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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Picked this up for £25 after using reward points on my Grainger Games card. Can't wait to put it on after getting home from my nephew's birthday.
  2. Just played Episode 2 of S1... Holy fucking crap that shit was amazing!
  3. Oh yeah! Haha
  4. We'll it won't go on too soon. I've been at my girlfriend'a this weekend and tomorrow I'm going to a funeral and won't be up for gaming. Tuesday is Battlefront day and so I'll not have too much time for much else, haha.
  5. Don't do it, it's wrong. If my girlfriend cheated on me but the person she cheated on me with didn't know she had a fella, I'd not hold anything against him. If he knew, I'd not just dump her, I'd kick ten shades of shite out of him too.
  6. Amiibo is day 1 DLC too these days!
  7. @MoogleViper I agree with others here, she's not worth your time. Not even apologising, that's just terrible behaviour! Still, at least it means you didn't get told what her vagina looks like and why she wants surgery on it, then asked if you'd cut her with razors. Always look on the bright side..? Haha
  8. If they improve the animation in the game (I'm going off the Game Awards video still) then this will be one of the most beautiful games to have ever been made. It looks lovely! They should've given us a full trailer though.
  9. This is true, I've only just bought the Uncharted Collection and I got The Last of Us on PS4. Although it feels worse from Nintendo as they're practically the only ones supporting the console.
  10. I still maintain that I prefer the look of the original Wind Waker to WWHD. Anyhoo, whereas I love TP, I just think this is Nintendo being lazy again, churning out games that are quick and easy to get out because of the lack of decent content on the console.
  11. 2015 has been the worst year for gaming with Nintendo I've ever had. I have bought only one game for the WiiU this year and will only buy one more. I bought 4 PS4 games today and I've more I want to get still. Nintendo have been so lacklustre this generation!
  12. Well I thought that was lame, no interest in anything but Xenoblade for me. Soooo glad I've got a PS4!
  13. Hey, I'm Manc, I'll have none of this being confused for anything but!
  14. If there are 4 people to play it with, haha.
  15. I never play the campaigns anyway so that doesn't bother me, don't like the sound of the lag-switching in multiplayer though!
  16. Well I let my mate talk me into buying it.
  17. So whilst I was on my lunch at work I decided to pop into Grainger to double-check I had my reservation down for Battlefront, which I do, but then this happened... I'm weak.
  18. I'm up for doing this!
  19. @lostmario, what're your thoughts on this? Given how you're not really a fan of DICE FPS games, will you be getting your fix from this? @Blade, have you given any thought to getting it?
  20. Have you played much of the multiplayer? If so, what is your take on it?
  21. So did anyone pick this up? One of my mates has it and is pestering me to get it... but with BF4 and also Battlefront on the horizon I'm not sure how much I'd play it.
  22. I downloaded both S1 & S2 the other day (S2 thanks to Plus) and played through Episode 1 of S1 last night. Absolutely loving it and can't wait to crack on. Even after just 1 episode I've found myself connecting to and caring about the characters and events more than I ever did in The Last of Us... with regards to crafting a survival horror story, this is more like it!
  23. I'm expecting absolutely nothing to interest me. So I guess if something does then I'll be a little happy...ish.
  24. Popped this on last night after an age of not having played... man I LOVE this game so much! Easily my favourite multiplayer game! It's made me even more excited for Battlefront!
  25. So the world is big then...
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