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Everything posted by Kav

  1. It's the feeling each give you. Don't underestimate it's importance. With a conference, even though you're not there, you have the feeling you're sharing in the experience because of the crowd reaction. In a Direct you don't have that. You lose that feeling of sharing the experience and that's a problem.
  2. They can but it wouldn't be to their best interest as there are people who would want to watch both live. So do the Conference first for the hype and then the Direct for the follow-up. They can be close together, but shouldn't be at the same time. Also, doing two things at the same time will lead to confusion for some people again. The press will want to cover both, so if the way the messages are delivered are different then differing stories from the press will cause confusion to the public. Whereas if you do the conference first, let the press do their thing to push hype on the public and then do a Direct, the press will report on the Direct with knowledge and an idea of what the system is already, so they can contextualise it based on what they saw in the conference... the press would therefore convey it better to the public.
  3. Because they can approach the delivery of the information in a different way, one that may be more focused on a fun level to appeal to other people, for example... and let's face it, the more they distribute the info the better, so long as it's a clear message they're putting out. They simply have to garner hype for thing or it will flop just as badly, if not moreso, than the WiiU has!
  4. I think a Press Conference is needed. Nintendo needs to garner not just attention toward the NX, but hype towards it. They need the Press to be excited about it and a PC will give this much more than a Direct will... as @Serebii states, it's pretty much only a psychological difference but Nintendo are out of favour with too many people psychologically, so they need to generate hype for the Press for them to then spread. A PC followed by a Direct would be best.
  5. I've seen it countless times but my girlfriend hadn't seen it, so we sat down and watched The Shawshank Redemption. I'm sure everyone knows how good it is. She loved it of course, cried her eyes out at the end.
  6. Urgh, annoying!
  7. I prestiged again last night, permanently unlocked Ghost. Now to unlock everything all over again... urgh! Haha The more I play this, the more custom classes I want. I just wish you could unlock them all more quickly!
  8. There is one very big reason @Serebii... the NX. The NX is reason enough to think they've stopped WiiU game production and are working on NX game production.
  9. That is awful! Only Zelda WiiU interests me. I'm glad I've still got Xenoblade CX to get (need to clear my PS4 backlog first) but really, I can't see me switching my WiiU on for an age now!
  10. Yeah, General Hux hammed it up so much, far too much... he was awful. Just terrible.
  11. That's fair enough @Hero\-of\-Time, but the grind is done to a degree in Monster Hunter that it still feels thoroughly entertaining... whereas other games (Destiny in particular) it can be absolutely shockingly bad! ...that's still all subject to opinion, I do appreciate.
  12. Monster Hunter never really feels like a grind though. Epsecially so as I make use of every single weapon category in the game and don't just stick to one. When it becomes to feel grindy I do stop though.
  13. Grinding is shit. It's the sole reason I stopped played Destiny. The grand in the game is like no other... utter tripe design!
  14. I've not touched Zombies yet, I'll give it a go and try figuring it out with you when we're both on. I was given a tip about controls yesterday that I took up and found it's for the best, although it took getting used to as I played... change the controls to the button layout "bumper jumper tactical". It swaps the jump and tactical grenade buttons, so L1 becomes jump/thrust and X throws your tactical. It also swaps R3 and O, so you crouch/slide with R3 and melee with O. Given that melee isnt a 1-hit kill anymore I find this useful. What it allows is that you can keep aiming whilst jumping and thrusting as you don't have to move your thumb off the right analogue to do so. After you get used to it, it's very handy!
  15. I'm not sure how free I'll be over Xmas as I'm still in work and I'm doing Xmas at the girlfriend's this year but I'm looking forward to gaming with you! Another thing I recommend, whilst you've no got too many scorestreaks unlocked, is to not necessarily use three scorestreaks. Use just the UAV so that everything stacks toward having your enemies appear on the map. When you unlock Counter UAV use that too (although it's unlocked at something like level 34). I tend to go with UAV, Guardian and Hardened Sentry in TDM but both the Guardian and Sentry are unlocked late-ish so I just run a UAV until I unlock them.
  16. There aren't any guns I recommend over others really as the weapons are so well balanced, each are great in there own right. I'd recommend Sixth Sense for Perk 1, Hardline for Perk 2 and Tactical Mask for Perk 3 whilst you're on the lower ranks. Tactical Mask is very handy (unlocked around rank 13 I think) as the tactical grenades are very powerful in this game, much moreso than in other CoDs I've found... make good use of them!
  17. What you say here is the biggest thing. Along with map awareness, which comes with time, knowing where your enemies are likely to be is the biggest thing. Do you tend to use a particular set-up or do you change it up often?
  18. So in January it'll finally be a roughly 3/4 complete game? Yes, it's still far too lacking in features and game modes to be considered near complete! Although I do enjoy it, I just find that it irritates more than gives enjoyment.
  19. I'm not really a fan of Star Trek but I will say one thing... Voyager was awful! God I hated Janeway!
  20. I don't blame Mourinho for the position we're in, we all know his credentials. Yes, he rubs people the wrong way, including myself at times, but he is without doubt a great manager. The players were evidently not playing for him. With the exception of a few they were not playing with their hearts or fighting for the team. I hope the players are ashamed of themselves for what has happened! Absolutely ashamed, as I am of them!
  21. Generally speaking I loved it but one thing really has me angry with it...
  22. Well I've gone through my first prestige, and did prestige too. I must say, this is definitely the best CoD since MW3 and I'm enjoying it just as much, if not more, than MW3 too! It's easily the most well balanced CoD I've played! All the perks, weapons and specialists are fantastically balanced... there's no must-have perk/weapon. Come on lads, you know you want to! Haha
  23. So, still no voice-chat? :p
  24. The Witcher 3 Bloodborne Batman Tearaway Xenoblade
  25. I couldn't care less about trophies and whatnot but thank you for taking the time to do that @Hero\-of\-Time, that's really nice of you man!
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