  8. At the start of last generation it was looked perfectly fine, but toward the end of the WiiU's life it looks terrible. It's just a quick, lazy port to plug the gap whilst they wind down and let the WiiU die. This gen we should've got a Zelda like the tech demo for the WiiU. Hell, Zelda WiiU is almost certainly going to be an NX release title so it's not like we've had a WiiU dedicated Zelda. Nintendo this gen has been a complete let down and missed opportunity! Still TP is one of my favourite Zelda's though. Those dungeons!!!
  9. As much as I feel burnt by the WiiU, I don't think they will. Sure I'd like them to but I can't see it. Unless they change their Virtual Console to a Netflix like service... then I can see them doing a money off the subscription dependant on how many VC games you purchased.
  10. I reckon they will but it won't be a draw like you say, it would need something else. I'm sticking with my guess in the prediction thread.
  11. This is the truth of the matter. Although I'm struggling to think of something unique that will draw an audience: Motion control again? I don't think it'd sell. Touch screen? No. A hybrid? Maybe... this might just be the draw that works. Something else nobody has yet thought of..? But what?! Anyone else have any ideas?
  12. That's giving gamers what they ask for.
  13. Give the gamers and the developers what they ask for and your units will shift. Given it's priced fairly and marketed well too of course.
  14. As I said in another thread...
  15. I've only played through it twice so I can't say it's effected me so. Although if you're doing multiple playthroughs I can see it getting annoying.
  16. It's funny, I never really minded that beginning section as it helped forge bonds to each of the characters, which in turn helped me enjoy the game all the more. Granted this could've been done a different way but I still didn't mind.
  17. I mostly agree with @Zechs Merquise regarding VR. I don't think it'll be one as large as motion controls have/were, but it will have it's place. Although I do think it's going to have health issues too. It may appear and feel like you're in a 3D world but the fact of the matter is you're not. The brain being tricked into perceiving that you are, whilst the actual light your eyes are receiving to process said information coming from one singular, very close, point of origin will not be good for your eyesight. The big thing is that people won't listen to the health warnings or recommended play times etc. Still, I've played with the Rift and it is awesome! I loved it and will probably pick up a Morpheus headset for the PS4, but I don't think it'll be as big a thing or as perfect as we hope.
  18. I'll put this on soon to get the map and buy the weapons I don't have, maybe play a few games on it... but after that it will sink into obscurity once more and the WiiU will continue to gather dust. I'm really gutted about Splatoon. It, like many WiiU games (and the console itself), is a HUGE missed opportunity! It could've been so much better than it was with just a few simple and industry standard (since 2005) tweaks!
  19. I hope I didn't offend, I really didn't mean to, I just couldn't grasp how you'd not see the benefit of a press conference over a Direct... especially for the mass public... @drahkon put it brilliantly. I' not suggesting they can't do both, but given that it'd be cheaper and less time consuming to do just one, I feel the presser is better suited. Again, sorry if I offended.
  20. Brand wars @dazzybee, there's always been an argument... Nintendo vs Sega as it was back in the day, many a playground argument thanks to that. Haha
  21. @Sheikah, why do you have a gripe with the Amiibo healing? @Zechs Merquise is right when he's saying it makes no sense for you to moan if you'll not be using it yourself. Also, "It's catering to laziness and weak will"... what the fuck?! This might be a good thing for some people who struggle with the game, just because you and I don't find it hard it doesn't mean others don't. Saying it's catering to laziness and weak will is a bit of a dickish thing to say. I get the rest of your post and to some extent agree but still, that's not right man.
  22. @Serebii I thought you were supposed to be really intelligent... so how do you not get this?! I'm not meaning to offend, but you've touted your intellect before so I felt it fair to ask. What is it you're not comprehending from what we've all been saying?
  23. I should've elaborated to be fair. If it's just a home console I can't see it doing well. If it's a handheld it'll do moderately, but not as well as the 3DS. I think Nintendo's market is in decline and I think a hybrid, consolidating the consoles, would appeal to more people than two consoles separately would.
  24. A hybrid (of sorts) is the only thing that makes sense to me. I just see it doomed to fail otherwise.
  25. I agree with everything they've said there.
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