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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I've known my flatmate 4 years now, he's a Newcastle fan... since meeting him we've won 1 point at St James' Park! Bogey Team.
  2. That looks bloody lovely!
  3. Well things are going great with the girl I've been seeing, I'm crazy about her and it seems she is about me too. All the boxes are being ticked and I'm loving getting to know her completely. ...and no sign of her wanting me to cut her with razors or anything! Haha
  4. Kav


    Thanks for the invite @Agent Gibbs, I must admit I've not touched this still since the first set of DLC came out, haha. I'm still only level 30 and still need to play the second set of DLC! I'm not free this weekend though so I'll have to decline, thanks though!
  5. Yeah I guess that's true, I'm just annoyed at Costa's antics and hope it stops him from carrying them on (it won't though).
  6. Gabriel's ban overturned and Costa given 3 match ban. Fair I'd say. Also, Lewandowski, take a bow! He's scored 5 goals in exactly 9 minutes!!! Haha, just beat me to it. Incredible isn't it?! BBC are reporting it as exactly 9 minutes, to the second.
  7. The BBC aren't always neutral on news they report and they also don't report all the news. The reporting on fighting in Gaza has a bias towards Israel and they're not even reporting Pig-gate.
  8. In all honesty, I'm just not gaming at all, on any console. I'm just never in the mood to do so lately.
  9. Well I had the year from Hell last year so I just wanted a better year, no specific resolutions, I just needed to keep moving on. To be fair this year has been good to me so far, there are still things that are with me from last year and will be for a while but I'm looking forward and thinking positively.
  10. As I Chelsea fan I still just about like Costa, but I do wish that he'd cut out all the moaning, winding up, dirty play and just focus on his football. It's evident that he's got bags of talent and half the time he wastes it by doing things he shouldn't be instead of just getting his head down and getting on with it. I love Mourinho though, even though he's a git, he's bloody great and I'd not change him!
  11. Kav

    Star Fox Zero

    Let's see if Nintendo are able to prove that you can polish a turd!
  12. One Piece chapter 800... Oh yes! This arc has been fantastic! Probably not quite on Enies Lobby level but so damn close! Oda...
  13. Van Gaal's record at United is now worse than David Moyes' and he's spent 5 times more money than Moyes. In other news, Chelsea are still shit this season... yes, I know, haha.
  14. I'm unsure on it, we can only see how things go. On the one hand he's worked in the west so could have a better attitude toward the marketplace here, on the other he's quite old and may possibly be in the mindset of typical old Nintendo (which isn't good).
  15. Drop Ivanovic and Fabregas. They're the biggest underperformers. Switch Azpilicueta to right back (his actual position) with this Rahman on the left and put Zouma in defensive mid next to Matic as a foil as Matic isn't playing too well either and needs some help. As the 3 ahead of them he could use any of Hazard, Pedro, Oscar or Willian... maybe even Ramires. Or, use some younger players as Emerald says, Loftus-Cheek could do a job.
  16. Mourinho has to drop players now, in large he's stood by them and given them a run to see if they rediscover their form but they've had their chance. He needs to swap out a few and see if that gives them a kick up the backside.
  17. I've not used it too much but it's an absolute killing machine when you use it well with the Disrupter Sub! Stick on clothes to give you Ink Saver Sub and you can terrorise with it!
  18. He had to sign... "Sign for us or don't play all year and miss your chance to play in the Euro's as a result." It worked out brilliantly for United!
  19. I honestly think it's just to boost their confidence or ego. They want to feel the attention but not take it anywhere other than that. Or perhaps they're feeling down, after a break-up maybe, and just want to see how it could be for them getting back on the dating scene. Whatever the reason there are a few of them out there like that. In other news I'm off out with friends later and the girl I've been dating is coming along too... the friend test! Haha It's only been a month since we started dating, maybe 6 or 7 weeks since we started chatting but there's just that little something about her... she's great... I hope this works out! Haha
  20. I can see why you'd argue that but the reason I think that way is because I just see future Nintendo console sales declining further and further.
  21. Iwata did well in recognising that Nintendo were in decline and brought them back into the limelight with the Wii but failed to see how to push on from there, so yes, he did both good and bad. Good for short term, bad in the long-term.
  22. A few pics from my mates wedding day, had a great night with my mates, drinking good whiskey and having celebratory cigars!
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